في تجربة حقلية أجريت في محافظة طرطوس (قرية كرتو), في الموسم الزراعي (2014-2013), استخدمت معدلات من أسمدة عضوية مختلفة المنشأ. كان عدد المعاملات عشرة معاملات,شاهد (بدون تسميد ),سماد روث أغنام بمعدل(30-20-10)طن/ه ,سماد روث أبقار
(30-20-10)طن/ه , سماد زرق دواجن (30-20-10)طن/ه.
هدفت الدراسة إلى معرفة تأثير إضافة هذه الأسمدة في الخواص البيولوجية للتربة (أعداد بعض المجاميع الفيزيولوجية للأحياء الدقيقة, و تنفس التربة) و بعض الخواص الخصوبية للتربة. بينت النتائج زيادة أعداد البكتريا غير ذاتية التغذية و الأكتينوميسيتات معنوياً في الترب المعاملة بسماد زرق الدواجن (20),(30) طن/ه, و زيادة معنوية لأعداد البكتريا
المستخدمة للآزوت المعدني, و الأحياء الدقيقة المحللة للسيللوز, و الفطريات في الترب المعاملة بسمادي زرق الدواجن ( 30 ) طن/ه, و سماد روث الأبقار ( 30 ) طن/ه .
أما من الناحية الخصوبية فقد أظهرت النتائج أن إضافة الأسمدة العضوية أدت إلى انخفاض معنوي في pH التربة في الترب المعاملة بسماد روث الأبقار ( 30 ) طن/ه , و سماد روث الأغنام ( 20 ) طن/ه, كما سجل ازدياد لمحتوى التربة من المادة العضوية في الترب المعاملة بسمادي زرق الدواجن ( 30 ) طن/ه, و سماد روث الأبقار ( 30 )طن/ه, و زيادة لمحتوى التربة من الفوسفور و البوتاسيوم القابلين للإفادة .
In field's experiment had been done in the Tartus governorate during the growing season (2013-2012) Different rates of organic fertilizers were used, the experimental transactions were (10) treatments, control (without fertilization) sheep wastes(10-20-30)tn/h, cow wastes(10-20-30)tn/h, poultry wastes(10-20-30)tn/h.
This study aimed to know the effect of adding these fertilizers on
biological properties of the soil (the number of physiological groups of microorganisms, and soil respiration).
The Results showed increasing in the number of Hertotrophic
bacteria , Actenomycetes in the soils which were fertilized in
poultry wastes(20),(30)tn/h, and increasing in the number
of(bacteria, using mineral from nitrogen, and decomposed of
celluose micro organisms) in the soils which were fertilized in
poultry wastes(30)tn/h and cow wastes(30)tn/h.
As for fertilization, The Results showed decreasing pH in the soils
which were fertilized cow wastes(30)tn/h, while soil contents of
available P and K and organic mater increased in soil which were
treated fertilized in poultry wastes(20),(30)tn/ h, and cow
References used
Kassem, H. A.;and Marzouk, H.A. (2004). Effect of organic and /or mineral nitrogen fertilization on the nutritional status, yield and fruit quality of Flame Seedless grapevines grown in calcareous soils. J. Ady . Agric Res., 7(3):117-126
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Enwall, K .; Bertilsson , S.; Cederlund , H .; Stenstrom, J .; and Hallin, S .(2007) : Long – term impact of fertilization on activity and composition of bacterial communities and metabolic guilds in agricultural soil Biochemistry : 106-115
Elliott and Adesjardin (2007): Effect of organic nitrogen fertilizers on Microorganisms population ,Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 11(3): 193-198
Arslan. E.Işıl, ÖBEK. Erdal, KIRBAĞ. Sevda, İPEK. Ubeyde and TOPAL Murat (2008): Determination of the Effect of Compost on Soil Microorganisms . International Journal of Science & Technology, No 2, 151- 159 ,Volume 3
This research was carried out through the 201-2011 and 201-/2012 seasons
on 26-year-old trees of AL– Ashouri Pistachio cultivar grown in clay soil, in a
private orchard in Souran region (Hama province). Four types of organic green
fertilizers (Len
This research was carried out through the 2012-2013 season on 10 years old, grafted on the rootstock B41,grapevines of Al-Hulwani cultivar. Three levels (10,20,40 t/ha) of organic fertilizers of cow, sheep plus and poultry were used, in addition to
A field experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of organic
fertilizers (mushroom substrate residues, poultry manure and city compost)
and mineral fertilizers (NPK) on some properties and productivity of a
calcareous soil using chard
this search has studied to know the effect of addition of three
resources (cows, sheep and poultry) and five levels (0, 7.5, 15.0,
22.5, 30.0) T/h, in some physical properties of soil, and some
characteristics of wheat, class Sham- 4. soil was sel
B-D-Galactosidase (B-D- galactoside galactohydrolase , E. C. , is one of the most important enzymes used in food processing . It a specific example of a glycosidase enzyme. Many organisms naturally synthesize B- galactosidase , including mi