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Genetic analysis of some traits in segregating generations of two maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids

التحليل الوراثي لبعض الصفات في الأجيال الانعزالية لهجينين من الذرة الصفراء

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 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research was conducted at the Maize Research Department (Kharaboo) of General Commission of Science Agriculture Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria, during the growing seasons of 2009, 2010 ad, 2011 to study the genetic behavior of days to 50% silking, plant height, ear length, 100 grains weight and yield per plant by using generation mean analysis (GMA) of two individual hybrids of maize, to estimate the heritability, Phenotypic (PCV), and genotypic (GCV) coefficient variations and the genetic advance.

References used
Abd El- Sattar, A. A., A. A. El- Hosary and M. H. Motawea. 1999. Genetic analysis of maize grain yield and its components by diallel crossing. Minufiya. J. of Agri. Res. 24 (1): 43–63
Al Ahmad, S.A. 2004. Genetic parameters for yield and its components in some new yellow maize crosses. PhD thesis, Fac.Agric., Ain Shams Univ., Egypt, 180 p
Alake, C. O. Araiyo and O. B. Kehinde. 2012. Quantitative analysis of the genetics of the yield and yield components in West Africa Okra caillei (A. chev) Stevels. Inter. J. of Plant Bree. and Genet. 6(2):94-104
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The research was conducted at the Maize Researches Department, General Commission for Scientific Agriculture Researches (G.C.S.A.R.) Damascus, Syria during the summer growing seasons of 2010, 2011 and 2012. Treatments were arranged in a Randomized Complete Blocks Design with three replications. The research aimed to evaluate genetic parameters for some traits like days to 50% silking, plant and ear height, ear length, ear diameter, number of rows per ear, number of kernels per row, 100 kernel weight and grain yield per plant using generations means analysis of two maize hybrids (IL.292-06 × IL.565-06, IL.459-06 × IL.362-06) to detect epistasis and estimates of mean effect [m], additive [d], dominance [h], additive × additive [i], additive × dominance [j] and dominance × dominance [l] parameters. Results showed that the additive - dominance model was adequate to demonstrate the genetic variation and its importance in the inheritance of most studied traits. Nonallelic gene interaction was operating in the control of genetic variation in most studied traits. The signs of [h] and [l] were opposite in most studied traits for the two crosses. Also, the inheritance of all studied traits was controlled by additive and non-additive genetic effects, but dominance gene effects play the major role in controlling the genetic variation of the most studied traits, suggesting that the improvement of those characters need intensive selection through later generations. The phenotypic variations were greater than genotypic variations for all studied traits in the two crosses, indicating greater influence of environment in the expression of these traits. Highly significant heterosis relative to mid and better parents, respectively was found for all characters, and this accompanied with inbreeding depression for all traits. Narrow sense heritability and genetic advance were low in most of the traits due to the dominance of non-additive gene action in controlling the genetic variation of the most studied traits and this predict low to medium values of genetic advance through selection process.
The experiment was carried out at two planting dates in a Randomized Complete Blocks Design with three replications at Maize Research Department, General Commission for Scientific Agriculture Researches (G.C.S.A.R.) Damascus, Syria, during two cro pping season 2011 and 2012 to study the phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation, heritability, genetic advance, phenotypic correlation and path coefficient analysis for grain yield per plant, its components and the height of plant and ear of two maize hybrids (IL.292-06 × IL.565-06, IL.459-06 × IL.362-06).
Six population seeds of three yellow maize hybrids were formed at Agricultural Research Center, Homs, during 2008 and 2009 growing seasons. Their plants were evaluated in 2010. The present work aims to determine the genetic parameters in six populati ons (P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1, and BC2). Mean square results showed significant differences among mean values for all traits in all crosses. Significant heterosis values were positive and relative comparing to mid and better parent for most traits. The potence ratios exceeded (+1) in all traits and crosses except ear height, indicating thus over-dominance. In breeding, depression values were significant in most traits for Cross-1, while their values were non- significant in all traits for Cross-2 except plant height, and also in Cross-3 except plant height and grain yield per plant. In most traits epestasis or dominance gene action occupied the first rank in the genetic effects in order of importance to cross, with the exception of number of rows per ear, number of kernels per row and grain yield per plant where additive gene action occupied the first rank for Cross-2 and Cross-1 respectively. Therefore, it could be suggested that selection for most studied traits in the subsequent generations will be relatively more effective than in the early generations.
نفذت الدراسة في حقول قسم بحوث الذرة التابع للهيئة العامة للبحوث العلمية الزراعية في دمشق , سورية خلال الموسمين الزراعيين 2011 و2012 , حيث تم خلال الموسم الزراعي 2011 تكوين حبوب العشائر الست لأربعة هجن فردية من الذرة الصفراء وتم خلال موسم 2012 تقييم ا لعشائر الست للهجن الأربعة في موعديين زراعيين 12-5 كموعد مبكر و12-6 كموعد متأخر .
This research was carried out at the Maize Researches Department of General Commission of Science Agriculture Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria, During the growing season 2010 to study general and specific combining ability and the behavior of the inheritance of plant height, ear height, yield per unit area, ear length and ear diameter in sweet corn by the use of half diallel crosses of five selected sweet corn inbred lines (IL.1037-08) P1, (IL.1062-08) P2, (IL.1049-08) P3, (IL.209-08) P4 and (IL.1065-08) P5

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