اجريت التجربة على 160 بيضة مخصبة معقمة وزعت في 4 مجموعات بمعدل 40 بيضة في كل منها, حضن البيض في الحاضنة حتى مرحلة الخط المتوسط الابتدائي مدة 12 ساعة ثم أخرج و حقن بيض المجموعات التجريبية (1-2-3) بمحلول التتراسيكلين تحت القرص الجرثومي.
Experiment was conducted on 160 fertilized egg sterile, distributed
in four groups of 40 eggs in each of them, eggs incubation in the
hatchery for 12 h, and then go out and inject eggs experimental
Groups (1-2-3) with a solution of tetracycline under the embryo disk.
References used
Allen ES, Brown WE. 1966; Hepatic toxicity of tetracycline in pregnancy. Am J ObstetGynecol 95:128
Alumni Bulletin 1961. university of Michigan official publication. Vol.66.no33 p.31
Bevelander, G., Nakahara, H. & Rolle, G. K. (1962). The effect of tetracycline on development of skeletal system of the chick embryo. Develop. Biol., 2, 298-312
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of ascorbic acid
(AA) during egg incubation on development of broiler chickens of a
commercial stock. In Experiment ١, eggs with living embryos were injected at
١٥ d of incubation with ٠٫١ ml o
Thirteen viable and post - frozenthawed Shami cows embryos obtained by
super-ovulation and artificial insemination technique in order to determine sex
of embryos. Biopsies (1-2 cells) of embryos at morula or blastocyst stage were
taken using micro
Mice embryos were irradiated in utero by gamma rays (٠،٢،٤،٦ Gy) at
١٠،١٢،١٤،١٦،١٨ days of gestation. Histological study was carried out on the
first premandibular molar after ٢،٤،٦،٨ days of irradiation, to investigate the
effect of irradiation on different stages of molar development.
Carnation is one of the most important crop for cut flowers not only in
Syria but all over the world.
The producers in Syria and in other countries are suffering during the
seasons of hot temperature from dwarfing of the plants and the production
Pephigus vulgaris is a recurrent life threatening disease. Its basic treatment is
systemic steroids, after treating the first attack of the disease by systemic steroids we start to reduce the
dose of the steroids gradually. During this reduction th