تتعددُ المنابعُ التي نزعَتْ بابن خفاجة إلى التعلقِ بالمرأةِ, و التي تركَتْ آثارَها البارزةَ في نفسه, مما دفعهُ إلى خوضِ غمارِ تجربةِ الحبِّ بطريقةٍ خاصةٍ, و قد تعالقَتْ تلك المنابع مع بعضها لتكوّن نسيجاً متكاملاً طغَتْ فيه ذاتُ الشاعرِ المفعمةِ بالعاطفة على إرهاصاتِ الواقعِ الخارجيِّ, و هو لمْ يتركْ محيطَه هرباً من الأوضاعِ الاجتماعيةِ و السياسيةِ المتردّيةِ, بل اتّجهَ نحوَ أعماقِ ذاتِهِ ثائراً على تلك الأوضاعِ رافضاً لها, فصوّرفي أثناء رسم لوحاتِهِ الفنيةِ علاقته مع المرأةِ مستوحياً من الطبيعةِ ملامحَ رؤيته النفسيةِ الخاصّةِ لتغدوَ المرأةُ مفهوماً حسياً و مجرّداً في الوقتِ ذاتِهِ راحَ يبثّه أصدقَ العواطفِ و أحرّها. لذلك كان لزوماً أن نتعرفَ على العواملِ التي شكلت بواعثَ تجربته مع المرأةِ و إشكاليةِ وجودها في شعرِهِ, و فيحياته .
و تجربةُ ابن خفاجةَ الغزليةِ و علاقتهِ بالمرأةِ تعودُ إلى عواملَ متصلة بالظروفِ السياسيةِ و الاجتماعيةِ التي ميزتْ عصرَه, و أخرى ذاتيةٍ متعلقةٍ بشخصيته المتميزةِ, وقد ساعدتْ هذه العواملُ على تشكيلِ هذه التجربةِ لدى الشاعرِ و تطورِها و نضجِها.
Many sources have urged IbnKhafajah to be so keen on woman, which had so clear
impact on his soul, and this has led him to experience love in a distinctive manner. Those
factors have overlapped with each other to form an integrated fabric, Which has been
overwhelmed by the poet's passionate soul against the harbingers external reality. He hasn't
left his surroundings to escape the deteriorated political and social conditions. However, he
turned toward the depth of his soul, rebelling against those conditions and refusing them.
Throughout his artistic pictures, he has drawn his relation with woman taking from nature
his own distinctive psychological view. Therefore, woman becomes a sensory and merely
concept at the same time. He has started to gift it the most sincere and hottest emotions. So,
it has been crucial to realise the factors that which have shaped the motives of his own
experience with woman and problematic of her existence in in his poetry and his life.
IbnKhafajah's flirtatious experience and his relation with woman are to with factors
connected with political and social conditions that have distinguished his era, and others;
inner, related to his distinctive personality. These factors have helped to shape this
experience for the poet and develop and matur it.
References used
ابن الآبار . التكملة لكتاب الصلة , د . ت
تجور, د. فاطمة. المرأة في الشعر الاموي, منشورات اتحاد الكتاب, 1999م.
This research depends on one main idea: it is the influence of
oriental Arab literature on Andalusi Literature. This idea has been shown
with an Arabic poet Ibn Khafaja, who seems very influenced by Arabic
poems in the East (Iraq & Cham).
It seem
Women shared men in the cultural aspects of life during the Abbasid
ear, by proving to be famous poets and authors.
A group of women were very creative in poetry through its various
topics, such as praise, criticism and other topics.
In Prose, wo
This research aims, through following the image of the woman
in Ibrahim Naji's poetry, at exploring the resources that
affected its writing. This aim is fulfilled by studying his love
poems, the poems .
Our old poetry is still attracting us by its meaning, structure and pectorial methods, and it
opens up in front of us prospects of study and research.
How much the researchers studied its solid peaks, and they are still discovering in its
We studied in this research in the predicative deletion and what it relates to in Ebn Hani Alandalusi’s poetry, we studied first topics of deletion in predicate, so we started to study the deletion of the enunciative and its implications, then delet