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Postharvest Application of Acetic Acid Vapour Improved Quality and Storage Ability of "Baladi" Grape Cultivar During Cold Storage

تحسين الجودة و القدرة التخزينية لثمار العنب صنف البلدي بالتبخير بحمض الخل بعد القطاف و خلال التخزين المبرد

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 Publication date 2010
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Grape Vitis Vinifera L. var. "Baladi" was fumigated with acetic acid at two concentrations 75 and 100 %, during two successive seasons 2008/2009, to study their effect comparing of sulfur dioxide pads and control. However, Sulfur dioxide pads were packed in 40 μm polyethylene bags thickness at two concentrations 1 and 1.5 g/ kg fruit. All treatments were stored at 0 ± 1 Cº and 90-95% RH for three months, in cooling units of pome and vine research department in Swaida. Chemical and physical properties were assessed every 15 days intervals, and in every time shelf life was measured for three days at room temperature and calculated as total loss %. Acetic acid treatment effected as well as or better than sulfur dioxide pads during cold storage. Which, acetic acid fumigation decreased weight loss %, decay % and berry shatter %, moreover, berry adherence strength (g) and berry firmness (kg/cm2) were increased, but T.S.S %, total acidity % and sugars % have not significant differences comparing to sulfur dioxide fumigation and control. In addition to that, the application of acetic acid increased shelf life in days by decreasing total loss %; also this treatment improved some sensory properties and was satisfied for consumer demand.

References used
AL-Bachir, M. (1998). Use of gamma irradiation and sulfur dioxide to improve storability of two Syria grape cultivars. International Journal of food science and technology. V (33) pp. 521-526
A.O.A.C. (1975). Official Methods of Analysis 12th Edition. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Washington D.C., USA. 4, 128
Crisosto, C. H., J. L. Smilanick, N. K Dokoozlian and D. A. Luvisi (1994). Maintaining table grape postharvest quality for long distant markets. In: Preoceedings of the International Symposium on Table Grape Production. Anaheim, California, pp. 195-199
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The effect of different harvesting dates on the quality and storage ability was studied for fruit of Coscia pear cultivar, which planted in the area of Daher Aljabal- Sweida during two successive seasons 2007-2008. Fruit were harvested in three di fferent dates by week time intervals and stored for seven months at (0-1 Cº and 90-95 % RH) in the storage units of apples and vine research department. The effect of harvesting dates of fruit on the physical and chemical properties was determined during period of 7 months in cold storage, by month time intervals. The second date of harvest affected by decreasing weight loss percentage, decay percentage, titratable acidity T. A, starch content and firmness, in addition to that total soluble Solids T. S. S, number of acidity PH, storage ability and shelf life were increased compared to the harvested fruit in the different dates.
This study was conducted on European grape Vitis Vinifera L. Var. Helwani, for grape vine in full bearing. Fruit were picked, during two harvest dates and for three treatments (pre-cooling directly- pre-cooling after 12 h and without pre-cooling). A 1×1×1 m pre-cooling chamber was designed (cooling efficiency 125 kg\ m3) based on iced water and pumped stream air. In addition to that, we used boxes. Then handled fruit were transferred to the storage units at 0±1Cо and 90-95% RH for two months. The initial and monthly measurements for weight loss%, decay%, ripening indicator, firmness kg/cm2 and total soluble solids TSS % were done. The study showed significant effect of directly application of pre-cooling treatment on decreasing weight loss 0.508% and decay 0.591%.
The aim of this investigation is studying effect of heat treatment and polyethylene packaging method in storability and quality of lemon fruits' Monachello and Enterdonato'. The experience was carried out in cold store of agriculture college in /Dama scus university/, lemon fruits were stored at 10°c and 85% humidity for 180 days. laboratory experiences was carried out in laboratory of department of horticultural science in the same college during 2010-2011&2011-2012. Part of fruits were packaged in polyethylene bags with 30 microns, the other part of fruits dipped with hot water (62°c for 3 seconds)+ fungicide then were packed in polyethylene packs in addition to the control which untreated and unpacked. The obtained results indicated the significant effect of dipping and packaging in perforated and unperforated bags treatments in maintain fruits quality of 'Monachello and Enterdonato' until the end of storage. maintaining of (32.89 and 39.06%( juice rate of Monachello respectively, and(11.05 and10.01%) of Enterdonato respectively. (35.27 and 36.57 mg/100ml (vitamin C of Monachello and (18 and11.07mg/100 ml( of Enterdonato, respectively. On the other hand, the present investigation showed the positive effect of packaging treatment with 30 microns packs by reducing the weight loss for two sorts which was (51.94 and 68.83%) in dipping and packaging in perforated bags treatment respectively, and the important role to stop fruit decadence, and conserve their marketing specification until end of storage.
نفذ البحث خلال الفترة 2013-2016 م في كلية الزراعة بجامعة دمشق , بهدف دراسة تأثير المعاملة ببعض المواد الكيميائية والطبيعية ( 1- ميثيل سكلو بروبان , ونتروبروسيد الصوديوم , الشيتوزان , وأمينوفينل علايسين , والميثيل جاسمونات , وفيتامين E ) في القدرة الت خزينية لثمار البندورة ( الهجين Tala ) وصفاتها البيوكيميائية ( نسبة المواد الصلبة الذائبة TSS ونسبة الحموضة القاتلة للمعايرة TA ) والفيزيائية ( الصلابة ونسبة الفقد بالوزن والفقد المطلق ومؤشرات اللون ) ومعايير الأكسدة ومضادات الأكسدة .
This study was conducted at the laboratories of Food Science Department at the Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University in order to study the possibility of prolonging the shelf life of chicken breast by vacuum packaging and treating with aceti c acid. Chicken breasts were immersed into a solution having 1% or 2% of acetic acid concentration for 30 sec. and packaged with vacuumed and not vacuumed sacs. Samples were preserved at 4±1 ºC for 21 days and examined after 0, 7, 14 and 21 days of refrigeration for microbiological, chemical and sensory properties. Microbiological analyses included determination of total count of bacteria, coliforms, Salmonella, anaerobic bacteria, Pseudomonas, yeasts and molds. Chemical analyses included determination of pH value and non-protein nitrogen. Sensory properties were evaluated for color, smell and texture. Results revealed that samples immersed into a solution with 1% and 2% of acetic acid concentration had affectively improved quality and sensory properties of chicken breast for more than 14 days compared with control samples and the samples treated by 2% of acetic acid with vacuum packaging had the best quality results.
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