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Background: Because of the obvious increasing in the poisoning cases in the recent decades . The aim of the study was to determine the medicine groups that were used to commit suicide and suicide attempts. Methods: Our study contained two sampl es . . The first was 175 suicide attempts ( 50 males, 125 females ), which were archives in the Syrian poison information center in the period between 1998-1999. These cases were divided into sex, age groups, incidence date The second was 84 suicide cases ( 54 males, 30 females ), which were archives in the medicolegal center in Damascus during the period between 1996 – 2000 . Out of 12 cases were because of using medicines, and the medicines classified according to the therapeutic medicinal groups. Results: Analgesics were used in 25.36% of all suicide attempts. Paracetamol formed 94% out of it. The psychiatric tablets were used 20.65%. The analgesics were used in 33.33% of all suicide cases. In one third of cases the persons used their own medicines. The incidence of suicide attempts by using medicines for male: female was 1:2.5. 48% of all suicide attempts were in the group 10- 20 years and 32% were in summer. Conclusion: Most of suicide attempts by using medicines were due to paracetamol. So, we need other studies about suicide attempts in another cities .
تأتي أهمية هذه المقالة من الاستخدام الواسع و العشوائي للباراسيتامول و من الخطر الكبير لاستخدام جرعة مفرطة منه على الخلية الكبدية و التي قد تسبب قصورا كبديا خطيرا و مميتا. ن- أستيل – سيستئين هو ترياق نوعي و ممتاز للتسمم بالباراسيتامول و قد حددت استطب اباته حاليا بدقة. قدمنا حالتين سريريتين لتسمم حاد بالباراسيتامول و حالة سريرية نادرة لتسمم مزمن بالباراسيتامول و جميعها قبلت في مشفى الأسد الجامعي باللاذقية – قسم الأطفال.

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