يعتبر مبدأ السببية من أهم المبادئ الفلسفية و العلمية التي لعبت دوراً أساسياً في تطور عملية البحث العلمي و المعرفي ، فمنذ بداية التفكير الفلسفي حاول الفلاسفة الأوائل البحث عن العلل الأولى للكون و عن الأسباب الحقيقية الكامنة وراء الظواهر و الحوادث في الكون ، و بالتالي ساعد مبدأ السببية على تقديم رؤية عامة و شاملة عن الكون حيث أقر أن الطبيعة تخضع لقوانين ثابتة و أن الظواهر تنتظم وفق نظام معين و إن تتابع هذه الظواهر يرتبط بأنظمة ذات قوانين و ارتباطات سببية محددة .
و مع تطور العلم و المعرفة في العصر الحديث أصبح واضحاً للعلماء و المفكرين أن العقل لا يصل إلى القوانين إلا من خلال مجموعة من المبادئ و منها مبدأ السببية ، فالتجربة العلمية تدل على أن الظواهر ترتبط ببعضها ارتباط العلة بالمعلول ، و هذا ما يعبر عنه قانون العلية و على أساسه يتم الوصول إلى القوانين العامة التي تحكم العلاقات بين الظواهر المترابطة ، و في ظل النظرية السببية نشأت العديد من المفاهيم الفلسفية و العلمية ذات الارتباط الوثيق بمبدأ السببية كمفهوم الضرورة و الحتمية و اللاحتمية التي أدت إلى نشوء العديد من المذاهب الفلسفية و التيارات العلمية التي قدمت إسهامات علمية و معرفية متعددة من خلال النظريات و الإشكاليات التي بحثت فيها .
The principle of causality is considered one of the most important philosophical and
scientific principles that played a seminal role in developing scientific and epistemic
research. This started with the commencement of philosophical thought. Since then the
early philosophers attempted to look for the first causes that formed the universe and the
real reasons that led to the phenomena and incidents happeningin it , Hence, the principle
of causality helped to present a general comprehensive viewpoint about the universe. This
viewpoint says that nature always undergoes fixed rules, phenomena becomes regular
according to a certain system and that the hierarchy of these phenomena is linked with
systems that have laws and certain causal liaisons .
With the advancement of science and knowledge, it has become clear to scientists
and thinkers that mind does not conclude laws save through a number of principles, one of
which is the principle of causality. Thus, scientific experiment shows that phenomena are
related to each other as the causesare related to the effects. This is explained through the
principle of causality by which it is possible to derive conclusions of the general laws that
rule the relationships between correlated phenomena , As a result of the causal theory,
many philosophical and scientific concepts that are strongly related to the principle of
causality emerged. Such concepts were that of necessity, inevitability and indeterminism
which in its turn led to the emergence of many philosophical doctrines and scientific
movements that contributed greatly to the scientific and epistemic sphere through the
theories and problematic questions they posed and probed.
References used
الفارابي ، محمد: آراء أهل المدينة الفاضلة ، مؤسسة هنداوي ، القاهرة ، 2012
المصري ، أيمن : أصول المعرفة و المنهج العقلي ، المركز الثقافي العربي ، (د.م)، (د.ت).
خيربك ، فؤاد : من الابستمولوجيا إلى المجتمع، وزارة الثقافة ، دمشق ، 2002
This research tries to examine the concept of self within the framework of modern
philosophy and contemporary philosophy, in an attempt to highlight the role of this
concept in the formation of most of the philosophical doctrines from the Greek era
This approach discusses the Causality principal in ancient Iraqain civilization trying
to answer the important question which is:
Did the Iraqian thought believe in Causality and depend on it?
Did Iraqian Myths include this principle?
And if the
This research is an interpretive and critical approach to one of Jacques Derrida's
theories of deconstructive philosophy, the term "spectrum", which focuses first on trying to
define and clarify the meanings that can be contained within Derrida's t
This research tries to analyze the political and external criticism of
science and its achievements according to Habermas. Moreover, it tries to
deal with the negative results of science in our contemporary human
lives, especially its disability t
This research aims to show the meaning of "the philosophical
system" and the recognition its structure, and explaining it. Because of
the scarcity of such studies, especially in Arabic, beside the unavailability
of the references related to the su