يعد الرصيف البيتوميني النوع الأكثر انتشاراًلإنشاء الطرق في الجمهورية العربية السورية ويستخدم بشكل واسع في كافة مناطق العالم حيث تبلغ نسبة الطرق التي تعتمد في إنشائها على هذا النوع من الرصف حوالي 93% في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ويعود ذلك لسبب سهولة وسرعة إنشائه وصيانته.
Bituminous pavement is the most prevalent type of road construction in the Syrian Arab Republic and is widely used in all regions of the world. The proportion of roads that depend on this type of pavement is about 93% in the United States of America due to the ease and speed of its construction and maintenance.
References used
الشروط والمواصفات الفنية العامة لأعمال الطرق والجسور الصادرة عن وزارة المواصلات السورية بالقرار رقم 165 تاريخ 1-7-2002
This work will concentrate on the mechanisms that produce neutralized
atoms upon scattering of ions from metal surfaces. Three mechanisms are
usually considered for ion neutralization at metal surfaces. Those are:
resonance tunneling; Auger neutra
This study aimed at identifying the concept of human capital migration and identifying the
main internal causes behind the phenomenon of human capital migration in Syria by
studying the impact of a range of economic, social and health factors (unem
Blast load caused emptying a large amount of energy very quickly parts of the
second causing a significant increase of pressure, in addition to generating high
temperatures because of the high speed often ends local effects of the explosion before
In this paper, ground surface settlement induced by tunneling have been studied
using 2D finite element analysis. By assuming greenfield conditions, which means that
there is no loads on the soil surface above the tunnel.
A FE study was conducted
This research includes evaluating the work of maintenance of themachines through
their own key performance indicators (KPI), and approved byindustrial and service
companies, We mention reliability, readiness ,average time between failures, average