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Estimate Some Genetic Parameters for Grain Yield and Some of Its Contributing Traits in Bread Wheat Crosses

تقدير بعض المعايير الوراثية للغلة الحبية و بعض الصفات المساهمة بها في هجن من القمح الطري

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 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The Experiment was conducted during the successive growing seasons (2013/2014- 2014/2015) where half–diallel hybridization was conducted between eight genotypes of bread wheat.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
أجريت الدراسة خلال الموسمين الزراعيين (2013/2014 و2014/2015) بهدف تقدير بعض المعايير الوراثية للغلة الحبية وبعض الصفات المساهمة بها في هجن من القمح الطري. تم استخدام التهجين نصف التبادلي بين ثمانية طرز وراثية من القمح الطري (دوما 4، شام 10، أكساد 1115، جولان 2، دوما 44828، بحوث 6، بحوث 4، دوما 2). تم تحليل تأثيرات قوة الهجين والقدرة على التوافق للصفات المدروسة مثل طول السنبلة، طول حامل السنبلة، عدد السنيبلات في السنبلة، والغلة الحبية للنبات. أظهرت النتائج سيطرة الفعل الوراثي التراكمي على صفات طول السنبلة، طول حامل السنبلة، وعدد السنيبلات في السنبلة، بينما سيطر الفعل الوراثي اللاتراكمي على صفة الغلة الحبية. أظهرت بعض الطرز الوراثية مثل دوما 4، بحوث 4، جولان 2، وأكساد 1115 قيماً موجبة ومعنوية في القدرة العامة على التوافق، مما يجعلها مناسبة للاستخدام كآباء في برامج التهجين. تميزت بعض الهجن مثل دوما 4 × أكساد 1115 ودوما 4 × دوما 2 في صفات طول السنبلة وطول حامل السنبلة، بينما تميز الهجين أكساد 1115 × دوما 2 في صفة الغلة الحبية للنبات. بناءً على النتائج، يوصى بإدخال الطرز الوراثية الأبوية المتميزة في برامج تحسين القمح الطري ومتابعة العمل على نسل الهجن لتحسين الغلة الحبية.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: الدراسة قدمت مساهمة قيمة في فهم تأثيرات الفعل الوراثي التراكمي واللاتراكمي على صفات الغلة الحبية في القمح الطري. ومع ذلك، يمكن تحسين الدراسة من خلال توسيع نطاق الطرز الوراثية المدروسة لتشمل المزيد من الأصناف المحلية والدولية، مما قد يوفر نتائج أكثر شمولية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن تعزيز الدراسة بإجراء تجارب ميدانية على نطاق أوسع وفي ظروف بيئية مختلفة للتحقق من استقرار النتائج وتعميمها. كما أن استخدام تقنيات حديثة مثل التحليل الجيني المتقدم يمكن أن يضيف عمقاً أكبر لفهم الآليات الوراثية المؤثرة على الصفات المدروسة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الطرز الوراثية التي أظهرت قيماً موجبة ومعنوية في القدرة العامة على التوافق؟

    الطرز الوراثية التي أظهرت قيماً موجبة ومعنوية في القدرة العامة على التوافق هي دوما 4، بحوث 4، جولان 2، وأكساد 1115.

  2. ما هي الصفات التي سيطر عليها الفعل الوراثي التراكمي؟

    الصفات التي سيطر عليها الفعل الوراثي التراكمي هي طول السنبلة، طول حامل السنبلة، وعدد السنيبلات في السنبلة.

  3. ما هي الهجن التي تميزت في صفة الغلة الحبية للنبات؟

    الهجين الذي تميز في صفة الغلة الحبية للنبات هو أكساد 1115 × دوما 2.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة بناءً على النتائج؟

    التوصيات تشمل إدخال الطرز الوراثية الأبوية المتميزة مثل دوما 4، بحوث 4، جولان 2، وأكساد 1115 في برامج تحسين القمح الطري، ومتابعة العمل على نسل الهجن لتحسين الغلة الحبية.

References used
ABDEL-MONEAM M.A,2009 - Heterosis In Some Crosses Of Bread Wheat Under Irrigation And Drought Conditions.Pakistan Journal Of Biological Sciences .12(6):486-491
Abdel-nour and A.R.NADYA.,2006-Gene Effect on Yield and Yield Components for Three Bread Wheat Crosses (Triticum aestivum L.).Egypt .J.Agric .RES.,84(4):1157-1164
AKRAM Z, S.A.AJMAL, KH S KHAN, R QURESHI, M ZUBAIR.,2011-Combining ability estimations of some yield and quality related traits in spring wheat (T.aestivum).,43(1):221-231
rate research

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The experiment was grown in a Randomized Complete Blocks Design with three replications during two seasons. Generations means analysis method was used to study the genetic parameters for number of days to heading, number of days to maturity, plant height, number of spikes per plant, number of grains per spike and grain yield per plant of two bread wheat crosses Triticum aestivum L. (Gairwel7 x Douma4), (Azaz1 x Soued), Results have shown that both additive and dominance genetic effects were high significant in most evaluated traits, with predominance of the dominance genetic effects’ values. Also, epistatic genetic effects have contributed to inheritance of most studied traits. The signs of dominance and dominance x dominance were opposite in most examined traits indicating duplicate epistasis for all studied traits of the first cross and for number of days to maturity, plant height and number of grains per spike of the second cross, that indicates that the selection for these traits should be delayed after several generations. High phenotypic variations were composed of high genotypic variations and less of environmental variations, indicating the presence of high genetic variability for different traits and less influence of environment. Highly significant heterosis relative to mid and better parents in F1 was recorded for most characters, accompanied with inbreeding depression for all traits in F2. Narrow sense heritability and genetic advance were low in most cases due to the dominant of non-additive genetic action in controlling the genetic variation of the most studied traits.
This study was carried out through the cooperation between the Faculty of Agriculture Tishreen University and the General Commission of Agricultural Scientific Researches in Hama during 2013 and 2014 successive seasons. Eight soft wheat(Triticumae stivum)genotypes were crossed using half diallel method .The(28) crosses were grown along with their parents in randomized complete block with three replications to estimate general combiningability , specific combining ability, and both mid and high parent heterosis for number of spikes /plant , number of grains /spike , thousand grain weight and grain yield. The results indicated that both additive and non- additive types of gene action were important in the inheritance of traits under study with preponderance of additive gene effects for number of grains /spike and thousand grain weight,Non – additive gene effects were pronounced in the inheritance of number of spikes /plant and grain yield. High general combiners for thesecharacters were obtained and the most important parents were: Bohouth 4- Douma 44828-Acsad1115- Golan2. Many positive specific combiners having both mid and high parent heterosis and derived from positive general combiners were obtained such as(Golan2×Cham10) – (Acsad1115×Douma4)(Douma44828×Golan2) and (Douma 2×Golan2). Results also indicated that some hybrids: (Douma44828×Golan2) (Bohouth6×Douma4) (Douma44828×Cham10) (Douma2×Acsad1115) had heterosis compared to higher parent for number of spikes /plant , number of grains / spike , Thousand grain weight and grain yield..
This study was carried out in cooperation between the Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University and the General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR) in Karahta station of field crops researches during two growing seasons (2003 -04 & 2004-05). Four local improved barley lines and cultivars (female parents) were crossed with five exotic lines and cultivars (male parents) using line × tester method. The crosses were grown along with their parents in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications to estimate general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability(SCA) and both mid and high parent heterosis for number of spikes per plant, number of grains per spike, thousand kernel weight, and grain yield per plant.
This study was carried out at Karahta Station, Dept. of Field Crops Researches, General Commission for Scientific Agriculture Researches (GCSAR) Damascus, Syria, during the growing seasons (2009-2010, 2010-2011). The crosses were grown inatrial us ing randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates in order to evaluate number of spikes per plant, number of grains per spike, thousand kernel weight and grain yield per plant and estimate some genetic indices: broad scenes heritability (BSH), narrow scenes heritability (NSH), and genetic advance (GA). Seeds of five populations of the three evaluated single hybrids were formed by crossing of five inbred lines. Analysis of variance results showed significant differences among mean values of the five populations of each cross for all studied traits. The results revealed that the broad scenes heritability ranged between high and moderate for the following productivity traits (SP/PL, GR/SP, TKW and GY/P) and it was (75, 40, 57) (38, 80, 38) (74, 60, 85) and (73, 73, 71) for the three crosses, respectively. Additive gene action noticed on most traits indicated less selection cycles to improve these traits.
The present investigation was conducted during 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 growing seasons at Karahta station for field crops research, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Researches (G.C.S.A.R.), Syria. Forty five hybrids F1 produced using a half diallel cross among ten bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes, in 2010/2011 season, were evaluated during 2011/2012 season in order to study som of the genetic parameters for grain yield per plant, its components, some morphophysiological and quality traits to determine the basic criteria for selection.
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