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Effect of utilization of Artificial Insemination (AI) on ferility of Syrian local poultry

تأثير استخدام التلقيح الصناعي على الخصوبة عند الدجاج السوري المحلي

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 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research was conducted with the aim of applying artificial insemination in poultry for the first time in the Syrian Arab country by studying the semen quality of local Syrian roosters and knowing the differences between the effect of using fresh or cooled semen on the fertilization rate in hatching eggs

References used
الجلاد , تمارة , 2013 , مساهمة في التأسيس والتوصيف الجزيئي لسلالات من الدجاج البلدي السوري.
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This research was conducted to apply the technique of Artificial Insemination in poultry for the first time in the Syrian Arab Republic , and study the differences between the impact of the use of fresh or stored semen on the fertilization rate in hatching eggs . Results showed that the response to massage was different between cocks, It was greater in the cock A and cock B while the cock C was the least response to massage. The greater volume of ejaculate was obtained from the cock A( 0.072) ml ,and the least volume of ejaculate was obtained from the cock B (0.05) ml . The volume of ejaculate obtained from the three cocks was ranged between (0.049 -0.072) ml. The value of X in the count ranged between (230 - 237) sperm, semen concentration ranged between (4.6 - 4.7) billion sperm / ml. It also found that Insemination with a fresh semen injection yielded fertilization rate (91%), While insemination with semen injection cooling at the heat +4 ̊ C for 48 hours yielded fertilization rate (67%) .
This research was carried out to study some hattching egg traits and chick weight at day old in black type of Syrian local hens and Egyptian Fayoumi strain , and study the differences in egg traits and chicks which come from hybrization between Syr ian black male and Fayoumi female. Results showed that the average egg weight of Syrian hens was 52.33 g and of Fayoumi hens was 46.86 g . The fertility rate increased in hybrid egg compared with parents . It was87.94% in hybrid compared with 84.08% in Syrian hens and 77.22% in Fayoumi strain hens. The day old hybrid chick weight increased compared with Fayoumi chick. It was 32g in hybrid chicks while it was 30 g in Fayoumi chicks , and it was lower compared with black Syrian chicks (35g). Hatchability rate was 89.5% and 92.3% in Syrian local hens and Egyptian Fayoumi hens respectively .And this rate decreased to 82.6% for the hybrid . Chicks hatched decreased to 69.2% for hybrid compared with 72.93%for Syrian local hens and 69.44% for Egyptian Fayoumi hens . The mortality of hybrid chicks was 3.3% , it was lower compared with mortality of Fayoumi chicks (6.05%) and higher compared with mortality of Syrian chicks (2.22%).
Experiment was conducted on 160 fertilized egg sterile, distributed in four groups of 40 eggs in each of them, eggs incubation in the hatchery for 12 h, and then go out and inject eggs experimental Groups (1-2-3) with a solution of tetracycline under the embryo disk.
This study included a test of 90 chickens; 90 samples as (a chest) and 90 samples as (a thigh). These samples were divided into four categories: the first one (45 chests) was stored with packages in a tin sheet, the second (45 chests) unpacked, the t hird (45 thighs) was stored with packages in a tin plate, the fourth (45 thighs) unpacked. The samples of each category were divided into three groups. Each group consists of 15 samples. These groups were stored at (25+°, 4+°, 20-°) .Then, the pH and the total count of bacteria were measured during storage in order to observe the time in which the samples will start to spoil in accordance with the Syrian Standards and Specifications Corporation 2007. We noticed the following physical changes: color, odor, flavor and texture. The results showed that the spoilage of the thigh samples happened before the chest ones and the packaged samples before the unpackaged ones. The samples spoiled after 24h of storage at 25+° and after 7 days of storage at 4+°, whereas, there was no spoilage noticed for the samples at 20-° but the appearance changed after 6 months of storage. Packing had a good effect on preservation. The conclusions and the suggestions were written in order to guide the consumer in the field of poultry meat storage.

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