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التداخل الدوائي الغذائي بين عصير الليمون الهندي والإيبوبروفين

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 Publication date 2014
  fields Pharmacy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

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Michael D.C. Human drug metabolism. John Wily 2005
rate research

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This paper is concerned mainly with an unprecedented phenomenon, which deserves more examination and analysis: it is the Fatimid writers’ tendency toward finding a the interrelation between poetry and prose, and showing how far their memorization of poetry and prose effects the emergence of this phenomenon. Therefore, this paper attempts at unraveling three important aspects: first, identifying the concept, the beginnings of the interrelation; second, the genres of the interaction between a poem and a letter; third, the leitmotivs of the interrelation between a poem and a letter in the writings of Fatimid writers.
Code-mixed language plays a crucial role in communication in multilingual societies. Though the recent growth of web users has greatly boosted the use of such mixed languages, the current generation of dialog systems is primarily monolingual. This in crease in usage of code-mixed language has prompted dialog systems in a similar language. We present our work in Code-Mixed Dialog Generation, an unexplored task in code-mixed languages, generating utterances in code-mixed language rather than a single language that is more often just English. We present a new synthetic corpus in code-mix for dialogs, CM-DailyDialog, by converting an existing English-only dialog corpus to a mixed Hindi-English corpus. We then propose a baseline approach where we show the effectiveness of using mBART like multilingual sequence-to-sequence transformers for code-mixed dialog generation. Our best performing dialog models can conduct coherent conversations in Hindi-English mixed language as evaluated by human and automatic metrics setting new benchmarks for the Code-Mixed Dialog Generation task.
Background: Because of the obvious increasing in the poisoning cases in the recent decades . The aim of the study was to determine the medicine groups that were used to commit suicide and suicide attempts. Methods: Our study contained two sampl es . . The first was 175 suicide attempts ( 50 males, 125 females ), which were archives in the Syrian poison information center in the period between 1998-1999. These cases were divided into sex, age groups, incidence date The second was 84 suicide cases ( 54 males, 30 females ), which were archives in the medicolegal center in Damascus during the period between 1996 – 2000 . Out of 12 cases were because of using medicines, and the medicines classified according to the therapeutic medicinal groups. Results: Analgesics were used in 25.36% of all suicide attempts. Paracetamol formed 94% out of it. The psychiatric tablets were used 20.65%. The analgesics were used in 33.33% of all suicide cases. In one third of cases the persons used their own medicines. The incidence of suicide attempts by using medicines for male: female was 1:2.5. 48% of all suicide attempts were in the group 10- 20 years and 32% were in summer. Conclusion: Most of suicide attempts by using medicines were due to paracetamol. So, we need other studies about suicide attempts in another cities .
تمت الدراسة على أشجار الإجاص صنف كوشيا خلال العامين (2008و 2009) في مركز الفرات الزراعي بمحافظة دير الزور لمعرفة تأثير التقليم الإثماري والتسميد الورقي العضوي
Lemmatization is often used with morphologically rich languages to address issues caused by morphological complexity, performed by grammar-based lemmatizers. We propose an alternative for this, in form of a tool that performs lemmatization in the spa ce of word embeddings. Word embeddings as distributed representations natively encode some information about the relationship between base and inflected forms, and we show that it is possible to learn a transformation that approximately maps the embeddings of inflected forms to the embeddings of the corresponding lemmas. This facilitates an alternative processing pipeline that replaces traditional lemmatization with the lemmatizing transformation in downstream processing for any application. We demonstrate the method in the Finnish language, outperforming traditional lemmatizers in example task of document similarity comparison, but the approach is language independent and can be trained for new languages with mild requirements.
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