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We demonstrate the moderating abilities of a multi-party attentive listening robot system when multiple people are speaking in turns. Our conventional one-on-one attentive listening system generates listener responses such as backchannels, repeats, e laborating questions, and assessments. In this paper, additional robot responses that stimulate a listening user (side participant) to become more involved in the dialogue are proposed. The additional responses elicit assessments and questions from the side participant, making the dialogue more empathetic and lively.
The research aims to find out the extent of availability of the Listening Comprehension Skills and levels in the texts of listening from the book Language Arabic Grade Seventh Basic in the Republic of the Arab Syrian. To achieve the goal of the resea rch, the researcher prepared a list of listening comprehension skills and levels, consisting of (29) listening comprehension skills fall under five levels: literal, deductive, critical, gastronomic and creative. He then analyzed the questions of the four listening texts (64 units of analysis). The research concluded the following results:  The skills of listening comprehension in the questions of listening texts from the Arabic language textbook for the seventh grade (20) skills, eight of which skills in the literal level, five skills in the deductive level, and three skills in the critical level, and two skills for both gastronomic and creative level.  The literal level came first with (30) iterations and (46.88%) of the (64) iterations. Followed by the deductive level in the second place with (14) iterations and a percentage of (21.89%). The level of gastronomic ranked third with (13) again and the proportion of (20.31%). The cash level comes in fourth place with (4) iterations and (6.25%). Followed by the last level ranked creative b (3) recurrences and the percentage of (4.69%).  There were statistically significant differences in the frequency of skills and levels in listening text questions , in favor of higher-frequency skills and levels, and the distribution of these skills and levels was not balanced.  Listening texts included only (72%) of the listening comprehension skills contained in the National Standards of Education document. This somewhat low percentage indicates that the Arabic language textbook for the seventh grade does not adequately include the criteria in which it was designed. Based on the research results of the researcher presented a set of recommendations and suggestions regarding the need for the introduction to the Listening Comprehension Skills and levels when choosing educational texts, and the need for further studies in this area.
The current research targeted to identify the availability of listening skills among fourth-grade primary students in the city of Homs. To achieve the research objectives the researcher prepared a list of listening skills with a total of (32) item s distributed among five dimensions (Audio discrimination, understanding of direct meaning, Deductive reasoning, Evaluating the audio content and criticism, Creative thinking ).
الاستيعاب الشفهي هو مرحلة أساسية في اكتساب لغة أجنبية. لجعل تعليم و تعلّم هذه المهارة أسهل و أكثر فائدة في عملية الاستيعاب الشفهي، إنّ المستند السمعي البصري هو الوسيط الذي يحفز الطلاب و يحثهم على بناء معنى الرسالة الصوتية تدريجياً. ندرس في هذا المقا ل العناصر التي تساعد في فهم المستند السمعي البصري الذي يتيح الوصول الى المعنى من خلال الإشارات الغير شفهية، و لا سيما في مرحلة ما قبل الاستماع الذي يُعد الخطوة الأولى نحو فهم الرسالة الصوتية. بهدف مساعدة الطلاب على تحسين استيعابهم الشفهي، قمنا بدراسة أهمية المستندات السمعية البصرية لإثارة انتباه الطلاب. كما قمنا باستخدام هذه المستندات لتحفيز طلاب الصف العاشر، و هم العينة التي قمنا بتطبيق المنهج التعليمي الخاص باستخدام مستند سمعي بصري كمستند محفّز و داعم للاستيعاب الشفهي، و اختتمنا مع تحليل نتائج التلاميذ الذين حضروا درسنا و مقارنتها مع نتائج أولئك الذين لم يحضروا.
The goal of research is to know the impact of using triangle of listening strategy in the development of listening comprehension skills for the fifth grade primary students. The general sample consists of ( 60 ) students. The sample is divided in to two groups:( experimental ) consists of ( 30) male and female pupils taught using triangle of listening strategy and (control) consists of (30) students , taught using the traditional way . The researcher used the experimental method and prepared a list listening comprehension skills for students of fifth grade primary and listening comprehension test preparation, was sure of its sincerity and persistence , and creating guidebook of teacher which designed according to triangle of listening strategy in the development of listening comprehension skills . after applying of the tools then collecting of the data and analysis them . The results came as the following: : The experimental group achieved results better than the control group. This indicates to the effectiveness of using triangle of listening strategy in the development of listening comprehension skills for the fifth grade primary students.

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