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Representations from large pretrained models such as BERT encode a range of features into monolithic vectors, affording strong predictive accuracy across a range of downstream tasks. In this paper we explore whether it is possible to learn disentangl ed representations by identifying existing subnetworks within pretrained models that encode distinct, complementary aspects. Concretely, we learn binary masks over transformer weights or hidden units to uncover subsets of features that correlate with a specific factor of variation; this eliminates the need to train a disentangled model from scratch for a particular task. We evaluate this method with respect to its ability to disentangle representations of sentiment from genre in movie reviews, toxicity from dialect in Tweets, and syntax from semantics. By combining masking with magnitude pruning we find that we can identify sparse subnetworks within BERT that strongly encode particular aspects (e.g., semantics) while only weakly encoding others (e.g., syntax). Moreover, despite only learning masks, disentanglement-via-masking performs as well as --- and often better than ---previously proposed methods based on variational autoencoders and adversarial training.
Recently, pre-trained language representation models such as BERT and RoBERTa have achieved significant results in a wide range of natural language processing (NLP) tasks, however, it requires extremely high computational cost. Curriculum Learning (C L) is one of the potential solutions to alleviate this problem. CL is a training strategy where training samples are given to models in a meaningful order instead of random sampling. In this work, we propose a new CL method which gradually increases the block-size of input text for training the self-attention mechanism of BERT and its variants using the maximum available batch-size. Experiments in low-resource settings show that our approach outperforms the baseline in terms of convergence speed and final performance on downstream tasks.
Predicting the answer to a product-related question is an emerging field of research that recently attracted a lot of attention. Answering subjective and opinion-based questions is most challenging due to the dependency on customer generated content. Previous works mostly focused on review-aware answer prediction; however, these approaches fail for new or unpopular products, having no (or only a few) reviews at hand. In this work, we propose a novel and complementary approach for predicting the answer for such questions, based on the answers for similar questions asked on similar products. We measure the contextual similarity between products based on the answers they provide for the same question. A mixture-of-expert framework is used to predict the answer by aggregating the answers from contextually similar products. Empirical results demonstrate that our model outperforms strong baselines on some segments of questions, namely those that have roughly ten or more similar resolved questions in the corpus. We additionally publish two large-scale datasets used in this work, one is of similar product question pairs, and the second is of product question-answer pairs.
المشروع المقدم عبارة عن مجسم يوضح الممرات السطحية بشيء من التفصيل وملحقاتها وفكرة تطويرها لتكون ألية وذاتية التحكم مع تطبيق الدارة ضمن المجسم بالإضافة لتفصيل مكونات الخط الحديدي وتجسيدها ضمن المشروع المنفذ , كتوضيح القسم السفلي للخط والقسم العلوي ,مع وجود عبارة ضمن جسم الخط ومقاطع الحفر والردم وملحقات السكة يحوي النموذج نموذج يحاكي الخط الحديدي وملحقاته من مقاطع الحفر والردم وبعض المنشأت الثابتة كالعبارات ونقاط العلام بالإضافة للمرات السطحية المتقاطعة مع السكة مع تصميم دارة تجعل من الممرات ذاتية التحكم وآلية بالكامل مع تحسس لوجود عائق على بلاطة الممر أمام القطار . ملاحظة : لمشاهدة الفديو موجود على الرابط
This research Paper includes a realistic vision of the possibility of Depending on (Public-Private-Partnership) (P.P.P) as an effective element of investment in the construction of (Toll Road). The research included a study of the current central road network and plans through the aspirations of the Ministry of Transport in Syria, according to the legitimate and economic trends and that will make the Private sector as a partner in infrastructure projects, including road network in Syria. The essential objective of the research is to complete what was done previously by the Ministry of Transport through (economic feasibility study of highway projects Based on B.O.T system in Syria) and detailed search in the legislative and legal framework, which is expected to be issued to cover the legal side of this mega-project which will be done according to (Public-Private-Partnership) (P.P.P), furthermore it will be the major support to the Syrian economic wheel after the current crises and studying the profits of the proposed project to investment which is a freeway from northern Syria to the south and the other one from eastern Syria to the west, an indication of the results and recommendations display.
This research paper includes a general study of the possibility of investment in the Toll Road projects, this starts from previous data of transport system and road network in Syria with analysis existing data to start the future vision of the targ et central network of road in Syria, according to the expectations of traffic volumes and economic trends which is expected to make Syria the most important transportation node in the region. The essential objective of the research is to complete what was done by the Ministry of Transport represented by the public establishment for road communication (PERC) in a report (economic feasibility study of highway projects Based on B.O.T system in Syria(, where introduced the Ministry of Transport of those mega-projects to compete under the name of investment transport projects in accordance with (Public-Private-Partnership) (P.P.P) The technical side of the proposed project to investment was displayed and it is a freeway from northern Syria to the south and the other one from eastern Syria to the west with the factors affecting the project and evaluate the success or failure depending on the expected gains with an indication of the results and recommendations display.
This research related to the reappointment of the main roads and railways in the event of loss (Axis elements in the horizontal projected: Straight lines. Circular curves. Between these two elements are introduced Transit Curves), and also rehabili tation, commensurate with the developments taking place in the present time. The program is designed to also facilitate this work using the language of MATLAB. There are several questions present themselves: - What are the requirements for work (Field or desktop)? - What are the proposals for the development of the current reality of the road network and railways in the study area and rehabilitation? - What are the tools that allow transfer of theoretical study to a realistic work progress on the ground?
إن البيوت المحمية ذات أهمية كبيرة في المجال الزراعي فهي تؤمن البيئة المناسبة والهامة لنمو وإنتاج النباتات المختلفة بغض النظر عن الظروف البيئية المحيطة, إن المراقبة والتحكم في هذه البيوت يعتبر أمر ضروري وهام من أجل توفير البيئة المطلوبة والحصول على أف ضل إنتاج, لذلك فان الغاية من هذا المشروع هي دراسة مراقبة هذه البيوت والتحكم بها باستخدام شبكات الحساسات اللاسلكية والتي تعتبر من الطرق الحديثة والبسيطة لما توفره من دقة في العمل وجهد قليل وبالتالي إنتاج أفضل وستكون الدراسة من أجل عدة تشكيلات وتصاميم لنموذج البيت المحمي وإجراء المحاكاة باستخدام برنامج ال OPNET لتحديد أي من التصاميم هو الأفضل للحصول على عمل أفضل على أرض الواقع.
This research study the relationship between organizational learning and career development in a number of private and public banks، the goals of the study defines the nature of the relationship between organizational learning from all of its aspec ts (methods and styles) and career development in the Syrian banking sector. The main results of this study are: the employee and the employer are both responsible for career development, there is a significant relationship between organizational leanings' style and career development in the banking sector, the double learning style of organizational learning is the most relating factor with career development in the private banks، the signal learning style of organizational learning is the most relating factor with career development in the public banks, there is a significant relationship between the experimentation and bench marking of the organizational learning's methods and career development, there isn't a significant relationship between the scientific method of the organizational learning's methods and career development, there is a significant differences between the field study banks considering the relationship between organizational learning and career development.
Objective: To compare the effectiveness of Misoprostol administered intravaginally every 12 versus 6 hours for termination of pregnancy in the first and second trimesters. Methods: Fifty six pregnant patients at 7 – 22 weeks of gestation were ran domized to receive 800 μg (first trimester) and 200 μg either every 12 or every 6 hours for 48 hours. Results: The incidence of abortion within 48 hours after initial dose, in the first trimester was 100% in the two groups, in the second trimester the incidences were 95.5 and 100%. The incidences of abortion by a single dose in the first trimester were 85 and 10% in the 12 and 6 hours groups respectively (P <0.001) The mean abortion intervals 8.3 , 20.2 and 12.4 hours in the 12 and 6 hour group respectively. Side effects were similar in both groups. Conclusion: Misoprostol administered vaginally is effective for termination of first and second trimester pregnancies in non scared uterus. Giving the medication at a shorter interval from 12 to 6 hours appeared to have no significant benefit.

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