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Analysis the Performance of Insurance Companies in Syria: Between the Vista of Development and the Contemporary Challenges (throw analysis the UIC company)

تحليل أداء شركات التأمين في سورية: بين آفاق التنمية و التحديات المعاصرة (من خلال دراسة و تحليل الشركة المتحدة للتأمين)

1926   0   103   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2010
  fields Financial
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Insurance companies have very huge money because of its insurance activity, so they have to invest this money in many different suitable channels, to save this money and increased it without any risks.

References used
قائمة بأعمال شركات التأمين, التقرير الصادر عن هيئة الإشراف, عام 2008
rate research

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This research aims to identify the factors affecting the profitability of insurance companies operating in Syria, a contribution to assist the management of those companies to create the appropriate environment to ensure these companies to sustain and success in achieving their objectives and achieving the desired economic development. To achieve the purpose of the study, data was collected from insurance companies operating in Syria, two companies were excluded from the study, Oqaila Takaful Insurance Company because of its commitment to the principles of Islamic law, and the General Syrian Insurance Corporation because of the lack of of its financial data. The study period spanned from 2009 to 2013. For the purpose of the study data analysis was used a Panel Data model namely the pooled regression. The data were analyzed based on Eviews7. Results of the study showed that both the political crisis and investments positively affect the profitability of the company, while the leverage negatively affect the profitability of insurance companies, the company's size and liquidity, did not show an effect on the profitability of insurance companies.
This study addresses the problem of profitability in insurance companies and aims to analyze and discussion the impact of liquidity and capital adequacy and debt rate of National Insurance Company. Assuming that there is impact statistically signific ant for each of the independent variables (liquidity, capital adequacy, debt rate) in the dependent variable (ROA). By using simple regression analysis to study the relationship between each dependent variable and a dependent variable and use the multiple regression analysis to study the impact of the independent variables together in the dependent variable. By using SPSS statistical analysis program. During the time from 2009 to 2016. The study showed inverse correlation but not statistically significant between (liquidity ratio and debt rate) and (ROA), and inverse correlation with statistically significant between (capital adequacy ratio) and (ROA). The most important results of this study are that the National Insurance Company has a high level of solvency to ensure the risk of failure to recover part of its funds and this ensures that no reduction in the capital adequacy ratio (margin of solvency) is less than 150%, which is the permissible limit. In addition, that the liquidity ratio increased during the period and this confirms that the National Insurance Company is work to take its investment decisions to not exposing to a financial difficulty.
Insurance sector is considered one of the most important financial services sectors around the world, because accompanies economical activities , contributes to their support , and maintains their stability , the important social role of insurance ac tivity is highlighted through job vacancies provided ,or through its contribution in the social stability . Our study aims to review the main important of government insurance on vehicles in Syria through analytical study the rate of compensation of such branch in Syrian Insurance Company since it is the company that practices government insurance, in addition to spot the light on insurance effect on the total business of such company from 2007 to 2012 The study can conclude that government insurance sector of vehicles in Syria constitutes the main share of business volume of Syrian Insurance Company. This indicates the weakness of other insurance branches, in addition to the emergence of the impact of political security, economic crisis experienced by Syria on such sector starting from the decrease of insurance premiums to the increase of vehicles accidents number which led to the increase of the paid compensation installments and company’s reserves which caused unforeseen losses to the company.
The Importance and the problem of the research lies in the urgent need of all organizations to a distinct successful manager able to achieve the objectives. It should also be noted that the supervisor in the private organizations should pay attent ion to fulfill the job taking into account the needs and wishes of the workers at the same time by creating a harmonious positive case between both directions in what ensure achieving the objective of the organization the highest productivity and best performance. The study relied on two main variables: the independent variable (leadership style) and the dependent (Organizational performance) . The study is a questionnaire addressed to insurance organizations that was designed in the form of three models, the first one is prompt for Administrators and the second for employees and for the customers.
The study addressed the investments of insurance companies listed market Damascus Securities Exchange, and its impact on the performance of the market to know how much they contribute to the improvement of Damascus Securities Exchange performance through the study of the relationship between the size of the investment represented by turnover of the shares of insurance companies listed in Damascus Securities Exchange and Index Damascus Securities Exchange, During the period 1-1-2010 until 31- 12-2014 in order to improve and raise the level of the insurance sector as an important investment sectors in the national economy.

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