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Copy mechanisms explicitly obtain unchanged tokens from the source (input) sequence to generate the target (output) sequence under the neural seq2seq framework. However, most of the existing copy mechanisms only consider single word copying from the source sentences, which results in losing essential tokens while copying long spans. In this work, we propose a plug-and-play architecture, namely BioCopy, to alleviate the problem aforementioned. Specifically, in the training stage, we construct a BIO tag for each token and train the original model with BIO tags jointly. In the inference stage, the model will firstly predict the BIO tag at each time step, then conduct different mask strategies based on the predicted BIO label to diminish the scope of the probability distributions over the vocabulary list. Experimental results on two separate generative tasks show that they all outperform the baseline models by adding our BioCopy to the original model structure.
In order to interpret the communicative intents of an utterance, it needs to be grounded in something that is outside of language; that is, grounded in world modalities. In this paper, we argue that dialogue clarification mechanisms make explicit the process of interpreting the communicative intents of the speaker's utterances by grounding them in the various modalities in which the dialogue is situated. This paper frames dialogue clarification mechanisms as an understudied research problem and a key missing piece in the giant jigsaw puzzle of natural language understanding. We discuss both the theoretical background and practical challenges posed by this problem and propose a recipe for obtaining grounding annotations. We conclude by highlighting ethical issues that need to be addressed in future work.
Cauliflower silicified geodes within Slunfeh Formation of upper cretaceous were described. Mid-range infrared spectroscopy FTIR was used for determination of mineral composition of these geodes. Polarized light microscope was used for the study of thin sections taken from inner parts of geodes in order to determine their crystal habits. The results showed that geodes of studied formation consists of silicon in form of amorphous to cryptocrystalline opal, chalcedony of micro-crystalline fibrous radial structure, hexagonal prismatic quartz, radial quartz, zoned quartz and mosaic quartz.
This study aimed at identifying Mechanisms of Human Capital Development in Tishreen University, and its role in reconstruction of Syria. In addition, the extent Tishreen University applied these mechanisms and the strategic objectives identified in t he Higher Education Plan. The researcher gave a questionnaire to 335 people, they are members of the Teaching Staff in Tishreen University, the main result of the study was that the universities follow to these mechanisms will contribute in Reconstruction. We have provided a summary of the main result that have found out is that Tishreen University did not apply mechanisms of Human Capital Development and the strategic objectives as required, and there is no interest in scientific research, absence of research plans and weak budget, and a dire need to contract with scientific data and research engines.
Environment is the atmosphere where mankind lives and interact with its component, whereas the growth of human's requirements has made great changes of the environmental system .So the environmental evaluation become one of the most important tool to reduce the impact of enhancement projects .Concrete works impact seems to be complicated and massive but some of them has lately effects which never appear soon. Nevertheless, the environmental evaluation considered very necessary and has such a big importance as a tool to make a decision, so that the concrete equipments are the serious element in environmental evaluation of concrete projects. Environmental evaluation to Huge concrete works will directly focus on the concrete equipments which have the clear effects on environment so the Environmental evaluation purpose is to reduce or prevent the negative effects which is expected in such as works, also it can be used as a tool in management and planning projects through inserting the environmental consideration in projects planning. In order to discuss this problem we used the fuzzy logic theory.
The public participation is one of the most important tools for sustainable urban development to prepare more appropriate master plans, but at the same time it forms a challenge to those concerned in terms of finding an appropriate mechanism and mode l to be activated according to the characteristics and requirements of the cities and the needs of their residents. The research began from establish the theoretical base of the community participation process to know the concept of it forms impediments in the preparation of urban development plans and to depend after that on study the experiences of different countries globally and locally about active the participation as a reference tool for the preparation of master plans for it's cities and evaluated them to utilize in line with the reality of Lattakia, then do the analytical study of the reality of participation in the city, through the use of the questionnaire to determine it's importance to population and and the extent of their participation in the preparation of master plans of the city and acceptability of it to preparation the plans for their city and determine their favorite mechanism, to research concludes to Suggestion the appropriate Participatory model to the local conditions of lattakia city to be public participation more effective with a mechanism of action in direct contact with the population and reflects their views and aspirations.
The corporate governance of the important issues for all local and international companies in our time, given that the financial crises that have suffered because of the global economy and has developed the concept of corporate governance within the priorities and focus systems and the laws of corporate governance in the world to limit the use of administrative power in not the interests of shareholders, And working to activate the performance of boards of directors of these companies, As well as strengthening internal control and monitor the implementation of strategies and identify the roles and powers of each of the shareholders and the Board of directors and executive management and stakeholders as well emphasize the importance of transparency and disclosure, The concept of corporate governance, Curriculum reform and a new mechanism of action that would establish the integrity of financial transactions put determinants serve public interests and rights of shareholders In the banking sector is increasingly important to use this mechanism, so the researcher to study the effect of the application of corporate governance in the reduction of administrative and financial corruption in the private banking sector in Syria, and concluded that most of the private banks to adopt the application of corporate governance, also concluded that the application of the principles of corporate governance has to do with moral and good in the reduction of financial and administrative corruption in these banks.
The role of the UN Security Council in the implementation of the rules of international humanitarian law through the authority granted to him under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations if it is exposed these rules are violated, especia lly when committing war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, which is a threat to international peace and security. Under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations Security Council to resort to measures stipulated by articles 41 and 42 of the Charter, including economic sanctions and responded to in Article 41, for example, but not limited to, the use of armed force contained in Article 42, in order to ensure respect for the rules of law IHL and thus keeping international peace and security, but that practice has proved the failure of the Security Council this task in many areas of the world, but on the contrary, the international forces operating in order to maintain international peace and security committed crimes in violation of international humanitarian law and targeted many civilians. And reflected the role of the Security Council is also in the implementation of the rules of international humanitarian law through the establishment of criminal tribunals temporary, such as those established in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, and its relationship with the International Criminal Court after the Rome Statute in 1998, and the evaluation of this power and the relationship to refer the crimes without the other, which contributed to the realization of the principle of duplication and giving priority to political considerations at the expense of international justice that the world today desperately need it.
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم مدى التزام الشركات الأردنية المساهمة العامة المساهمة بضوابط تشكيل و آليات عمل لجان التدقيق في تعزيز حوكمة الشركات. لتحقيق هدف الدراسة وزعت استبانات على أعضاء مجالس الإدارة يمثلون ( 67 ) شركة مساهمة مكونة من جزأين: ضوابط تشك يل و آليات عمل لجان التدقيق. بلغ مجموع الاستبانات التي استردت بعد توزيعها على أعضاء مجالس الإدارة و بشكل صالح لتحقيق أغراض هذه الدراسة ( 118 ) استبانة.

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