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أساليب المعاملة الوالدية كما يدركها الأبناء و علاقتها بتقدير الذات لدى عينة من المراهقين في مدينة حمص

2922   6   103   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2018
  fields Education
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The aim of the current research is to explore the relationship between parental treatment styles as perceived by adolescents and self-esteem, as well as to identify the differences between males and females in both parenting and self-esteem between parental treatment styles, and the impact between parental treatment styles and gender interaction on self-esteem.

References used
Anthonysmay, A., and Zimmer-Gembeck, M,. (2007). Peer status and self-esteem, Current Psychology, 29 (2), 135-143
Babore, Alessandra., Trumello, Carmen,. Candelori, Carla,. Paciello, Marinella,.and Cerniglia, Luca. (2016). Depressive Symptoms, Self-Esteem and Perceived Parent–Child Relationship in Early Adolescence - Frontiers in Psychology ; 7: 982. 28
Barry, C.T., Frick, P.J., Killian, A.L.(2003). Relation of Narcissism and self-Estee to Conduct Problems in Children: preliminary Investigation. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology , Vol. 32, No. 1, 139–152
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This research aims to determine : 1-The Styles of Parental Dealing as the normal and abnormal adolescents remember it. 2-The difference between the normal and abnormal adolescents in the styles of parental dealing. 3-The difference between mothers and fathers in the styles of parental dealing as the adolescents remember it.
The present study aimed at revealing the relationship between problem solving styles, and Personality Disorders among secondary school students. The sample of study consists of 350 students (177 males, 173 females) in some High School Students in Homs City. The researcher has used the following tools: The test of problem solving styles, which the present researcher had designed, And The test of Personality disorders which Mario Rahhal had designed and the present researcher had re-normalized it to High School Students.
The current study aims at revealing the body dysmorphic disorder and its relation to self-esteem among cosmetic surgery clinic visitors in the county of Homs in the light of the following independent variables: sex and age, using the correlative d escriptive methodology. For the purpose of achieving the goals of the study, the researcher applied the body dysmorphic disorder criterion together with the self-esteem criterion to a sample of 200 visitors to the cosmetic surgery clinics.
This research aim at present to detective the correlation between Parental Acceptance-Rejection as the children perceived it and its relationship to Self-assurance, as well as to detect differences between the average scores students according to the following change (specialization of academic and sex) among the students the University. To achieve this goal has been to use the following tools: Questionnaire to measure the Parental Acceptance-Rejection of the preparation of (Ronald Rohner,1988) and the questionnaire to measure of Self-assurance of the preparation of researcher. The study sample consists of (381) male and female students from Hamah University.
Aim of the research to identify the relationship between social fear and methods of parental treatment in a sample of outstanding students in the province of Damascus, and the know of the differences among a sample search individuals in the social fear and parental treatment methods according to the variables (sex, and number of family members). The sample of the research (452) students from excelling selected purposely from my school (secondary valiant for high achievers in Mezze, and secondary valiant for high achievers in the channels), and dish them Standart social fear and methods of parental treatment and are prepared by the researcher after they were tested for their validity and reliability.

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