تحسنت المؤشرات الفنية و الاقتصادية لأغلب الشركات البحرية في الدول المتقدمة نتيجةً للتطبيق الدقيق للقواعد الفنية و الإدارية السليمة لاستثمار سفنها، و خاصة بعد دخول مدونة الإدارة الفنية العالمية السليمة (ISM). و انطلاقاً من ذلك تمت دراسة آليات الاستثمار الفني في الشركات البحرية السورية للوقوف على الواقع الفعلي للاستثمار الفني، و سعياً للوصول إلى وضع أفضل، تمت دراسة معطيات من عدة شركات بحرية سورية و تقييمها، و تم التوصل لبعض النتائج التي نعتقد أن أخذها بالاعتبار سيؤدي إلى تحسين الظروف الفنية و الاقتصادية و البيئية للاستثمار الفني للسفن السورية، و تقليل التوقفات الناتجة عن الأعطال في هذه السفن، وصولاً إلى سوية أعلى للاستثمار الفني و تحقيق نتائج اقتصادية أفضل.
The technical and economical indexes of most maritime companies in developed countries have improved due to the strict application of the administrative and technical regulations in order to operate their ships, especially after the International Safety Management code (ISM) has come into force. With this in mind this paper studies the mechanisms of technical operation in Syrian maritime companies in order to have a realization of the actual reality of technical operations, and also to reach a better status. Data from various Syrian maritime companies are collected and assessed, from which several results are obtained which, when taken into consideration, are believed to lead to improving the technical, economic, and environmental circumstances surrounding the technical operation of ships in Syria. They will also lead to lessening the stoppages that result from malfunctions in these ships, and ultimately reaching a higher level of technical operation and achieving superior outcomes
References used
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In this paper, detail technical and economic feasibility study are
implemented to use the improved solvent instead of the used
solvent in Syrian field (Sodium hydroxide, NaOH) until this time, to
prevent and remove the sulfur deposits in the gas w
The current research addresses the impact of the impact of the elements of promotional mix
(Public Relations, advertising, personal selling, sales promotion) to increase the competitive ability
of the service organizations by conducting a field stu
This research was conducted in some apiaries that Royal Jelly produce at Lattakia
Governorate, which is one of the most important areas of beekeeping in Syria. This
research aimed to study the investment requirements, and calculate the annual produ
This research paper includes a general study of the possibility of investment in the
Toll Road projects, this starts from previous data of transport system and road network in
Syria with analysis existing data to start the future vision of the targ