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Oriental Influence in the Poetry of the Andalusian Poet Ibn Khafaja

الأثر المشرقي في شعر ابن خفاجة الأندلسي

2942   6   115   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2008
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research depends on one main idea: it is the influence of oriental Arab literature on Andalusi Literature. This idea has been shown with an Arabic poet Ibn Khafaja, who seems very influenced by Arabic poems in the East (Iraq & Cham). It seems that this poet declared that he followed specified steps of other poets, sometimes he was influenced indirectly, and that is what this research is going to clear.

References used
الديلمي، مهيار أبو الحسن مهيار بن مرزويه. ديوان مهيار الديلمي. القاهرة: دار . الكتب المصرية، 1925
الصنوبري، أبو بكر أحمد بن محمد بن الحسن الضبي. ديوان الصنوبري. بيروت: . دار الثقافة، 1970
حجاجي، حمدان. باقة من شعر ونثر الحنان ابن خفاجة الأندلسي. باريس، 1983
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This research presents a study about the Structure of knowledge in Ibn Hadad Al Andalusy's poetry, he is one of the most prominent poets in Andalusia. The poetry is a linguistic structure that depends on two things: knowledge and Art.
We studied in this research in the predicative deletion and what it relates to in Ebn Hani Alandalusi’s poetry, we studied first topics of deletion in predicate, so we started to study the deletion of the enunciative and its implications, then delet e the verb, and we studied Secondly the deletion of subject and its implications, we started deleting the inchoative, and the object, then with regard to predication, such as deleting adjective and discrimination , and we had enough with some examples to show what required, the controls of the search led us to these limits, depending on a set of more than few of sources and references, the first was explanation of the divan of Ibn Hani, but we have adopted the explanation without the divan as we could not get documented edition, as the explanation contained all of his poems without exception, and characterized by a good scientific investigation and careful organization.
Could art Budaiya to find a prominent place in the media rhetoric belonging to the artistic statement and meanings, This art was soon later to become an art in itself exists independently, However, the difficulty of the configuration process and th e evolution of the hand, Great development of the long-arts Budaiya after entering the field of rhetoric on the other hand, This led to the rhetorical differences on the labels of many of these arts, As well as on the enrollment of some magnificent arts and other arts, as annexation Epanalepsis to Echoing. Or make the opposite switch kind of the Epanalepsis. And other confusion in terminology and the complexity of the labels. The Epanalepsis and one of those arts that revolved around the views rhetorical. It is the art of repetition texture Bdiei, However, this repetition does not stop at the level of vocabulary words, Nor the characters and movements, But beyond that to form the most present in the line of poetry rhythmic and semantic side, This research will talk about those semantic and rhythmic aspects of this art, And through the application addressed to the poems Andalusian(Ahmad ibn Abd Rabbo,246-328), That was the rhythms and tonalities export Remember well attended by it.
The poems of male flirtation formed a great part in the volume of poetry . There were a lot of motivation that illuminated it's roots , and the most important types of these motives are the psychological and artistic motives that is represented in the love of some poets for slaves and fliratating of them . Some of the poets ran after beauty and embodying it where ever it was . The social motive which contributed in pubuLarising and spreading it largely , Among different groups of Andolesian people . Ibn Al-buni was . One of the most important poet who devoted most of his poems for that purpose . Ibn Albuni " is slaves lover " as he was described by people in his time . He talked to us in his poems " The male " a bout real facts and lived events .
Many sources have urged IbnKhafajah to be so keen on woman, which had so clear impact on his soul, and this has led him to experience love in a distinctive manner. Those factors have overlapped with each other to form an integrated fabric, Which ha s been overwhelmed by the poet's passionate soul against the harbingers external reality. He hasn't left his surroundings to escape the deteriorated political and social conditions. However, he turned toward the depth of his soul, rebelling against those conditions and refusing them. Throughout his artistic pictures, he has drawn his relation with woman taking from nature his own distinctive psychological view. Therefore, woman becomes a sensory and merely concept at the same time. He has started to gift it the most sincere and hottest emotions. So, it has been crucial to realise the factors that which have shaped the motives of his own experience with woman and problematic of her existence in in his poetry and his life. IbnKhafajah's flirtatious experience and his relation with woman are to with factors connected with political and social conditions that have distinguished his era, and others; inner, related to his distinctive personality. These factors have helped to shape this experience for the poet and develop and matur it.
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