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MRI is a medical imaging method that does not use harmful or ionizing radiation so it is safe and can be used to measure the proportions of iron that accumulate in the organs of the human body, especially the heart and liver
Introduction: Liver surgery is a relatively recent and relatively major complex surgery, due to the anatomical and histological specialty of the liver. Objective of the research: To evaluate the results of the cases of non traumatic liver resectio n from November 2010 until the end of June 2017 The study included 23 patients with 61% of females and average age of 46.8 years. 30.43% of the cases were benign lesions, while malignant lesions constituted 65.12% of all patients. The highest percentage of lesions was of colorectal tumors with 66.66% of all metastatic patients and 43.47% of all patients. Whereas hepatocellular carcinoma HCC were only in 4.35% of all patients The most common surgical procedure was segment resection. The left or right hemi hepatectomy was in two cases, 8.7% None of the patients had any complications which requiring a reoperation. Biliary fistula occurred in two cases, one of which was administered conservatively, the other requiring ERCP.
إنّ الهدف الأساسي من هذا البحث : هو تحديد العلامات الجينية لفيروس الالتهاب الكبدي الوبائي (B ) يسمى اختصارا ً ب (HBV ) والذي يكون مرتبط بشكل رئيسي بسرطان الكبد (HCC) وذلك عن طريق ميّزة استخراج المعلومات المفيدة من البيانات كبيرة الحجم التي تمثل العنصر الرئيسي في مجال المعلوماتيّة الحيويّة Bioinformatics وبشكل رئيسي يتم ذلك من تطوير فكرة مقارنة سلاسل DNA الكاملة ل HBV مع السلاسل الموجودة لدى المرضى الذين يعانون من السرطان الكبدي الوبائي و كذلك المرضى اللذين لا يعانون منه . إنّ إطار التنقيب عن البيانات data mining framework (الذي نقصد به ِ؛ جمع وتحليل كميّات كبيرة من البيانات لإيجاد علاقة منطقية فيما بينها بحيث تلخّص هذه البيانات بطريقة جيّدة ) يتضمن تحليل التطور الجيني molecular evolution analysis وعملية العنقدة clustering و feature selection وتعليم المصنف classifier learning وعملية التصنيف classification حيثُ سيتم توضيح كيفيّة توظيفها جميعا ً في هذا البحث.
Hepatitis C is affected by human behaviors especially drugs , diets ,activities smoking , sexy behaviors and alcohol , so it is very important to change health behaviors by patient to control of disease and avoid complications . Objective : to ass ess the effects of health behaviors on liver function among hepatitis C patients .Setting :The study was carried out in the Chronic Liver Hepatitis Center in Alwatany hospitalization in Lattakia province.Subjects::Thesample comprised 40 patients chosen randomly from the two genders who have hepatitis C out in the chronic liver hepatitis center in Alwatany hospitalization in Lattakia province during the research time. Tool :Data were collected using the following tools:Tool I Questionnaire: It was developed by the researcher and include items related to: demographic patients data , clinical data , questions about ( patients , information of disease , risk factors, healthy behaviors : (diet – treatment regimens – activities and habits)) Tool II : Liver function assessment sheet by using Child Pugh scale.Tool III :Patientcompliance check list which include questions about line has been developed by the researcherThe patients participated in 3 sessions .Each session (45minutes).Results: liver function were advanced of patient at the experimental group which applied the guide line more than patient at the control group because of Appling guide line .Recommendations : Chronic Liver Hepatitis Centers have been containing proshorsshow the impact of these health behaviors on the liver work and performing their functions as normal.
A study was conducted to investigate the protective and therapeutic effects of Ecballium elaterium juice against experimental infection with Eimeria stiedae in rabbits. Thirty- two rabbits were divided into four groups (eight rabbits in each group ) : healthy control group (HC); challenged – Ecballium elaterium –protected group (CEEP) which received a daily dose of (45) μl\kg body weight Ecballium elaterium juice intra-peritoneal for five days before challenged with E. stiedae ; challenged – Ecballium elaterium –treated group (CEET) which received a daily dose of (45)μl\kg body weight Ecballium elaterium juice intra-peritoneal for five days after challenged with of E .stiedae and infected group (IC).The challenge dose was 40000 sporulated E. stiedae oocyst per rabbits.
Aim: Hepatitis B is a dangerous infection disease which can transmit occupational through dental practice. This study was planned to evaluate the knowledge regarding hepatitis B infection among dentists in Lattakia city. Materials and methods: an Hep atitis B questionnaire was prepeared, includes information about Hepatitis B infected, transmission, prevention and vaccination. The questionnaire was distributed randomaly through dentists, Data were collected and statistical analysis were conducted. Results: the response rate was (63%), and the dentists level of education regarding hepatitis B was only (57%). On the other hand the specialist dentists level was better than non-specialist dentists (P<0,05). Whereas the male and female level of education was the same (P>0,05). Finally (70%) of responders dentists have completed the hepatitis B vaccination. Conclusion: under the conditions of this study, the dentists level education regarding hepatitis B infection is low, so there is a need to promote about hepatitis B among dentists. HBV immunization should be made mandatory for health care workers.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common malignancy and the leading cause of death worldwide, due to late detection and high recurrence rates. Osteopontin (OPN) has various functions, including prevention of apoptosis and modulation of angiogene sis which lead to tumor formation and progression, although the exact mechanisms for the development of cancer are still unknown.
The present study aimed to investigate the effect of calyx aqueous extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa on liver enzymes Alanine and Aspartate Transaminases (ALT and AST)level. (12) Rabbits were used and divided into two groups : (6) the experimental gro up and (6) control group ,the control group became distilled water , while the experimental group received aqueous extract, that was administrated orally in adose of150 mg / kg body weight (b.w.) daily for28 days .Then blood was collected each 48 hours , the serum samples were taken and prepared to the biochemical tests to determine Alanine and Aspartate Transaminases (ALT and AST)level.
Purpose: We evaluated the safety of ESWL (Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy). Materials and Methods: A total of 300 patients with stones located in the kidney or the upper ureter were randomly divided into 3 groups, group A—100 who received ESWL and they do not use anticoagulation drugs and thy do not have problems with kidneys, liver or pancreas B—100 who received ESWL and they use anticoagulation drugs C—100 who received ESWL and they have one kidney. Radiologic and laboratory follow up were performed in the first week by:US –UREA-CR-ALT-AST-AMILAS. Statistical analysis was performed using the chi square test and Anova test. Results: The hematomas rate was 10.5%.Rates elevation of urea and cr was (27%, 5%). Rate elevation of alt–ast was 12%, and for amylase was 6%, without clear pathology. Conclusions: ESWL is an easy, noninvasive, safe and active management of the urinary stones, and we should be care full with some factors, which can increase its complications and decrease its activity.

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