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Aim: to assess the expression ofcathepsin B(ctsB; an important protease) in human breast cancer and correlate that with the tumor grade. Materials and Methods:Serial sections were obtained from 23 formalin-fixed paraffin embedded breast cancer tis sue specimens which were collected from Alasad University Hospital and a pathological laboratory in Lattakia - Syria. Tissues were stained for cathepsin B using immunohistochemistry. Tonsil tissues were also included as a positive control. Results:Positive cytoplasmic staining of CtsB was observed in both follicular macrophages and endothelial cells in tonsil sections. In breast cancer tissues, tumor cells, endothelial cells and stroma stained positive for CtsB. The presence of CtsB in blood endothelium significantly correlated with the tumor grade (p=0.049). Conclusion: These results supported the important role of cathepsin B in tumor progression, particularly in angiogenesis. Future studies should investigate the regulating mechanisms of cathepsin activities within the tumor environment, and that can be considered as new tagets for cancer treatment.
In the present study, we measured DNMT3A levels, the methylation enzyme, in blood samples from Syrian AML patients and normal individuals using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction, in order to determine the roles of DNMT3A in the development of leukemia.
The study included the selection of the best methods to extract the enzyme among nine methods. The protein content was concentrated and precipitated by cold acetone among other five methods of concentration (partial purification). The purification stages were achieved by using ion exchange column chromatography (DEAE – Sephadex A 50 column). Followed by gel filtration chromatography using sephacryl S-300. The active parts were lyophlizated (free drying) to obtain Lipoxygenase with 43.18% yield and 8.16 folds of purification and specific activity of 1162.9 unit / mg. The purity of enzyme was confirmed by poly acryl amide gel electrophoresis under non denaturing conditions, with the appearance a single band .
نفذ البحث على 925 صوص فروج من الهجين المسمى (لوهمان)، وزعت بالتساوي إلى خمس مجموعات بمعدل 185 طيرًا في كل مجموعة، سمنت طيور كل مجموعة في غرفة مستقلة من النموذج المفتوح، و كانت جميع ظروف الإيواء و الرعاية واحدة لجميع المجموعات. كما غذيت طيور جميع ال مجموعات خلال المرحلة الأولى (1-14 يومًا من العمر) على خلطة نباتية خالية من الشعير و الأنزيمات، أما خلال المرحلتين الثانية ( 15 - 35 يومًا من العمر) و الثالثة ( 36 - 49 يومًا من العمر) فقد غذيت مجموعات الطيور المختلفة على خلطتين نباتيتين بعد إدخال الشعير المحلي مع الأنزيمات إلى كل منها بنسبة 0% للمجموعة الأولى (الشاهد)، 20 % للمجموعة الثانية، 30 % للمجموعة الثالثة، 40% للمجموعة الرابعة، 50 % للمجموعة الخامسة.

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