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تأثير التداخل بين التقليم الإثماري والتسميد الورقي العضوي في نمو وإنتاج الإجاص

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 Publication date 2010
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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الشيخ حسن طه ( ترجمة وإعداد) (2006) تقليم وتربية أشجار الفاكهة دار علاء الدين دمشق
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The aim of this research is to determine the role of mineral (NPK) and organic fertilization (Chicken manure, Cow manure and Chicken with Cow manure) on vegetative growth and flowering of Zinnia (Zinnia elegans). This research also examines the possi bility of relying on this organic manure to present nutrients for the plant in order to reduce mineral fertilization. The results show that the use of NPK (30, 20, 20 g/m2) or Chicken manure (2Kg/m2) has a positive impact on vegetative growth (plant height and average number of branches andleaves on the plant). They also show a positive effect on the flower developmentand flowering (early flowering, number of flowers and flower volume). These positive effects are reflected on the proportion of dry matter both in the vegetative and flowering part. The results indicate that plants fertilized with NPK or Chicken manure realize higher economic profit than the control and those fertilized with Cow manure.
This search was carried out in Abi Garash farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University to study the efficiency of using “Agerton” as a fertiliser; either by irrigation or a foliar spry on tomato seedling. Four varieties were used (Astona, Tyr ad, E26 and Local). Results showed that the treatment by the fertilizer resulted in an increase in growth thorough the plant length increasing. This increase was about 1.1 and 1.2 folds for all varieties and types of treatment (irrigation and foliar spry), as compared to the control. Moreover, the using of fertilizer led to a significant increase in the yield of plant, which increased by 1.2 and 1.5 in Astona; 1.2 and 1.4 in E26, 2.2 and 2.3 in Local and 1.5 and 2 in Tyrade, for the treatment of irrigation and foliar spry, respectively.
This work was carried out in Al-Hwaize,Jaleh,Lattakia , in order to study the influence of seeding distances,the organic and metal fertilization on the production of safflower of dry petals and seeds and studying its morphological and variety qualities.
This search aims to study the efficiency of using“Biotolerance” as a fertiliser; by a foliar spry on Pepper seedling. Four varieties were used (Marcony, California wander, Maroty-7 andRobber). The results showed that the treatment by the fertilizer resulted in an increase in growth thorough the plant length increasing.

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