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CSECU-DSG at SemEval-2021 Task 6: Orchestrating Multimodal Neural Architectures for Identifying Persuasion Techniques in Texts and Images

CSECU-DSG في مهمة Semeval-2021: قم بتنظيم البنيات العصبية متعددة الوسائط لتحديد تقنيات الإقناع في النصوص والصور

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Inscribing persuasion techniques in memes is the most impactful way to influence peoples' mindsets. People are more inclined to memes as they are more stimulating and convincing and hence memes are often exploited by tactfully engraving propaganda in its context with the intent of attaining specific agenda. This paper describes our participation in the three subtasks featured by SemEval 2021 task 6 on the detection of persuasion techniques in texts and images. We utilize a fusion of logistic regression, decision tree, and fine-tuned DistilBERT for tackling subtask 1. As for subtask 2, we propose a system that consolidates a span identification model and a multi-label classification model based on pre-trained BERT. We address the multi-modal multi-label classification of memes defined in subtask 3 by utilizing a ResNet50 based image model, DistilBERT based text model, and a multi-modal architecture based on multikernel CNN+LSTM and MLP model. The outcomes illustrated the competitive performance of our systems.

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We describe SemEval-2021 task 6 on Detection of Persuasion Techniques in Texts and Images: the data, the annotation guidelines, the evaluation setup, the results, and the participating systems. The task focused on memes and had three subtasks: (i) de tecting the techniques in the text, (ii) detecting the text spans where the techniques are used, and (iii) detecting techniques in the entire meme, i.e., both in the text and in the image. It was a popular task, attracting 71 registrations, and 22 teams that eventually made an official submission on the test set. The evaluation results for the third subtask confirmed the importance of both modalities, the text and the image. Moreover, some teams reported benefits when not just combining the two modalities, e.g., by using early or late fusion, but rather modeling the interaction between them in a joint model.
The following system description presents our approach to the detection of persuasion techniques in texts and images. The given task has been framed as a multi-label classification problem with the different techniques serving as class labels. The mu lti-label classification problem is one in which a list of target variables such as our class labels is associated with every input chunk and assumes that a document can simultaneously and independently be assigned to multiple labels or classes. In order to assign class labels to the given memes, we opted for RoBERTa (A Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach) as a neural network architecture for token and sequence classification. Starting off with a pre-trained model for language representation we fine-tuned this model on the given classification task with the provided annotated data in supervised training steps. To incorporate image features in the multi-modal setting, we rely on the pre-trained VGG-16 model architecture.
We describe our approach for SemEval-2021 task 6 on detection of persuasion techniques in multimodal content (memes). Our system combines pretrained multimodal models (CLIP) and chained classifiers. Also, we propose to enrich the data by a data augmentation technique. Our submission achieves a rank of 8/16 in terms of F1-micro and 9/16 with F1-macro on the test set.
Memes are one of the most popular types of content used to spread information online. They can influence a large number of people through rhetorical and psychological techniques. The task, Detection of Persuasion Techniques in Texts and Images, is to detect these persuasive techniques in memes. It consists of three subtasks: (A) Multi-label classification using textual content, (B) Multi-label classification and span identification using textual content, and (C) Multi-label classification using visual and textual content. In this paper, we propose a transfer learning approach to fine-tune BERT-based models in different modalities. We also explore the effectiveness of ensembles of models trained in different modalities. We achieve an F1-score of 57.0, 48.2, and 52.1 in the corresponding subtasks.
In recent years, memes combining image and text have been widely used in social media, and memes are one of the most popular types of content used in online disinformation campaigns. In this paper, our study on the detection of persuasion techniques in texts and images in SemEval-2021 Task 6 is summarized. For propaganda technology detection in text, we propose a combination model of both ALBERT and Text CNN for text classification, as well as a BERT-based multi-task sequence labeling model for propaganda technology coverage span detection. For the meme classification task involved in text understanding and visual feature extraction, we designed a parallel channel model divided into text and image channels. Our method achieved a good performance on subtasks 1 and 3. The micro F1-scores of 0.492, 0.091, and 0.446 achieved on the test sets of the three subtasks ranked 12th, 7th, and 11th, respectively, and all are higher than the baseline model.

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