أجري التهجين نصف التبادلي بين ست سلالات مرباة داخلياً من الذرة السكرية خلال صيف 2010 في مركز البحوث العلمية الزراعية باللاذقية, محطة بحوث صنوبر جبلة, و زرعت السلالات الأبوية و هجن الجيل الأول في موسم 2011 بهدف دراسة ظاهرة قوة الهجين و القدرة على التوافق لكل من صفة ارتفاع النبات, ارتفاع العرنوس, قطر العرنوس, عدد الصفوف بالعرنوس و إنتاجية النبات الفردي من العرانيس الخضراء.
أبدت غالبية الهجن لصفة إنتاجية النبات الفردي قوة هجين موجبة و عالية المعنوية قياساً بمنوسط الأبوين و الأب الأفضل, و كان أفضلها 198.70%,176.81% للهجين (L4xL6) و 196.94%, 168.56% للهجين (L3xL4) و ذلك قياساً لمتوسط الأبوين و الأب الأفضل على التتالي.
أشارت النسبة ما بين تباين القدرة العامة و الخاصة على التوافق σ2GCA/σ2SCA التي كانت أقل من الواحد, إلى أهمية نسبية للفعل الوراثي اللاإضافي مقارنة بالفعل الوراثي الإضافي في وراثة جميع الصفات عدا صفتي ارتفاع النبات و ارتفاع العرنوس, و أظهرت السلالتين L3(17.061),L4 (12.011) قدرة عامة جيدة على التوافق لصفة الغلة, كما أظهرت عدة هجن قدرة خاصة جيدة على التوافق لصفة إنتاجية النبات الفردي كان أفضلها الهجين L3xL5 (50.173).
A half diallel set of crosses among six inbred lines of sweet corn was evaluated to study heterosis and combining ability among plant height, ear height, ear diameter, number of rows per ear and ear yield per plant. The study was carried out at the agricultural research center in, GCSAR, Lattakia, Snoubar Jableh, during the 2010, 2011 seasons.
Result showed that almost all crosses expressed a significant positive heterosis effect for ear yield per plant relative to mid parents and better parents; whereas, the highest positive significant percentage of heterosis for ear yield per plant were expressed by the crosses (L4xL6) which gave (198.70%, 176.81%) and (L4xL6) which gave (196.94%, 168.56%), over mid parents and better parents, respectively.
The ratio (σ2GCA/σ2SCA) which was less than (1) showed that the non-additive gene action was more important than the additive gene action in all traits except plant height and ear height. The inbred lines L3 (17.061) and L4 (12.011) seemed to be the best general combiners for ear yield. Also, based on SCA effects, many of single crosses were identified as superior for ear yield, and the best hybrid was L3xL5(50.173).
References used
ABDELSATTAR, A. A; A. A. El-HOSARY and M. H. MOTAWEA. Genetic analysis of maize grain yield and its components by diallel crossing. Minufiya. J, Agri.Res. 24(1), 1999, 43-63
Al-AHMAD, A. S. Studies on some hybrids and strains of yellow maize. M.Sc.Thesis.Fac. of Agric. Ain Shams Univ. Egypt, 2001
Al-AHMAD. A. S. Genetic parameters for yield and its components in some new yellow maize crosses. Ph. D. Thesis.Fac. of Agric. Ain Shams Univ. Egypt, 2004
This research was carried out at the Maize Researches Department of
General Commission of Science Agriculture Research (GCSAR), Damascus,
Syria, During the growing season 2010 to study general and specific combining
ability and the behavior of the
A half diallel set of crosses among six inbred lines of maize were evaluated at the
Maize Research Department (G.C.S.A.R.) in Damascus Governorate during 2010 and 2011
growing seasons to estimate heterosis and combining ability components for the n
A half diallel making design was used to determine combining ability and heterosis of six
chickpea lines and their hybrid combinations with R.C.B.D. in three replication for seed
yield per plant, number of pods per branch, pods number per plant, fi
This research was conducted at the Maize Research Department (Kharaboo) of
General Commission of Science Agriculture Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria,
during the growing seasons of 2009, 2010 ad, 2011 to study the genetic behavior of days
to 50%
This study was carried out in cooperation between the Faculty of
Agriculture, Damascus University and the General Commission for Scientific
Agricultural Research (GCSAR) in Karahta station of field crops researches
during two growing seasons (2003