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The degree of faculty members’ satisfaction’s on academic and applied campus climate at Jordanian universities: A Comparative study

مستوى رضا أعضاء هيئة التدريس عن المناخ الجامعي الأكاديمي و التطبيقي المهني في الجامعات الأردنية: دراسة مقارنة

2250   1   15   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2006
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study aims to evaluate the faculty members’ satisfaction’s (270 faculty members) on the campus climate at academic and applied universities in Jordan as perceived by faculty members. Also, it aims to investigate the effect of gender, academic rank, and experience factors in evaluating campus climate. By using an arithmetic mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, and t-test to investigate the indication of the study sample response, the study concludes that evaluation of campus climate at academic and applied universities as perceived by faculty members is, in general, medium. Faculty members were more satisfied in applied campus climate than academic climate. Based on the t-test analysis, differences in campus climate were found for academic rank, experience in higher education. But there were no differences for gender. Finally implications for practice are provided for higher education institutions to improve campus climate.

References used
ديفيز، كيث .( 1974 ). السلوك الإنساني في العمل: دراسة العلاقات الإنسانية والسلوك الإنساني. ترجمة د. عبد الحميد مرسي، و د. محمد اسماعيل يوسف، دار نهضة مصر للطباعة والنشر، القاهرة.
الصباغ، زهير، وقواقزة، جديع، والضامن، وحيد.( 1982 ). المناخ التنظيمي في دوائر مدينة اربد وأثره في اتجاهات العاملين. عمان، معهد الإدارة العامة.
Armstrong, W.B.; & Carty, H.M. (2001). Analyzing the relationship between perceptions of the research university campus climate and student outcomes: An exploratory analysis. ERIC Document ED 469 584
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