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تمحورت مشكلة الدراسة في التساؤل الآتي: ما هو واقع جودة التعليم الإلكتروني في كلية الاقتصاد بجامعة تشرين،. كما هدفت الدراسة إلى الآتي: بيان مفهوم التعليم الالكتروني ودرجة انتشار ثقافته بين طلبة الدراسات العليا في كلية الاقتصاد، وتحديد درجة استخدام أعض اء الهيئة التدريسية في كلية الاقتصاد بجامعة تشرين للتعليم الالكتروني، تحديد مدى توفر البرمجيات اللازمة للتعليم الالكتروني ودرجة استخدامها من قبل أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في كلية الاقتصاد بجامعة تشرين، وبيان واقع البنية التحتية الالكترونية في كلية الاقتصاد بجامعة تشرين. تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، كما تم دراسة وتحليل البيانات باستخدام برنامج SPSS ، وبعد تحليل البيانات توصلت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج من أهمها الآتي: انخفاض في قدرة الطلاب على التعامل مع التعلم الإلكتروني، وانخفاض في قدرة أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في تطبيق التعليم الالكتروني، وانخفاض في سوية جودة البنية التحتية والبرمجيات الالكترونية اللازمة للتعليم الالكتروني، وانخفاض في الجودة الإدارية للتعليم الالكتروني في جامعة تشرين من وجهة نظر طلاب الدراسات العليا.
Inscribing persuasion techniques in memes is the most impactful way to influence peoples' mindsets. People are more inclined to memes as they are more stimulating and convincing and hence memes are often exploited by tactfully engraving propaganda in its context with the intent of attaining specific agenda. This paper describes our participation in the three subtasks featured by SemEval 2021 task 6 on the detection of persuasion techniques in texts and images. We utilize a fusion of logistic regression, decision tree, and fine-tuned DistilBERT for tackling subtask 1. As for subtask 2, we propose a system that consolidates a span identification model and a multi-label classification model based on pre-trained BERT. We address the multi-modal multi-label classification of memes defined in subtask 3 by utilizing a ResNet50 based image model, DistilBERT based text model, and a multi-modal architecture based on multikernel CNN+LSTM and MLP model. The outcomes illustrated the competitive performance of our systems.
Samples were prepared in different ways of Al2O3 / CdO and with one specific mole Al / Cd: 1-0.25 mol, in the wet joint deposition method. - The thermal disintegration of aluminum nitrate Al(NO3)3.9H2O and Cd(NO3)2.4H2O nitrate, and the reaction of aluminum nitrate Al(NO3)3.9H2O and cadmium nitrate Cd(NO3)2.4H2O, with NH4HCO3 with appropriate reactivity ratios, Sodium laureth sulfate (ALS), and the effect of various methods of preparation on the properties of the textile structure of the common oxide group Al O /CdO 2 3 . It was found that the values of porous structure factors vary according to the method of preparation, the two samples prepared in the manner of thermal disintegration. The total pore size is slightly increased, while the mean pore radius decreases from 2.71nm to 2.37nm, in contrast to the two hydrothermal heating samples. The total pore size increases significantly to 0.553ml /g. (SLS), a decrease in the radius of the middle pores, and an increase in the value of the surface area.
This study aimed to evaluate the possibility to make knowledge map in Tishreen University through showing the administrative and human infrastructure. The researcher depended on the survey method where he distributed the questionnaire on 303 individu als of central administration in Tishreen University. The outcome was lack in the administrative and human infrastructure in the university, as it does not depend on accounting, administrative and human information systems that make easy and quick access to data and information. The researcher presented some of the recommendations including the need to work on a plan to make knowledge map by modernization of databases and to take the administrative and legal measures, which are necessary for electronic development.
In this issue, the effect of gas heat treatment ambient at the temperature of 950C for 8hours using the gases NH3 or CH4 and using the gases NH3 and CH4 for (4+4)hours of the distribution of the doping elements on Titanium alloys BT9 was studied. Oxide formation at the different treatment ambient as a reason of gas-phase oxygen distribution to high depths in the samples was discovered.
Tow samples of Al2O3/CdO mixed oxide were prepared by co-precipitation method at PH 8 using concentrated ammonia as precipitated agent.The mixed system was prepared by mixing aluminum chloride solution with cadmium chloride solution and aluminum ni trate solution with cadmium nitrate solution which prepared in previous work. The nature of anions affected pore radii anions. The results showed the increasing of micro porosity.
This project aims at introducing the concept of Infrastructure as code, one of the most important and current trends in information technology, which was introduced in 2011 by the latest Amazon cloud platform. To recognize this concept, "Terraform" o ne of the most important IAC tools, has been used with one of the most famous cloud computing platforms "OpenStack" . This project is in line with new concepts and is a simple reference for our fellow students if they want to research and study topics related to these concepts .
The present research was designed to investigate the factor structure of Shkeer's psychological security scale (2005), by using the exploratory factor analysis. the psychological security scale of shkeer consists of four dimensions: (individual bu ilding and future vision (14 items), general and practice life (18 items), temperament (10 items), social relationships and social interaction (12 items). The researcher used the descriptive method, and the research sample was chosen randomly, while the data were collected from (415) students of Tishreen University. The research revealed that the psychological security consists of six factors, which had explained (52.91%) of total variance of items: The first factor: future vision and includes 14 items. The second factor: social relationships and includes 7 items. The third factor: temperament and includes 7 items. The fourth factor: practice life and includes 5 items. The fifth factor: general life and includes 5 items. The sixth factor: social interaction and includes 4 items. The researcher suggests that more studies should be done to investigate the factor structure of the psychological security scale on different Syrian samples.and proposes to study the relationship between psychological security and some variables.
Extremism in the modernization construction of the world in general and in the Arab world especially, and move away appearances Imran cities gradually from their original forms and indifference to the nature of the medium in which you are in it, mo ve architectural heritage and ancient cities issue in recent years, we have acquired a great importance to maintain. Here are already Vanguards explicit positions recite them interested in inhabitedness city, ranging from the foundations of the province of the movement of radical sometimes obscured her face to talk for fear of privacy ideological nationalism of innovators stream would call for a return to the old attracted of the fear of the loss of part of the Arab-Islamic architecture of civilization, and the movement of dissolute to the old movement from the West haphazardly and it describes the ultra-conservative and reactionary intransigence. And between these and the reaction of moderate considering the successful experiences of the past we are dealing with creative mind, in search of the spirit of heritage to create them the achievements of urban living, her last Features civilized authentic spirit of heritage, based on local ground suitable in the image and The content of the environment Levantine. The issue of architectural heritage theme in inhabitedness newly signed Well, it deals with the architectural achievements of the past in order to spare it harm in continuing damage to threaten its existence.
يهدف البحث إلى استكناه دلالة الجملة باستخدام المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، و من خلال الارتكاز على بعض الدراسات اللغويَّة العربيَّة و على بعض معطيات نظرية النحو التحويلي التوليدي.

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