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The trial was carried out during the season 2014, on grapevines of Al-Baladi. Al Baladi, 20 years old, grafted onto rootstock, and trained in the trellis way, to study the influence of different levels of 4 times/season soil applied seaweed extract , on some qualitative and quantitative characteristics of Al-Baladi grapes.
This research was carried out through the 201-2011 and 201-/2012 seasons on 26-year-old trees of AL– Ashouri Pistachio cultivar grown in clay soil, in a private orchard in Souran region (Hama province). Four types of organic green fertilizers (Len tils, Vetch, equal mixture from Lentils and Vetch and mix of these legumes with barley), in addition to the control, to study their effects on some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of pistachio nut. Results showed that the use of green fertilizers caused significant increase in studied indicators and the best treatment was mix of legumes with barley (45% Lentils, 45% vetch, 10% Barley), which achieved the highest significant values، where average of weight of the 100 nuts was 107.45 g during the two seasons, the average of weight of the 100 kernel was 67.08 g, average of length of shell was 20.85mm and an annual yield was 32 kg/ tree, compared with control, which achieved 87.50g, 40.25g, 18.08 mm and 16.75 kg, respectively.
تم تنفيذ البحث في المركز الأول في مدينة دير الزور خلال الموسم 2010 على أشجار المشمش بعمر 7 سنوات تنتمي للصنفين ( العجمي والحموي )

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا