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تبحث هذه الدراسة في تأثير المعاملة في مرحلة ما بعد القطاف بالغمر بمحاليل كلوريد الكالسيوم خلال التخزين المبرد على جودة ثمار الكيوي وقدرتها التخزينية
نفذ البحث خلال الفترة 2013-2016 م في كلية الزراعة بجامعة دمشق , بهدف دراسة تأثير المعاملة ببعض المواد الكيميائية والطبيعية ( 1- ميثيل سكلو بروبان , ونتروبروسيد الصوديوم , الشيتوزان , وأمينوفينل علايسين , والميثيل جاسمونات , وفيتامين E ) في القدرة الت خزينية لثمار البندورة ( الهجين Tala ) وصفاتها البيوكيميائية ( نسبة المواد الصلبة الذائبة TSS ونسبة الحموضة القاتلة للمعايرة TA ) والفيزيائية ( الصلابة ونسبة الفقد بالوزن والفقد المطلق ومؤشرات اللون ) ومعايير الأكسدة ومضادات الأكسدة .
This study was conducted on European grape Vitis Vinifera L. Var. Helwani, for grape vine in full bearing. Fruit were picked, during two harvest dates and for three treatments (pre-cooling directly- pre-cooling after 12 h and without pre-cooling). A 1×1×1 m pre-cooling chamber was designed (cooling efficiency 125 kg\ m3) based on iced water and pumped stream air. In addition to that, we used boxes. Then handled fruit were transferred to the storage units at 0±1Cо and 90-95% RH for two months. The initial and monthly measurements for weight loss%, decay%, ripening indicator, firmness kg/cm2 and total soluble solids TSS % were done. The study showed significant effect of directly application of pre-cooling treatment on decreasing weight loss 0.508% and decay 0.591%.
Grape Vitis Vinifera L. var. "Baladi" was fumigated with acetic acid at two concentrations 75 and 100 %, during two successive seasons 2008/2009, to study their effect comparing of sulfur dioxide pads and control. However, Sulfur dioxide pads were packed in 40 μm polyethylene bags thickness at two concentrations 1 and 1.5 g/ kg fruit. All treatments were stored at 0 ± 1 Cº and 90-95% RH for three months, in cooling units of pome and vine research department in Swaida. Chemical and physical properties were assessed every 15 days intervals, and in every time shelf life was measured for three days at room temperature and calculated as total loss %. Acetic acid treatment effected as well as or better than sulfur dioxide pads during cold storage. Which, acetic acid fumigation decreased weight loss %, decay % and berry shatter %, moreover, berry adherence strength (g) and berry firmness (kg/cm2) were increased, but T.S.S %, total acidity % and sugars % have not significant differences comparing to sulfur dioxide fumigation and control. In addition to that, the application of acetic acid increased shelf life in days by decreasing total loss %; also this treatment improved some sensory properties and was satisfied for consumer demand.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا