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Task-agnostic pretraining objectives like masked language models or corrupted span prediction are applicable to a wide range of NLP downstream tasks (Raffel et al.,2019), but are outperformed by task-specific pretraining objectives like predicting ex tracted gap sentences on summarization (Zhang et al.,2020). We compare three summarization specific pretraining objectives with the task agnostic corrupted span prediction pretraining in controlled study. We also extend our study to a low resource and zero shot setup, to understand how many training examples are needed in order to ablate the task-specific pretraining without quality loss. Our results show that task-agnostic pretraining is sufficient for most cases which hopefully reduces the need for costly task-specific pretraining. We also report new state-of-the-art number for two summarization task using a T5 model with 11 billion parameters and an optimal beam search length penalty.
Style transfer aims to rewrite a source text in a different target style while preserving its content. We propose a novel approach to this task that leverages generic resources, and without using any task-specific parallel (source--target) data outpe rforms existing unsupervised approaches on the two most popular style transfer tasks: formality transfer and polarity swap. In practice, we adopt a multi-step procedure which builds on a generic pre-trained sequence-to-sequence model (BART). First, we strengthen the model's ability to rewrite by further pre-training BART on both an existing collection of generic paraphrases, as well as on synthetic pairs created using a general-purpose lexical resource. Second, through an iterative back-translation approach, we train two models, each in a transfer direction, so that they can provide each other with synthetically generated pairs, dynamically in the training process. Lastly, we let our best resulting model generate static synthetic pairs to be used in a supervised training regime. Besides methodology and state-of-the-art results, a core contribution of this work is a reflection on the nature of the two tasks we address, and how their differences are highlighted by their response to our approach.
Selective rationalization aims to produce decisions along with rationales (e.g., text highlights or word alignments between two sentences). Commonly, rationales are modeled as stochastic binary masks, requiring sampling-based gradient estimators, whi ch complicates training and requires careful hyperparameter tuning. Sparse attention mechanisms are a deterministic alternative, but they lack a way to regularize the rationale extraction (e.g., to control the sparsity of a text highlight or the number of alignments). In this paper, we present a unified framework for deterministic extraction of structured explanations via constrained inference on a factor graph, forming a differentiable layer. Our approach greatly eases training and rationale regularization, generally outperforming previous work on what comes to performance and plausibility of the extracted rationales. We further provide a comparative study of stochastic and deterministic methods for rationale extraction for classification and natural language inference tasks, jointly assessing their predictive power, quality of the explanations, and model variability.
The task of dialogue rewriting aims to reconstruct the latest dialogue utterance by copying the missing content from the dialogue context. Until now, the existing models for this task suffer from the robustness issue, i.e., performances drop dramatic ally when testing on a different dataset. We address this robustness issue by proposing a novel sequence-tagging-based model so that the search space is significantly reduced, yet the core of this task is still well covered. As a common issue of most tagging models for text generation, the model's outputs may lack fluency. To alleviate this issue, we inject the loss signal from BLEU or GPT-2 under a REINFORCE framework. Experiments show huge improvements of our model over the current state-of-the-art systems when transferring to another dataset.
Regular physical activity is associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and improved mental well-being. Yet, more than half of the US population is insufficiently active. Health coaching has been successful in promotin g healthy behaviors. In this paper, we present our work towards assisting health coaches by extracting the physical activity goal the user and coach negotiate via text messages. We show that information captured by dialogue acts can help to improve the goal extraction results. We employ both traditional and transformer-based machine learning models for dialogue acts prediction and find them statistically indistinguishable in performance on our health coaching dataset. Moreover, we discuss the feedback provided by the health coaches when evaluating the correctness of the extracted goal summaries. This work is a step towards building a virtual assistant health coach to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Recent pretrained vision-language models have achieved impressive performance on cross-modal retrieval tasks in English. Their success, however, heavily depends on the availability of many annotated image-caption datasets for pretraining, where the t exts are not necessarily in English. Although we can utilize machine translation (MT) tools to translate non-English text to English, the performance still largely relies on MT's quality and may suffer from high latency problems in real-world applications. This paper proposes a new approach to learn cross-lingual cross-modal representations for matching images and their relevant captions in multiple languages. We seamlessly combine cross-lingual pretraining objectives and cross-modal pretraining objectives in a unified framework to learn image and text in a joint embedding space from available English image-caption data, monolingual and parallel corpus. We show that our approach achieves SOTA performance in retrieval tasks on two multimodal multilingual image caption benchmarks: Multi30k with German captions and MSCOCO with Japanese captions.
Semantic parsing aims at translating natural language (NL) utterances onto machine-interpretable programs, which can be executed against a real-world environment. The expensive annotation of utterance-program pairs has long been acknowledged as a maj or bottleneck for the deployment of contemporary neural models to real-life applications. In this work, we focus on the task of semi-supervised learning where a limited amount of annotated data is available together with many unlabeled NL utterances. Based on the observation that programs which correspond to NL utterances should always be executable, we propose to encourage a parser to generate executable programs for unlabeled utterances. Due to the large search space of executable programs, conventional methods that use beam-search for approximation, such as self-training and top-k marginal likelihood training, do not perform as well. Instead, we propose a set of new training objectives that are derived by approaching the problem of learning from executions from the posterior regularization perspective. Our new objectives outperform conventional methods on Overnight and GeoQuery, bridging the gap between semi-supervised and supervised learning.
Pre-trained cross-lingual encoders such as mBERT (Devlin et al., 2019) and XLM-R (Conneau et al., 2020) have proven impressively effective at enabling transfer-learning of NLP systems from high-resource languages to low-resource languages. This succe ss comes despite the fact that there is no explicit objective to align the contextual embeddings of words/sentences with similar meanings across languages together in the same space. In this paper, we present a new method for learning multilingual encoders, AMBER (Aligned Multilingual Bidirectional EncodeR). AMBER is trained on additional parallel data using two explicit alignment objectives that align the multilingual representations at different granularities. We conduct experiments on zero-shot cross-lingual transfer learning for different tasks including sequence tagging, sentence retrieval and sentence classification. Experimental results on the tasks in the XTREME benchmark (Hu et al., 2020) show that AMBER obtains gains of up to 1.1 average F1 score on sequence tagging and up to 27.3 average accuracy on retrieval over the XLM-R-large model which has 3.2x the parameters of AMBER. Our code and models are available at
The most successful approach to Neural Machine Translation (NMT) when only monolingual training data is available, called unsupervised machine translation, is based on back-translation where noisy translations are generated to turn the task into a su pervised one. However, back-translation is computationally very expensive and inefficient. This work explores a novel, efficient approach to unsupervised NMT. A transformer, initialized with cross-lingual language model weights, is fine-tuned exclusively on monolingual data of the target language by jointly learning on a paraphrasing and denoising autoencoder objective. Experiments are conducted on WMT datasets for German-English, French-English, and Romanian-English. Results are competitive to strong baseline unsupervised NMT models, especially for closely related source languages (German) compared to more distant ones (Romanian, French), while requiring about a magnitude less training time.
الاستيعاب الشفهي هو مرحلة أساسية في اكتساب لغة أجنبية. لجعل تعليم و تعلّم هذه المهارة أسهل و أكثر فائدة في عملية الاستيعاب الشفهي، إنّ المستند السمعي البصري هو الوسيط الذي يحفز الطلاب و يحثهم على بناء معنى الرسالة الصوتية تدريجياً. ندرس في هذا المقا ل العناصر التي تساعد في فهم المستند السمعي البصري الذي يتيح الوصول الى المعنى من خلال الإشارات الغير شفهية، و لا سيما في مرحلة ما قبل الاستماع الذي يُعد الخطوة الأولى نحو فهم الرسالة الصوتية. بهدف مساعدة الطلاب على تحسين استيعابهم الشفهي، قمنا بدراسة أهمية المستندات السمعية البصرية لإثارة انتباه الطلاب. كما قمنا باستخدام هذه المستندات لتحفيز طلاب الصف العاشر، و هم العينة التي قمنا بتطبيق المنهج التعليمي الخاص باستخدام مستند سمعي بصري كمستند محفّز و داعم للاستيعاب الشفهي، و اختتمنا مع تحليل نتائج التلاميذ الذين حضروا درسنا و مقارنتها مع نتائج أولئك الذين لم يحضروا.

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