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Distribution Rate of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and 2 in Pregnant Women at Al-Assad University Hospital in Latakia

معدل انتشار فيروس الحلأ البسيط النوع الأول و الثاني لدى النساء الحوامل في مشفى الأسد الجامعي في مدينة اللاذقية

1109   0   13   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research is intended to study the prevalence of herpes simplex type 1 and 2(HSV1- HSV2) and characteristics of pregnant women that infections . It also aims to discuss the extent of pregnant women's infection especially with type 2. This sample of study includes 581 patients with an average age of 14-44. By applying ELISA method to serum samples of herpes simplex type 1 and 2 taken from patients, antibodies were detected(IgG- IgM) The results showed that the prevalence rate of herpes simplex virus type I and II is 15% depending on the method of ELISA.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد معدل انتشار فيروس الحلأ البسيط النوع الأول والثاني (HSV1 و HSV2) بين النساء الحوامل في مشفى الأسد الجامعي في مدينة اللاذقية. شملت الدراسة 581 امرأة حامل تتراوح أعمارهن بين 14 و 44 عامًا. استخدمت تقنية الإليزا للكشف عن الأجسام المضادة للفيروس في العينات المصلية. أظهرت النتائج أن معدل انتشار الفيروس بنوعيه بلغ 15%. تم الكشف عن الأجسام المضادة IgG و IgM، حيث كانت معظم الحوامل قد تعرضن سابقًا للفيروس بنسبة 94%، بينما كانت نسبة الإصابة الحالية 4.6%. الدراسة أشارت إلى ضرورة اتخاذ إجراءات وقائية مثل العملية القيصرية لمنع انتقال الفيروس إلى الجنين في حالة الإصابة التناسلية. كما أوصت بتوفير اختبارات DNA للفيروس باستخدام تقنية RT-PCR للكشف الدقيق عن الفيروس خصوصًا في الحالات المتقدمة من الحمل.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة مهمة في تسليط الضوء على معدل انتشار فيروس الحلأ البسيط بين النساء الحوامل في سوريا، وتقديم بيانات قيمة يمكن أن تساعد في تحسين الرعاية الصحية. ومع ذلك، يمكن توجيه بعض الانتقادات البناءة. أولاً، حجم العينة قد يكون غير كافٍ لتعميم النتائج على جميع النساء الحوامل في سوريا. ثانياً، الدراسة لم تتناول العوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية التي قد تؤثر على معدل انتشار الفيروس. ثالثاً، كان من الأفضل تضمين مقارنة مع دراسات مشابهة في مناطق أخرى من العالم لتقديم سياق أوسع للنتائج. وأخيراً، يجب أن تتضمن التوصيات النهائية استراتيجيات وقائية واضحة ومحددة للتعامل مع الحالات المكتشفة، بالإضافة إلى تقديم إرشادات للنساء الحوامل حول كيفية الوقاية من الإصابة بالفيروس.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من هذه الدراسة؟

    تهدف الدراسة إلى تحديد معدل انتشار فيروس الحلأ البسيط النوع الأول والثاني بين النساء الحوامل في مشفى الأسد الجامعي في مدينة اللاذقية.

  2. ما هي التقنية المستخدمة للكشف عن الفيروس في هذه الدراسة؟

    استخدمت تقنية الإليزا للكشف عن الأجسام المضادة للفيروس في العينات المصلية.

  3. ما هي نسبة النساء الحوامل اللواتي تعرضن سابقًا للإصابة بفيروس الحلأ البسيط؟

    كانت نسبة النساء الحوامل اللواتي تعرضن سابقًا للإصابة بفيروس الحلأ البسيط 94%.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة لمنع انتقال الفيروس إلى الجنين؟

    أوصت الدراسة باللجوء إلى العملية القيصرية لمنع انتقال الفيروس إلى الجنين في حالة الإصابة التناسلية، وتوفير اختبارات DNA للفيروس باستخدام تقنية RT-PCR للكشف الدقيق عن الفيروس.

References used
Ryan, K.J. , Ray, C.G., Sherries Medical Microbiology, 4th ed., McGrawhill, USA., 2010, pp.247
Bruce A.J., Rogers, R.S., Oral manifestations of sexually transmitted diseases., Clin. Dermatol., vol.22, 2004, pp. 520-527
Whitly, R.J. , Gnann, J.W., Viral encephalitis: familiar infections and emerging pathogens., Lancet,vol.359, 2002, pp. 507-5-13
rate research

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The prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 was determined in the following groups: pregnants, neonates, herpes labial group, kidney transplantation group, patients with herpetic eye infection, cardiac catheterization group, cervical carci noma group ,patients with suspected herpes genitalis infection , and AIDS patients. EIA method was used to detect antibodies to HSV-1 and HSV-2 in sera of studied persons. The results differ from group to another. The prevalence of HSV-2 antibodies was o% in most groups, except for AIDS group ,cervical carcinoma groupand patients with suspected herpes genitalis group ,in which the prevalence was 4% , 7.84% , 10% respectively.
This study includes (409)pregnant women elected from patients who have been admitted to the department of obstetrics and gynecology or outpatient clinic belonging to Assad University Hospital in Lattakia during the study period from 01/09/2014 up t o 01/09/2015.patients have been classified in tow groups: symptomatic and non symptomatic(109 and 300 patient respectively).It has been diagnosed asymptomatic bacteriuria in accordance with the standard (Edward Kass) at a rate (12%).We found that the age lesser than 30 years, is a risk factor important in the occurrence of urinary infection ,there is no importance for the pattern of work, and most of the cases of the asymptomatic bacteriuria is in the second trimester (14-28 weeks) and multigravida account of (73.9 %) of the group of bacteriuric asymptomatic patients.Study shows that the bacterial urine culture is the golden diagnostic test to detect urinary tract infection in pregnant women, and it also shows the non-reliability of the urinalysis test, because of the high false negativity in the diagnosis of asymptomatic bacteriuria .Escherichia coli was the most common bacterial organisim causing bacterial urinary infections in patients study, by 66.7% for a frank urinary sepsis, and 80.2% for the group asymptomatic bacteriuria .
Introduction 7 Visceral Leishmaniasis( VL )is characterized by a spectrum of clinical features, with high cure rates in early diagnosis. Objective: the objective is to describe the clinical and epidemiological features and laboratory variables of children with visceral leishmaniasis ,And to define the importance of a positive direct investigation of the parasite in Bone marrow in the diagnosis of disease . Patients and Methods : It was a case series study of )52( cases of Visceral Leishmaniasis which were hospitalized between June-20 31and June-2014 in Al -Assad University Hospital ,Latakia Results 52 7 7 children were included in this study .Majority of the patients (92%) presented with fever ,common findings in physical examination were(100%) Pallor and (97%) splenomegaly The direct investigation of parasite in Bone marrow was positive in )%55( of cases .
introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a global epidemic and a leading cause for increasing mortality and morbidity. Although prevention and care policies exist, diabetes continues to be a global public health problem with serious consequences. Aim: To assess the educational needs on diabetes among patients, level of knowledge and patient specific characteristics that are associated with this knowledge. Method: A descriptive study was conducted among 50 patients who entered Tishreen university between May 2017 and December 2017. Questionnaire on different domains of diabetes such as general knowledge, complications, treatment, life style, symptoms and prevention. Each statement was given a score of one if it was answered correctly and zero for a wrong answer. Out of a total score, a score of seventy percent and above was considered good knowledge , between thirty percent and seventy considered moderate, less than thirty considered poor knowledge . Results: more than half, were > 50 years (54%), (54%) were males, 46% were female. Most of educational needs were: regarding of insulin, its kinds, sides effects, methods of prevention of diabetic foot and care it. The level of knowledge of diabetes was moderate 63%. Recommendation: Awareness regarding all the aspects of diabetes mellitus needs to be increased for better control of the disease and its complications. Future studies about effect of education program on improvement of knowledge and self care, especially about the diabetic foot.
Introduction: As nursing develop with regard to science, knowledge & practice and nursing responsibilities increase, critical thinking- the ability to question and make rational decisions- becomes even more important. Whereas, critical thinking requi res that all thoughts and actions be examined objectively, in patient care almost all actions require decision making, and problem solving. Critical thinking is an essential element in decision making which involves choices, and problem solving which requires analysis. Through critical thinking skills, a nurse manager can become a transformational leader. She can challenge the routine nursing practices now, develop a more robust understanding of any problem underlying causes, and develop her leadership skills as well as develop more creative solutions when using critical thinking. Although, critical thinking skills are more important but there were few studies both English and Arabic and there was no study in Syria concerned with critical thinking skills that must used by nurse mangers to do their role effectively, for that this study was conducted and aimed to assess critical thinking skills of nurse managers in Al- Assad university hospital and Al- Wattany hospital in Lattakia. The study was conducted in Al- Assad university and Al- Wattany hospitals in Lattakia. Whereas, The study sample consisted of 21 nurse managers , and 80 nurses from both hospitals. The results of this study showed that there were positive convergence between nurses 'viewpoints and nurse managers ' viewpoints in both hospitals and that nurse managers used critical thinking skills in their practice.
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