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The delete in the Ebn Haneaa Al- Andalosy Poet

الحذف في شعر ابن هانئ الأندلسي

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 Publication date 2014
  fields Literature
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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We studied in this research in the predicative deletion and what it relates to in Ebn Hani Alandalusi’s poetry, we studied first topics of deletion in predicate, so we started to study the deletion of the enunciative and its implications, then delete the verb, and we studied Secondly the deletion of subject and its implications, we started deleting the inchoative, and the object, then with regard to predication, such as deleting adjective and discrimination , and we had enough with some examples to show what required, the controls of the search led us to these limits, depending on a set of more than few of sources and references, the first was explanation of the divan of Ibn Hani, but we have adopted the explanation without the divan as we could not get documented edition, as the explanation contained all of his poems without exception, and characterized by a good scientific investigation and careful organization.

References used
ارتشاف الضرب من لسان العرب: لأبي حيان الأندلسي،تحقيق: د. مصطفى أحمد النحاس ط1 1984م
الإيجاز لأسرار كتاب الطراز في علوم حقائق الإعجاز (من العلوم البيانية والأساليب القرآنية): يحيى بن حمزة العلوي، تحقيق: د. بن عيسى باطاهر، دار المدار الإسلامي، ط1 2007
أمالي ابن الشجري : ابن الشجري ، تحقيق ودراسة د. محمود الطناحي ، مكتبة الخانجي بالقاهرة ، ط1 1992م
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This research depends on one main idea: it is the influence of oriental Arab literature on Andalusi Literature. This idea has been shown with an Arabic poet Ibn Khafaja, who seems very influenced by Arabic poems in the East (Iraq & Cham). It seem s that this poet declared that he followed specified steps of other poets, sometimes he was influenced indirectly, and that is what this research is going to clear.
This research presents a study about the Structure of knowledge in Ibn Hadad Al Andalusy's poetry, he is one of the most prominent poets in Andalusia. The poetry is a linguistic structure that depends on two things: knowledge and Art.
The poems of male flirtation formed a great part in the volume of poetry . There were a lot of motivation that illuminated it's roots , and the most important types of these motives are the psychological and artistic motives that is represented in the love of some poets for slaves and fliratating of them . Some of the poets ran after beauty and embodying it where ever it was . The social motive which contributed in pubuLarising and spreading it largely , Among different groups of Andolesian people . Ibn Al-buni was . One of the most important poet who devoted most of his poems for that purpose . Ibn Albuni " is slaves lover " as he was described by people in his time . He talked to us in his poems " The male " a bout real facts and lived events .
This research studies the phenomena of "Al-Tadweer" and "Al- Tadmeen" in the poetry of Ibn Al- Nakeeb, and paves the way for subsequent discussion by defining them and examining their terminology, then summarizes the critics views on them. After examining these two terms practically, the research concludes that the cultural environment had noticeable impact on disseminating them generally and in the poetry of Ibn Al-Nakeeb particularly.
This research aims to figure out the influence of proverbs in Ebn _ Zydoun,s literature .proverbs had been a rich source of literary experience sources for Ebn _Zydoun.Proverbs gave him huge ability to understand the human experience ,which is c onsidered on essential stanchion to fulfil self_experience for him. This research begins with a brief introduction about proverbs . Then it spotlights some aspects of Ebn_Zydoun.s life ,after that it moves to show most used proverbs ,which Ebn_Zydoun used in prose and poetry.He intended to invest their contents to serve his literature . This reveals rich Arabic culture the auther has had.
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