تعد مادة الحديد و الفولاذ المعالج مادة قديمة حديثة، دخلت المجال الفني من أوسع أبوابه؛ و ذلك لديمومتها. إشكالية استخدام المخلفات المعدنية الصناعية في العملية الإبداعية لإنجاز عمل نحتي معاصر، تكمن في رغبة الفنان في تناول هذه المادة، و ذلك من أجل إغناء النزعة الإبداعية و إشباعها عنده، إِذا أن جميع نحاتي العالم و مبدعيه يبحثون عن ديمومة عملهم الفني، و هذا ما ينطبق على الأعمال التشكيلية المعدنية المباشرة، لأن طبيعة الخامة المستخدمة كالحديد و الفولاذ و الخلائط المعدنية التي لا تتأكسد هي خامات صلبة و معمرة و مقاومة لعوامل التعرية الطبيعية، مما يجعلها مواد مثالية لأعمال نحتية ضخمة تزين الساحات و الأماكن العامة تزينًا دائمًا.
ومن هنا تمت الإضاءة على أهم مراحل فن التعبير بالمعادن وتطورهexpression in Metals و ذلك من خلال ، تناول بعض أهم التجارب الفنية ذات الصلة في أوربا و آسية و أميركا، فضلا عن تتبع بدايات هذا الفن في الوطن العربي، و التعريف بأهم رواده و استعراض تجاربهم المميزة.
Iron and steel material is consi dered modern and old, entered the technical field of the wider doors so as to durability.
The problematic use of industrial metal scraps in the creative process for the completion of the work lies in the contemporary sculptural contemporary artist's desire to address this matter and in order to enrich and satisfy the desires of the creative artist as all contemporary sculptors and creators world are looking for the sustainability of their art work. since the nature of the raw material used such as iron, steel and metal alloys that are not oxidized ore is solid, durable and resistant to erosion of natural
materials, making it ideal for huge sculptures adorn squares and public places permanently.
It was here on the most important stages of lighting and developments in the art of forming minerals and direct it by eating some of The most relevant functional testing in Europe, Asia and America as well as to trace the beginnings of this art in the Arab world and the definition of the most important
patrons and review of the most important experiences.
References used
Heunz R. Fuchs. L'Art dans le monde (Sculpture contemporaine), editions Albin Michel, 1972 P 168
Jean-Charles Hachet: César au les métamorphoses du grand art, Editions Varia, Paris- octobre 1989. P 13,21,24,39,48,52,82
Jean C Octeau: chefs – D`oeuvre de l`art, Librairie Hachette, 1963. P 98, 102,103,122,133
Michel Seuphon : La sculpture de ce siècle : Editions du Griffon, Neuchate / Suisse 1959. P 127,168,249
Paul Hamlyn: Larousse Engyclopedia of prehistoric and ncient art. AugeGillon,Hollier- Larousse, Paris 1962. P290,306,268
The codes for sustainable homes have been introduced to drive a step-change in green building practice. It
set the international standards for key elements of the design, construction and planning. It is a tool for
designers and structural engineer
This study aimed to identify the four industrial estates in the Syrian Arab Republic,
And knowing the size of expenditure and income for these cities, in addition to the
knowledge and the number of licensed projects executed in these cities. And di
In this study, extracts from onion solid wastes were prepared
and added to tomato paste in different concentrations (1000, 2000,5000 ppm). Tomato paste was stored under room temperature for (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 months). Microbial load (total a
Industrial activity is one of the pillars of the economic development of any country. It
includes a long and varied series of productive processes that provide a high rate of
economic growth. The importance of foreign trade in development is eviden
The changes in coefficient of distribution of lead and cupper has been studied in
system with two phases, liquid water contaminated with lead and copper-solid (natural
Phosphate of Syria) correlation of the following factors: Time of mixing phases,