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An Evaluation Financial Performance of The International Bank for Trade and Finance by Used Financial Ratios

تقييم الأداء المالي للمصرف الدولي للتجارة و التمويل باستخدام النسب المالية ( دراسة حالة )

1859   11   79   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
  fields Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The study aimed to evaluate the financial performance of the International Bank for Trade and Finance during the period (2010- 2015), the financial ratios (ROI, ROE, P/E) were used, which Return on Investment, Return on Equity, and Price to Earnings Ratio. Also these ratios were connected with the marketing value of the share to determine their ability to explain the changes in price.

References used
AL KARIM, R., TAMIMA, A.,2013-An Evaluation of Financial Performance of Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh: Ratio Analysis, Journal of Business Studies Quarterly , Volume 5, Number,Pp: 66-77
BARENTSEN, D., 2012-The Impact of Supply Chain on Corporate Performance: Improving Supply Chain Efficiency and Increasing Profitability, Master Thesis in MSc.Finance , AARHUS, P.37
BOTCHKAREV, A., PETER, A., 2011- A Return on Investment as a Matric for Evaluating Information System: Taxonomy and Application, Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, Toronto, Canada, Vol. 6, Pp: 246-269

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
هدفت الدراسة إلى تقييم الأداء المالي للمصرف الدولي للتجارة والتمويل خلال الفترة من 2010 إلى 2015 باستخدام النسب المالية مثل العائد على الاستثمار (ROI)، العائد على حقوق الملكية (ROE)، ومضاعف ربحية السهم (P/E). تم تحليل هذه النسب وربطها بالقيمة السوقية للسهم لتحديد قدرتها على تفسير التغيرات في السعر. أظهرت النتائج أن هذه النسب المالية لا تستطيع تفسير التغيرات في القيمة السوقية للسهم عند تطبيقها بشكل منفرد، ولكن عند استخدامها مجتمعة، فإنها تفسر 99% من التغيرات. أوصت الدراسة بضرورة الاعتماد على النسب المالية مجتمعة لتقييم الأداء المالي وعدم اعتبارها مؤشرات متقادمة، وأيضاً بضرورة إجراء التحليلات المالية اللازمة لتقييم سعر السهم عند اتخاذ القرار الاستثماري.
Critical review
تقدم الدراسة نظرة شاملة ومفصلة حول استخدام النسب المالية في تقييم الأداء المالي للمصرف الدولي للتجارة والتمويل. ومع ذلك، يمكن انتقادها من عدة جوانب. أولاً، الاعتماد الكبير على النسب المالية قد يتجاهل عوامل أخرى مؤثرة مثل الظروف الاقتصادية والسياسية التي قد تؤثر على أداء المصرف. ثانياً، الدراسة لم تتناول بشكل كافٍ تأثير العوامل الخارجية مثل التغيرات في السوق العالمية أو السياسات الحكومية. أخيراً، كان من الممكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر شمولية إذا تضمنت مقارنة مع مصارف أخرى في نفس القطاع لتقديم رؤية أوسع.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي النسب المالية التي استخدمتها الدراسة لتقييم الأداء المالي للمصرف الدولي للتجارة والتمويل؟

    استخدمت الدراسة النسب المالية التالية: العائد على الاستثمار (ROI)، العائد على حقوق الملكية (ROE)، ومضاعف ربحية السهم (P/E).

  2. ما هي الفترة الزمنية التي غطتها الدراسة لتقييم الأداء المالي للمصرف الدولي للتجارة والتمويل؟

    غطت الدراسة الفترة الزمنية من عام 2010 إلى عام 2015.

  3. ما هي النتيجة الرئيسية التي توصلت إليها الدراسة بشأن قدرة النسب المالية على تفسير التغيرات في القيمة السوقية للسهم؟

    توصلت الدراسة إلى أن النسب المالية لا تستطيع تفسير التغيرات في القيمة السوقية للسهم عند تطبيقها بشكل منفرد، ولكن عند استخدامها مجتمعة، فإنها تفسر 99% من التغيرات.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة بناءً على نتائجها؟

    أوصت الدراسة بضرورة الاعتماد على النسب المالية مجتمعة لتقييم الأداء المالي وعدم اعتبارها مؤشرات متقادمة، وأيضاً بضرورة إجراء التحليلات المالية اللازمة لتقييم سعر السهم عند اتخاذ القرار الاستثماري.

rate research

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This research deals with evaluating the financial performance of Syria International Islamic Bank during the period 2008-2012 through the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the most important components of the financial statements of the ba nk, which include: analysis of assets (uses of funds). Analysis of liabilities (sources of funds). Analysis of own resources, namely: (analysis of capital stock paid, analyzing reserves, retained earnings analysis, analysis of property rights). Analysis of external resources (deposits). Investment analysis. Analysis of revenue. Profitability Analysis. Analysis of financial solvency. Using statistical methods appropriate average annual change, and the average growth rate, and simple regression, was reached following results: 1 - grow assets (uses of funds) at an increasing rate, and this demonstrates the ability of Syria International Islamic Bank to generate future cash flows, including it with high efficiency in its financial performance. 2 - grow liabilities ( sources of funds) increased continuously, and this indicates that the bank is the process of attracting deposits and development, as a result of the confidence gained by depositors which will reflect positively on its financial performance. 3- Revenue achieved high growth rates in most of the years of study and was Murabaha istisna, and leave ended Bittamleek formulas are used within the revenue from financing activities. 4 - low rates of investment grow with time in most years of the study, where there is an Islamic investment Kalmzarah formats and Musaqah. and the other did not enter the bank yet, as there are some formulas entered the bank in a limited way Kalmdharbh and participation.
The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of preparing the financial statements through International Accounting Standard /29/ on the financial analysis through ratios, since the increase in the inflation rate affects social and econom ic aspects, the purchasing power of cash had been decreased, so the financial statement of the listed companies in the Syrian Stock Exchange didn't show the right position of these companies because it didn't take into consideration the changes in purchasing power even they are in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), so it wouldn't be possible to rely on it for making decision, when use the financial analysis which is one of the methods to help the financial statement user for their decision.
The study aims to evaluate the financial performance of Islamic banks in Syria by using financial ratios during the periods (2009_2015), and study the factors affecting on financial performance of those banks. This was based on studying the relati onship between financial performance evaluation as dependent variable measured by (return on assets, return on equity, return on deposits, and earnings per share) and the following independent variables (deposits, investment, liquidity and risk, profitability, and crisis in Syria). The study employed the methods of Panel Data through estimating Pooled Regression and Fixed Effects Models. The study concluded that there is a significant positive relation between the investment and the bank financial performance evaluation. There is a significant negative relation between the profitability and the bank financial performance evaluation. And there is no significant relation between (the deposits, the liquidity and risk, the crises) and the financial performance evaluation in Islamic banks in Syria.
The merger and acquisition operations has been preferred choice for banks to grow and becoming big .It got its importance in the world of partnership today due to the sever competition in the business environment. This paper is an attempt to evalua te the impact of merger on the financial performance of bank Sradar that merged with bank Audi in 2004 to formulate the Audi-Sradar banking group for private services. The evaluation is conducted by applying the most recent model for financial analysis-the CAMEL model- that measures the bank performance based on indicators such as the adequacy of capital, the quality of assets, the efficiency of management, the quality of earnings and liquidity. The study spans the period from 2000 to 2008. The study period is divided into the pre and post merger periods. The data is primarily collected from the annual reports. The results reveal that there is an improvement in the financial performance of Sradar bank in the post merger period for most of the indicators in the CAMEL model.
This research mainly aims to study the relationship between the cash management for future financial performance of a sample of securities included in the Syrian Commission on Financial Markets companies. With the assumption that there is an optim al level of cash (expected and necessary level of operations and investment), and then it was determined that level and calculating deviations of the actual level of cash for optimum value and the study of the relationship between those distractions future financial performance. Among the most important results that have been reached that the research is to increase the actual level of cash will improve the future profitability of the facility, showing that the monetary deviations from the optimal level does not significantly affect the .future financial performance.

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