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The Willingness to forget; Language and history in poul Ricoure

إرادة النسيان: اللغة و التاريخ عند بول ريكور

1640   4   18   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2018
  fields Philosphy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research Tackles Ricour's perspective of the willingness to forget and the ability of memoey to step ahead the idea if past representation and looking into it as it is one future project. This future which enables humans to recall and forget, forgive and tolerate .all of this is done under what's called by Ricour" the able ego". Afterwards, it reaches a happy memory where by forgetfulness is one image out of many stored in the memory. According to this, the research discusses the beginning of relation ship between history and memory as it is perceived by Ricour, one of interrelation then it discusses the relation of memory and language via its narratives. Narrative, according to Ricour, is means which people use to express their unforgettable past experience, that they need to resurrect the past via narrating and legislating it in stories. Then, it proceeds to handle the idea of willingness to forget and the relation which links forgetfulness to memory, which is one holistic relation, according to Ricour. This means that there is no forgetfulness without recalling and vice versa. Despit that, as perceived by Ricour, memory has always been living in confusion/ hesitation. In other word, you hesitate as to what to recall and what to forget. This has forced or led this research of memory as it is one future project as Ricour finally concludes with some findings that we sought to have in regards to Ricour's perspective regarding this issus.

References used
Dierckxsens,Geoffrey. The Ambiguity of Justice: Paul Ricoeur on Universalism and Evil, University of Antwerp, ,p20
ريكور, بول . نظرية التأويل الخطاب وفائض المعنى . ط 2, المركز الثقافي العربي, المغرب, 2006
ريكور, بول . الاعتقاد والانتقاد, ط 1, ت: حسن العمراني, دار توبقال للنشر, دار البيضاء, 2011
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هرمنيوطيقا بين أحادية اللفظ وتعدد الدلالة الاستعمال اللغوي الاستعمال الاصطلاحي الاستعمال الفلسفي الهرمنيوطيقا ومفاهيم التأويلية (التفسير التأويل والفهم) تعريفات ستة حديثة للهرمنيوطيقا حفريات الهرمنيوطيقا الهرمنيوطيقا والتحولات التاريخية الهرم نيوطيقا عند اليونان المفهوم الفلسفي عند أوغستين الهرمنيوطيقا عند شلايرماخر الهرمنيوطيقا عند وليام دلتاي الهرمنيوطيقا عند هايدغر الهرمنيوطيقا عند جيورج هانز غادامير الهرمنيوطيقا واشكالية النص الفلسفي الهرمنيوطيقا والفلسفة الهرمنيوطيقا والمنطق الهرمنيوطيقا والايديولوجيا ومشكلة التحريف (ألدين والتأويل) أهم الأنماط التي ميزت تاريخ فلسفة الدين السيرة الذاتية ل بول ريكور فلسفة بول ريكور منهج بول ريكور الفلسفة التأويلية وصراع التأويلات عند بول ريكور ريكور والظواهرية ريكور والبنيوية ريكور والتحليل النفسي نظرية التأويل بين الخطاب وفائض المعنى اللغة والخطاب الكلام والكتابة الرسالة والمتكلم الاستعارة والرمز التفسير والفهم هرمنيوطيقا الشر عند بول ريكور (الرمز ٠ الشر - الأسطورة - الرمز)
This research tackled the attitude of interpretation towards the issue of metaphor, especially the French philosopher's view Paul Ricuor. It also dealt with the nature of metaphor as suggested by him via critiquing the attitude in which he finds a mere aesthetic and substitutive ornament from the one hand, while taking it as innovative means to touch reality on the other hand. Consequently, it is a cognitive value with the aim of contacting the outside world and getting to know it then the research proceeded to discuss the intellectual basics of metaphor according to Ricuor. He noticed that there is no way to understand the nature of metaphor without understanding its basics. This has made it possible to handle the knowledgeable and innovative function of metaphor be it the present side always in language; that which never fades. So, it was not possible to handle metaphor inside language without wondering how thinking works. Here Ricuor differentiates between living and consumed metaphor on the basis of the ability of innovation and knowledge provided by each one of them. Additionally, he has stated that metaphor is there inside interpretation as it is through it. Such a presence of metaphor inside the field of interpretation is the reason why one can tackle this polysemy. This polysemy results in this on the one hand and in its openness on the world of human act; work and practice on the other hand. This way, metaphor in interpretation is presented as a future language. The research has ended up with a bunch of results through questioning the concept of metaphor in a philosophic interpretative way.
Paul Riccor, the French philosopher, aims in "Love and Justice" at presenting a new concept of justice, via its relation with love, leaving behind the traditional concept manifested in distributive justice; this concept which was established by Ric cor unable to put a finale to the social clash, especially the oppressed and marginalized groups. Hence, he tries to present a new concept of justice via tackling its relation with love. Therefore, this research presents at first the concept of justice as it was presented by Riccor, then proceeds to discuss the discrepancy between the traits of love and justice in accordance with the controversy suggested by Paul Riccor, which will enable us to find a relationship through which justice can be established via gaining back the ability to love, then looking at love as more than a mere individual whim; love as one ethic power capable of making a compromise between happiness and duty. Finally, the research ends up with quite accumulative consequences capable of creating new horizons due to this research.
The history of modern Europe, which is an extension of modern European history, is one of the main axes in the study of the history of the contemporary world. This history is a fundamental nucleus for understanding contemporary world history and the reflection of historical events and European economic, social and intellectual developments on the majority of the world. The purpose of this study is to shed light on an important historical period in the history of Europe because of the lack of an Arab library to study an academy that defines the basic features of contemporary European history. The book covers a period of time beginning with the French Revolution of 1789 - the important turning point in the history of the world in general and in European history in particular - ending at the end of the Second World War in 1945, which is important for its coverage and extension to the world's most important Which continue to affect the development of world historical events today. The studied phase is one of the richest historical stages in international events and developments, because the world today is still living its results.
The Renaissance represents the period of transition from the Middle Ages to the modern era. There were many opinions on the meaning of the Renaissance. Those interested in the arts mean the Renaissance in the fields of photography, sculpture and arch itecture, where art is freed from the constraints of the Middle Ages. As for those interested in literature and philosophy, they have an intellectual revolution that began with the discovery of ancient manuscripts, the advancement of philology and the taste of poetry. As for scientists, Renaissance is the latest discoveries and progress in the fields of science. One of the most important scientific discoveries is the discovery of the solar system and its rotation around the Earth by the astronomer Nicholas Compernicus (1473-1543) and the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642). The anatomy was presented by Vesalius 1514-1564 AD, William Harvey (1578 - 1658 AD) The Arab physician Ibn Sina had referred (to the basics of blood circulation in the body before). Those interested in political science and political history saw that the Renaissance had begun with the deterioration of the system of feudalism, the emergence of modern unified states on the basis of nationalism, the rise of monarchy, ecclesiastical authority, the decline of the papacy and the emergence of popular freedom. It should be noted that the Renaissance movement is not limited to a particular branch of human knowledge, although each of the previous interpretations has importance and value. The rise in general is the changes in human behavior and thinking in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries as a result of the growth of the human mind. These changes included all aspects of life and affected them. The interest of the people is no longer confined to other life, but they began to care about the world around them indifferent to other life . The Europeans gradually rejected the ecclesiastical teachings and went back to the ancient Greek and Roman books, to the original Arab-Muslim books or the Arabic books translated from the Greek and began to study them, as well as the study of the Bible. They began to look at the ancient heritage books, where they were able to learn about the Arab and European civilizations that flourished before the advent of Christianity and began to compare them with medieval civilization. This enabled them to open up to unfamiliar new trends at the time, such as looking at human life as an end in itself, It is therefore necessary to respect the individual self and to recognize his rights and freedoms, because man is not incapable of nature, but is able to reveal its secrets and resolve the issues facing it.
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