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تأثير استخدام الشعير المحلي مع الأنزيمات في الخلطات النباتية للفروج في المؤشرات الإنتاجية

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 Publication date 2003
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
Abd EL-Malak, M.S. (1993). The effect of using different levels of rumen liquor in feeding broilers J. Agic. Sci, Manasoura Univ. 18 (2) 356-362
Almirall, M., and E. Esteve – Garcina. (1994). Rate of passage of barley diets with chromium oxide: Influence of age and poultry strain and effect of Bglucanase supplementation. Poultry Sci . 73:1433-1440
Brenes. A., M. smith , W. Guenter, and R. R. Marquardt, (1993). Effect of enzyme supplementation on the performance and digestive tract size of broiler chickens fed with wheat-and barley– based diets. Poultry Sci. 72:1731-1739
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The research was carried out on 1774 chicks of sexual separate chicken from the hybrid Hibrd. The chicks were distributed into five groups, every group contained three repelications, and the chicks were fattened until the age of six weeks. The pro gram of feeding and sex was as the following in every group: The first group /control/: Its birds were both male and female /not sexual separate fattening/, they were fed on three vegetal mixtures according to age stages. The second group: Its birds were only male, and it was fed on three vegetal mixtures according to age stages /the mixtures of control group /. The third group: Its birds were only female, and it was fed on three vegetal mixtures according to age stages /the mixtures of control group/. The fourth group: Its birds were only male, it was fed according to age stages on three vegetal mixtures, which were distinguished by there high content of metabolic energy and raw protein, with comparison between them and the mixtures of control group. The fifth group: Its birds were only female, it was fed on three vegetal mixtures, according to age stages, which were distinguished by there low content of metabolic energy and raw protein with comparison between them and the mixtures of control group.
The study was carried out at the experimental station, Faculty of Agriculture. Damascus University. 1464 of the hybrid Lohman broiler chicks, one day old, were divided randomly and equally into 8 groups (182 chicks/ G) with 3 replicates of 61 chic ks each. Chicks in each replicate were reared separately on deep litter in an independent room of open housing till the age of 42 days. All housing and management procedures were similar for all chicks while the feeding was different throughout the fattening period in terms of the amounts of lysine and methionine added to the mix feed. Chicks of G1, G2, G3 and G4 were fed on plants mixtures supplemented with 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 kg/ ton of methionine, respectively. Chicks in G5, G6, G7 and G8 were fed on the same mixtures of the previous groups but supplemented additionally with 1kg/ton of lysine. Result showed that adding lysine 1kg/ton and methionine 2kg/ton to plant mixtures of feeds of broiler helped in improving significantly most of the indicators of productivity and this in turn led to a reduction of the cost of feeding and to produce 1 kg live weight, thereby raising the index profit from the process of fattening and increasing the gain from fattening process.
The research was carried out using 1728 broiler chicks (shifer starbro hybrid), They were divided into eight groups, each one consists of three replicates with 72 birds in every repetition .The birds of all repetitions were fattened until 49 days in separate pen of open type walk ,and on deepbedplate .All conditions of placement, rearing and feeding were the same for all birds of repitition in different groups.
تم تنفيذ البحث على ٧٤٦ صوص فروج من الهجين المسمى (لوهمان)، وزعت هذه الصيصان منذ اليوم الأول من العمر إلى أربع مجموعات بمعدل ١٨٦ ،١٨٦ ،١٨٧ ،١٨٧ ، طيرًا في كل مجموعة على التوالي ، سمنت طيور كل مجموعة في غرفة مستقلة من النموذج المفتوح، كانت جميع ظروف الإيواء و الرعاية واحدة لجميع المجموعات خلال فترة التسمين التي استمرت حتى عمر ٧ أسابيع، كما غذيت طيور جميع المجموعات خلال المرحلة الأولى (١-١٤ يومًا من العمر) على خلطة نباتية خالية من الشعير و الأنزيمات و كسبة القطن المقشورة، أما خلال المرحلتين الثانية (١٥-٣٥ يومًا من العمر) و الثالثة (36-٤٩ يومًا من العمر) فقد كانت تغذية المجموعات مختلفة.
The research was carried out on two classes of hatching eggs obtained from broiler breeder flock ( shifer starbro- Hybird ) 39 and 59 wk of age . In each class the hatching eggs were graded into three groups according to their weights. The hatchi ng eggs of each group were divided into three replicates . Eggs of all replicates were incubated in the same incubator . At hatching (115) chicks were taken from each replicate and fed in separate pen until 7 weeks of age . All conditions of housing, rearing and feeding ( vegetable diets ) were same for all birds of all replications.
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