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يقوم البنك المركزي بالرقابة على الودائع و الائتمان للحفاظ على حقوق المودعين و الحفاظ على استقرار العملة الوطنية. و نظراً إلى أن المصارف الإسلامية تخضع لهذه الرقابة فإن هذا يؤثر فيها إيجابياً في بعض النواحي و سلبياً في نواحي أخرى؛ و ذلك بسبب طبيعة ودا ئع هذه المصارف و خصوصيتها و أساليب تمويلها. و في إطار ذلك هدف الباحث إلى دراسة أثر رقابة البنك المركزي في الودائع و الائتمان في المصارف الإسلامية بالتطبيق على بنك سورية الدولي الإسلامي، من خلال عرض حجم النشاطات الاستثمارية و التمويلية فيه، و تطبيق القوانين المفروضة عليه بوصفه مصرفاً خاصاً من جملة المصارف الخاصة، و أثر ذلك في بنك سورية الدولي الإسلامي. و في ضوء ذلك يوصي الباحث بأن يستخدم المصرف المركزي أسلوباً رقابياً نوعياً خاصاً بالمصارف الإسلامية، و استغلال الاحتياطيات النقدية المودعة لدى المركزي عن طريق عقد اتفاقيات بين المصرفين لاستغلال هذه الأموال.
The study aimes at of measuring customer's satisfaction about the quality of Islamic banking services, "field study for Syria International Islamic Bank," It identifies the extent of customer's satisfaction for the quality of the services that are offered by the bank under study. It reveals the benefits that can be obtained by Syria International Islamic Bank from measuring the quality of its services, and work to develop them, reaching to basic goal which is increasing its market share to maximize its profitability.
This research deals with evaluating the financial performance of Syria International Islamic Bank during the period 2008-2012 through the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the most important components of the financial statements of the ba nk, which include: analysis of assets (uses of funds). Analysis of liabilities (sources of funds). Analysis of own resources, namely: (analysis of capital stock paid, analyzing reserves, retained earnings analysis, analysis of property rights). Analysis of external resources (deposits). Investment analysis. Analysis of revenue. Profitability Analysis. Analysis of financial solvency. Using statistical methods appropriate average annual change, and the average growth rate, and simple regression, was reached following results: 1 - grow assets (uses of funds) at an increasing rate, and this demonstrates the ability of Syria International Islamic Bank to generate future cash flows, including it with high efficiency in its financial performance. 2 - grow liabilities ( sources of funds) increased continuously, and this indicates that the bank is the process of attracting deposits and development, as a result of the confidence gained by depositors which will reflect positively on its financial performance. 3- Revenue achieved high growth rates in most of the years of study and was Murabaha istisna, and leave ended Bittamleek formulas are used within the revenue from financing activities. 4 - low rates of investment grow with time in most years of the study, where there is an Islamic investment Kalmzarah formats and Musaqah. and the other did not enter the bank yet, as there are some formulas entered the bank in a limited way Kalmdharbh and participation.

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