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This research carried out to estimate the importance of use of 1-MCP in increasing shelf life of Japanese persimmon ,var (Hachiya) , and maintaining fruits quality. The fruits were treated with different concentrations of 1-MCP (0.5-1-1.5) ppm soon ly after harvest at 20Cᵒ during 24 h, then stored for 6 months at controlled conditions (2Cᵒ and 85% of relative humidity). The samples were taken periodically (every month) to study the changes in fruits composition during storage period. The results showed that treatment with 1-MCP keeps fruits at higher degree of firmness compared to the control, and decreased the loss in weight at storage period.The treatment with 1-MCP decreased as well the changes in the fruits composition of Vitamine c, total acidity (TA) compared to the control. These results indicate that treatment with 1-MCP is effective in increasing shelf-life of Japanese persimmon fruits var (Hachiya).

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