عبر مراحل الأدب العالمي وتطوراته المبنية أساساً على الأحوال الاجتماعية المواكبة لكل ادب شهد الشعر أيضاً تنوعاً في تناوله موضوعات متعددة أهمّت شعراء كل عصر وتعددت المنابع التي راح ينهل منها كل شاعر على حدة فنجد من جد في إعلاء العقل على العاطفة وحاكى القدماء في شعره كما نجد شعراء غيرهم غاصوا في بحار من الخيال وعاطفة لا قرار لها وثمة من لجأ إلى كهف الرمز فوجد فيه ملاذاً آمناً من شرور المجتمع ومفاسده التي صورها كثير من الشعراء بدقة وبواقعية وصلت بهم أزقتها إلى حد التشديد على مسألة تنوير الشعوب وتوعيتها ومنهم أيضاً من حاول ضياء العرفان والرمز الصوفي يقتبس منه ادوات للتعبير عن عشقه الذات الإلهية .
Through the stages of world literature and its developments based mainly on the social conditions that accompany each literature, poetry has also witnessed a diversity in its handling of multiple topics that mattered to the poets of every era. Others dived into a sea of imagination and emotion that has no resolution. There are those who resorted to the symbol cave and found a safe haven from the evils and evils of society, which many poets portrayed accurately and realistically, and its alleys reached the point of stressing the issue of enlightening and sensitizing peoples, and some of them also tried Zia of gratitude and the mystical symbol. He quotes him as tools to express his love for the divine.
References used
ابن ابي طالب , علي : ديوان الإمام علي أمير المؤمنين وسيد البلغاء والمتكلمين إصدار دار كريم بدمشق
The impact of the "crisis of comparative literature" (Renee Wilk) in the critical
center of the fire spread in the wild, although the vocabulary did not bear new added to the
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This paper deals with Comparative Literature (CL) as it can be
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learners of English.
This paper views folk literature as one of acceptability and of rejection at the same
time. It is also concerned with the dramatic dimension of the art of lullaby in classical
Arabic literature because choreography was associated with the art of si
This paper aims at exploring man's relation to nature in John
Neihardt's Black Elk Speaks. It contrasts the European Americans'
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The story is a beautiful piece of art and it has many kinds in the
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