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Estimate of Combining Ability and Heterosis for Some Yield and Yield Related Traits in Bread Wheat Hybrids (Triticumaestivum L.)

تقدير القدرة الائتلافية و قوة الهجين لبعض الصفات الانتاجية المرتبطة بالغلة في هجن من القمح الطري

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 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study was carried out through the cooperation between the Faculty of Agriculture Tishreen University and the General Commission of Agricultural Scientific Researches in Hama during 2013 and 2014 successive seasons. Eight soft wheat(Triticumaestivum)genotypes were crossed using half diallel method .The(28) crosses were grown along with their parents in randomized complete block with three replications to estimate general combiningability , specific combining ability, and both mid and high parent heterosis for number of spikes /plant , number of grains /spike , thousand grain weight and grain yield. The results indicated that both additive and non- additive types of gene action were important in the inheritance of traits under study with preponderance of additive gene effects for number of grains /spike and thousand grain weight,Non – additive gene effects were pronounced in the inheritance of number of spikes /plant and grain yield. High general combiners for thesecharacters were obtained and the most important parents were: Bohouth 4- Douma 44828-Acsad1115- Golan2. Many positive specific combiners having both mid and high parent heterosis and derived from positive general combiners were obtained such as(Golan2×Cham10) – (Acsad1115×Douma4)(Douma44828×Golan2) and (Douma 2×Golan2). Results also indicated that some hybrids: (Douma44828×Golan2) (Bohouth6×Douma4) (Douma44828×Cham10) (Douma2×Acsad1115) had heterosis compared to higher parent for number of spikes /plant , number of grains / spike , Thousand grain weight and grain yield..

References used
(AL-ATRAT ,M,Genetic analysis of some quantitative and qualitative traits in hybrids of durum wheat .M.Sc .thesis submitted to the faculty of agriculture ,Damascus University,(2010
BHUTTA, M. A.; AZHAR, S.; AND CHOWDHRY, M.A,Combining ability studis for yield and its components in spring wheat (triticumaestivum L.). Jornal of Agricultural Research(Pakistan),(1997),35(5): 353- 359
CHAUDHRY, M.H.; SATTAR, A.; SUBHANI, G.M.; AND KHAN, G.S,Combining ability estimates in spring wheat (Triticumaestivum L.). Journal of Agricultural Research (Pakistan), (1992), 30(2): 153-160
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The research was conducted at Al-Jmmaseh station – the Agricultural Research Center in Tartous- to estimate heterosis, combining ability of yield and some fruit traits. Fifteen hybrids were produced by half diallel crossing method in 2013. These were evaluated in 2014. Most hybrids were characterized by highly significant heterosis values for all the studied traits compared with mid parents and better parents. Heterosis reached (87.76, 50.13)% for yield per plant, (71.44, 43.09)% for average of fruit weight, (19.67, 12.31)% for fruit length, (38.21, 21.43)% for fruit diameter, and (32.5, 20.46)% for number of locules per fruit in comparison with mid parents and better parents respectively. The best hybrids were: (Ou×H) (Ou×W) (Or×H) and maybe they could be promising hybrids if they had superiority in other important traits. Variance due to general and specific combining ability were highly significant for all traits. This ensured that both types of genetic action (additive and non-additive) controlled the inheritance of these traits. σ2GCA/σ2SCA ratio of the additive genetic action overcame the one of non-additive cation in these traits: number of locules per fruit, average of fruit weight and fruit diameter, while the non-additive genetic action was superior in fruit length and total yield.
This study was carried out through the cooperation between Faculty of Agricultural Damascus University and General Commission of Agricultural Scientific Researches in Karahta station of field crops researches during 2010- 2011 and 2011-2012 succes sive seasons. Four hybrids of durum wheat namely (Duma1*Sauady), (Buhuth9*Q88), (Sham7*Q130) and (Horaney*Q131) were evaluated to estimate heritability, genetic advance, heterosis and inbreeding depression for days to heading ,grain filing period, plant height, number of spikes per plant, and number of grains per plant. The mean average for all these traits revealed highly significant differences among crosses. Low in protein content trait (23-69%), medium in grain yield per plant (38-70) and high heritability in thousand kernel weight (62-81%) were found. All hybrids showed the highest for both mid and better parents heterosis for protein content and gluten traits. High heritability was accompanied by high genetic advance for thousand kernel weight. Low heritability was coupled with low genetic advance for grain yield per plant, protein content and gluten. However, greater magnitude of heritability coupled with higher genetic advance in some traits provided that these parameters were under the control of additive genetic effects. This indicates that selection should lead to fast genetic improvement of the material. Moreover, the high genetic correlations for most of the traits, suggested a strong inherent association among these traits at the genetic level. Thus these traits deserve better attention in future breeding programs for evolving better wheat in stress environments.
This study was carried out during 2010-2011 growing seasons at the Maize Researches Department (G.C.S.A.R.) Damascus. To estimate heterosis for number of rows per ear, ear length, ear diameter, 100- kernel weight, and grain yield.
This study was carried out at Karahta Station of Field Crop Research, General Commission of Agricultural Scientific Researches during 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 cropping seasons in order to determine the phenotypic correlation coefficient between the traits and the path coefficients analysis for the most affected traits in grain yield.
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