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The concept of self in modern and contemporary philosophy

مفهوم النفس في الفلسفة الحديثة و المعاصرة

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 Publication date 2018
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research tries to examine the concept of self within the framework of modern philosophy and contemporary philosophy, in an attempt to highlight the role of this concept in the formation of most of the philosophical doctrines from the Greek era to the contemporary philosophy, through modern philosophy. In this research, we will attempt to study the formation of this concept in the framework of modern and contemporary philosophy, to show the philosophers' interest in this concept and the extent to which the concept is linked to the clarify their own philosophy. Therefore, the research attempts to provide a follow-up reading of the concept of self in a comparative historical context, in which we demonstrate that this concept is still alive in contemporary philosophy, albeit with different names, such as reason, mind or feeling. We will conclude from this the importance of the concept of self in the philosophical context, which still occupies an important space in the thinking of modern and contemporary philosophers. Here we will try to ask several questions, including what is the dualism of the soul and body. How can the soul be a logical synthesis, an emanated mind, or a subjective feeling? In this research, we will try to answer these questions and other questions that will appear in the context of the research.

References used
إبراهيم، زكريا: دراسات في الفلسفة المعاصرة، دار مصر للطباعة، مصر، د.ت.
أرسطو: كتاب النفس، ترجمة أحمد الأهواني، دار قباء، ط2 , 2015م.
أفلاطون : فيدون، ترجمة عزت قرني، دار قباء، القاهرة، ط3, 2002م.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
يتناول هذا البحث مفهوم النفس في الفلسفة الحديثة والمعاصرة، حيث يسعى لتوضيح دور هذا المفهوم في تشكيل أغلب المذاهب الفلسفية منذ العصور اليونانية وحتى الفلسفة المعاصرة. يبدأ البحث بدراسة مفهوم النفس عند أفلاطون وأرسطو، حيث يعتبر أفلاطون النفس جوهرًا غير مادي مستقل عن الجسد، بينما يرى أرسطو أن النفس هي صورة الجسم الحي ومبدأ حياته. ينتقل البحث بعد ذلك إلى الفلسفة الحديثة، مسلطًا الضوء على ديكارت الذي يعتبر النفس جوهرًا مفكرًا مستقلًا عن الجسد، وسبينوزا الذي يرى أن النفس والجسم هما شيء واحد، وهيوم الذي ينكر وجود النفس كجوهر مستقل. في الفلسفة المعاصرة، يتناول البحث وجهات نظر وليم جيمس الذي يربط بين النفس والشعور الذاتي، وصمويل ألكسندر الذي يرى أن النفس هي نتيجة انبثاق متطور من العمليات العصبية، وبرتراند رسل الذي يعتبر النفس والمادة تركيبات منطقية مستمدة من المعطيات الحسية. يخلص البحث إلى أن مفهوم النفس لا يزال يحتل مكانة هامة في الفلسفة المعاصرة، وإن ظهر بمسميات مختلفة مثل العقل أو الشعور.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: يقدم البحث دراسة شاملة ومفصلة لمفهوم النفس في الفلسفة الحديثة والمعاصرة، ولكنه يفتقر إلى التركيز على بعض الفلاسفة الذين كان لهم تأثير كبير في تطوير هذا المفهوم. كما أن البحث يعتمد بشكل كبير على تحليل النصوص الفلسفية دون تقديم رؤى جديدة أو نقدية. كان من الممكن أن يكون البحث أكثر ثراءً إذا تم تضمين مقارنات بين الفلاسفة المختلفين وتوضيح كيف أن تطور مفهوم النفس يعكس التغيرات الثقافية والاجتماعية عبر العصور. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن أن يكون هناك توضيح أكبر لكيفية تأثير هذه المفاهيم الفلسفية على العلوم النفسية الحديثة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو مفهوم النفس عند أفلاطون؟

    يعتبر أفلاطون النفس جوهرًا غير مادي مستقل عن الجسد، ويقسمها إلى ثلاثة أقسام تتوافق مع تقسيمه للدولة: النفس العاقلة وفضيلتها الحكمة، النفس الغاضبة وفضيلتها الشجاعة، والنفس الشهوانية وفضيلتها العفة.

  2. كيف يختلف مفهوم النفس عند أرسطو عن أفلاطون؟

    يرى أرسطو أن النفس هي صورة الجسم الحي ومبدأ حياته، وهي لا يمكن أن تمارس وظائفها بدون الجسد، بينما يعتبر أفلاطون النفس جوهرًا غير مادي مستقل عن الجسد.

  3. ما هو موقف ديكارت من النفس والجسد؟

    يعتبر ديكارت النفس جوهرًا مفكرًا مستقلًا عن الجسد، ويرى أن الجسم مجرد مادة أو جوهر ممتد، وأن التفكير هو خاصية النفس وحدها.

  4. كيف يفسر وليم جيمس العلاقة بين النفس والجسد؟

    يربط وليم جيمس بين النفس والشعور الذاتي، ويرى أن النفس ليست جوهرًا مستقلًا بل هي حالة شعورية دائمة التدفق والتغير، ويعتبر أن الإدراك الحسي والفكر هما عمليتان متبادلتان تؤديان إلى وحدة النفس.

rate research

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The principle of causality is considered one of the most important philosophical and scientific principles that played a seminal role in developing scientific and epistemic research. This started with the commencement of philosophical thought. Sinc e then the early philosophers attempted to look for the first causes that formed the universe and the real reasons that led to the phenomena and incidents happeningin it , Hence, the principle of causality helped to present a general comprehensive viewpoint about the universe. This viewpoint says that nature always undergoes fixed rules, phenomena becomes regular according to a certain system and that the hierarchy of these phenomena is linked with systems that have laws and certain causal liaisons . With the advancement of science and knowledge, it has become clear to scientists and thinkers that mind does not conclude laws save through a number of principles, one of which is the principle of causality. Thus, scientific experiment shows that phenomena are related to each other as the causesare related to the effects. This is explained through the principle of causality by which it is possible to derive conclusions of the general laws that rule the relationships between correlated phenomena , As a result of the causal theory, many philosophical and scientific concepts that are strongly related to the principle of causality emerged. Such concepts were that of necessity, inevitability and indeterminism which in its turn led to the emergence of many philosophical doctrines and scientific movements that contributed greatly to the scientific and epistemic sphere through the theories and problematic questions they posed and probed.
Rationality is by far the luckiest philosophical concept in so far as its controversial status is concerned. It is also one of the terms most liable to rejection, criticism and analysis. Hence, our paper is an attempt to unscramble the controversy re lating to tuning the term of rationality into a concept that denotes multiple significations in the era of modern philosophy, and which are considered the real foundation of what today's world has reached in its intellectual, scientific and social aspects. According to this terminological and conceptual context, we have tried in this paper to shed special light on the genealogy of the concept of rationality, its origins and evolution as a trend in modern European thought, given that it is a signifier that denotes the priority of the mind, and which derives from various meanings that are complementary at times, yet contradictory at others, whereby carrying multiple significations, that vary in accordance with its field of use. With a certain degree of special attention, we have also tried to glean some of the most basic meanings associated with the term of rationality. We hope that this way we may be able to clarify the obscurity that engulfs the term, something which has caused its ambiguity, and thus our confused understanding of the philosophy of modernity.
This research is an interpretive and critical approach to one of Jacques Derrida's theories of deconstructive philosophy, the term "spectrum", which focuses first on trying to define and clarify the meanings that can be contained within Derrida's t exts, and then sheds light on its location and importance for the School of Methodological Practice , And in a third stage, this paper presents an illustration of Derrida's divergence regarding the concept of the spectrum that this argument indicates between exclusion and retention and how Derrida's position can be interpreted in this regard. Finally, this research presents a critical approach to the functional role of Derrida's philosophy .
The research includes: an Introduction which gave the definition of the movement (ancient and modern) and shows the movement in the artwork and its divisions: virtual and physical external and internal movement. 1 – The external virtual and physic al movement that can be extrapolated through the creation of the artwork and the relationship of elements to each other. The researcher provides the metal works that are related to parts of the joints moving and refers to Calder as a leader of this method in sculpture. 2 - The internal Movement in the work of art: starting from movement of the point to form a line, then the surface, down to the size of three-dimensional work, and the movement of diodes within the artwork. Stages of the vision of the artwork it is: split into three phases a - from the standpoint of sensory, that is, through sight movement, and the transition between the elements of the artwork, b - the analytical and cognitive process of the similar or contrasting binaries of art work trends of elements in it, and its interlocutor, c - the process of mind which includes The story behind the artwork. The researcher finally deals the rhythm of the movement in the work of art, the futurism, and structural sculpture through "Tatlin" and "Boccioni" and others. The research ends with analyzing two artworks for the artists: Picasso and Maillol.
This research aims to show the meaning of "the philosophical system" and the recognition its structure, and explaining it. Because of the scarcity of such studies, especially in Arabic, beside the unavailability of the references related to the su bject, we are going to study the theoretical problem about the concept of "system" in the Arabic thought, and to distinguish between the "system" and the "doctrine", trying to define the "philosophical system" and to clarify it's characters.
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