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Augmenting Knowledge-grounded Conversations with Sequential Knowledge Transition

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Knowledge data are massive and widespread in the real-world, which can serve as good external sources to enrich conversations. However, in knowledge-grounded conversations, current models still lack the fine-grained control over knowledge selection and integration with dialogues, which finally leads to the knowledge-irrelevant response generation problems: 1) knowledge selection merely relies on the dialogue context, ignoring the inherent knowledge transitions along with conversation flows; 2) the models often over-fit during training, resulting with incoherent response by referring to unrelated tokens from specific knowledge content in the testing phase; 3) although response is generated upon the dialogue history and knowledge, the models often tend to overlook the selected knowledge, and hence generates knowledge-irrelevant response. To address these problems, we proposed to explicitly model the knowledge transition in sequential multi-turn conversations by abstracting knowledge into topic tags. Besides, to fully utilizing the selected knowledge in generative process, we propose pre-training a knowledge-aware response generator to pay more attention on the selected knowledge. In particular, a sequential knowledge transition model equipped with a pre-trained knowledge-aware response generator (SKT-KG) formulates the high-level knowledge transition and fully utilizes the limited knowledge data. Experimental results on both structured and unstructured knowledge-grounded dialogue benchmarks indicate that our model achieves better performance over baseline models.

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