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Epistemological knowledge when Karl Popper

المعرفة الأبستمولوجية عند كارل بوبر

4486   4   130   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Karl Popper’s philosophy of science is considered a true portrayal of developments that have contributed to the development of philosophy in the twentieth century, which bridged the gap between the natural and social sciences. This rapprochement between the natural and social sciences has established Popper's philosophy, whether in the scientific method or theory of knowledge. Philosophy of Popper has raised a huge wave of support on the one hand and another wave of opposition like the various major philosophical currents, and these discrepancies in favor of the philosophy of Popper and the opposition to him raised philosophical and scientific new problems, which have enriched the philosophy of science in the twentieth century.

References used
1Kuhn .T.The Road since Structure.J.Conant and J.Haugelend. Chicago.University of Chicago press.2000
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The nature of scientific progress and the rationality of scientific change lie at the centre of Karl Popper’s and Thomas Kuhn’s thought. This paper provides an analysis of the Popper - Kuhn debate over those issues; according to which, Kuhn is por trayed as subjectivist and relativist, while Popper emerges as objectivist and realist. The paper is divided into three parts. Popper’s claims regarding scientific progress and rationality are examined in Part One. It is argued that Popper’s philosophy is inherently value-driven, while defending the objective characteristics of scientific truth. Part Two explores Kuhn’s conception of science, of the rationality of science and scientific progress. Kuhn argued that knowledge is relative only to the accepted paradigm. Part Three is taken up with a comparative discussion of the main issues related to the Kuhn - Popper debate.
The research addressed a critical analytical study of the moral basis of scientific knowledge from the viewpoint of the contemporary philosopher of science Karl popper, throughout his opinion on the fact that scientific knowledge is incomplete when not based on cognitive approach and moral content which protect it from slipping and error, stressing the close relationship and the strong correlation between knowledge and ethics, which if deviated affected the standards of science as a whole. Results showed that knowledge, generally, is everyone's right to possess, threr resides the truth, and to reach this truth there must be many methodologies, says popper, the most important of which is the critical approach and rational dialog, by which we realize that the human makes mistakes and, consequently, his knowledge may be wrong, and to access the real scientific knowledge the skeptical approach should be followed in which the premise is tested in different ways. Popper pointed out that the insightful human recipient can exercise these logical operations, and the insightful human is naturaly forgivable non- fanatic, open to criticism, non-monopolistic of knowledge and therefore the basis of knowledge is purely ethical, without which knowledge loses its meaning and credibility.
Knowledge data are massive and widespread in the real-world, which can serve as good external sources to enrich conversations. However, in knowledge-grounded conversations, current models still lack the fine-grained control over knowledge selection a nd integration with dialogues, which finally leads to the knowledge-irrelevant response generation problems: 1) knowledge selection merely relies on the dialogue context, ignoring the inherent knowledge transitions along with conversation flows; 2) the models often over-fit during training, resulting with incoherent response by referring to unrelated tokens from specific knowledge content in the testing phase; 3) although response is generated upon the dialogue history and knowledge, the models often tend to overlook the selected knowledge, and hence generates knowledge-irrelevant response. To address these problems, we proposed to explicitly model the knowledge transition in sequential multi-turn conversations by abstracting knowledge into topic tags. Besides, to fully utilizing the selected knowledge in generative process, we propose pre-training a knowledge-aware response generator to pay more attention on the selected knowledge. In particular, a sequential knowledge transition model equipped with a pre-trained knowledge-aware response generator (SKT-KG) formulates the high-level knowledge transition and fully utilizes the limited knowledge data. Experimental results on both structured and unstructured knowledge-grounded dialogue benchmarks indicate that our model achieves better performance over baseline models.
The design of expressive representations of entities and relations in a knowledge graph is an important endeavor. While many of the existing approaches have primarily focused on learning from relational patterns and structural information, the intrin sic complexity of KG entities has been more or less overlooked. More concretely, we hypothesize KG entities may be more complex than we think, i.e., an entity may wear many hats and relational triplets may form due to more than a single reason. To this end, this paper proposes to learn disentangled representations of KG entities - a new method that disentangles the inner latent properties of KG entities. Our disentangled process operates at the graph level and a neighborhood mechanism is leveraged to disentangle the hidden properties of each entity. This disentangled representation learning approach is model agnostic and compatible with canonical KG embedding approaches. We conduct extensive experiments on several benchmark datasets, equipping a variety of models (DistMult, SimplE, and QuatE) with our proposed disentangling mechanism. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach substantially improves performance on key metrics.
In Mohammad Abed Al- Jaberi's point of view, heritage needs an epistemological reading, that requires digging in its depth to rebuild it, reform it, and reconnect with it. Therefore, Jaberi's epistemological reading is based on his conviction tha t renewing the Arabic thinking and criticizing the Arabic mind can't be done only by the invitation to using new methods and explaining them, but also needs to be logically used in the study of our heritage and analyzed in a way that suits this usage- Form this point, the new method that depends on examining the texts of heritage that was inspired from the postmodernists European method in reading the text and then going beyond that to reestablishing it was a great victory for the scientific spirit and a setting for the dialogue morals.
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