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Description of Place in the Novel Beautiful Damascus

وصف المكان في رواية دمشق الجميلة

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 Publication date 2015
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The description of place in the novel, Beautiful Damascus, is associated with its creator’s cultural dimension, so he impregnates it with his thoughts and aspirations. Place description is one based upon interpretation. He did not describe geographical places in particular, but he intended to form them in an artistic manner which serves his ideas. He also described place both accurately and in accordance with the novel’s characters’ activities within that place. Place description is linked to colour so that it can reveal their psychological situations. He also described non-visible place because he felt that eyesight is not alone capable of description in a perfect way.

References used
داود, أحمد يوسف, دمشق الجميلة, منشورات اتحاد الكتاب العرب, 1976م, دمشق.
ريكاردو, جان, قضايا الرواية الحديثة, ترجمة: صياح الجهيم, منشورات وزارة الثقافة, دمشق, 1977م.
عيسى, محمد سلمان, النقد الأدبي العربي الحديث و المعاصر, مطبعة البعث, 2013-2014م.
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The presence of place in Abdul-Rahman Munif's Narratives is one of the principal characteristics of the modern Arabic Novel. We do not exaggerate to claim that the place has changed into a central character in his prosaic works, because it represen ts the primordial space to all prosaic components, and it stands as the cradle of all human existence, since it enjoys the possibility of transformation and summarizing concepts. Part of the problem that this piece of research endeavours to disclose depends on explaining the magnificent turbulances of place as a result of the human conduct which does not consider the ethical and human issues quite remarkably since it aims at achieving its totalitarian and materialistic interests at every cost. The great shifts of place in the novel Cities of Salt emerge as the outcome of the destructive human behaviour toward the virgin nature (intrinsically and extrinsically), where Munif concurrently struggles to uncover the underlying psychological, sociological, political and economic consequences that the human being of the Arab Peninsula has been exposed to. At the same time, we conclude that the place has also left observable impacts on mankind; henceforward, man starts complaining from alienation, disorientation and loss of identity owing to the grand shifts manifested by the place
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