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The Principle of Causality in Myth

مفهوم السببية في الأسطورة (وادي الرافدين إنموذجاً)

1429   1   32   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
  fields Philosphy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This approach discusses the Causality principal in ancient Iraqain civilization trying to answer the important question which is: Did the Iraqian thought believe in Causality and depend on it? Did Iraqian Myths include this principle? And if the answer is yes, can we say that the ancient Iraqian Causality is similar to the temporary scientific Causality which dependson stationary lows in all cases? We will try to answer these questions depending on our understanding of the ancient Iraqian world: What is the relationship among its existents? What are the powers which control this world and how? And how much man canchangethe destiny of the world? These questions will be answered depending on the ancient Iraqian Myths trying to highlight importance of this civilization which have affected humanity.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
يتناول هذا البحث مفهوم السببية في الفكر الرافدي القديم، محاولاً الإجابة عن السؤال الجوهري: هل يؤمن الفكر الرافدي بمفهوم السببية ويقوم على أساسه؟ وهل تحمل الأساطير الرافدية إرهاصات لهذا المفهوم؟ وإذا كانت الإجابة نعم، فهل يمكننا القول بأن معنى السببية في الفكر الرافدي هو نفسه كما يُعرف اليوم في الأبحاث العلمية؟ أم أن لهذا المفهوم خصوصية فريدة في الفكر الرافدي؟ يحاول البحث الإجابة عن هذه الأسئلة من خلال فهم الكون الرافدي ومحتوياته، وكيفية تفاعلها وتأثيرها على بعضها البعض. كما يناقش البحث مدى قدرة الإنسان الرافدي على خلق مصيره ومصير الموجودات من حوله، معتمدًا على الأساطير الرافدية التي تعكس رؤية الإنسان الرافدي للعالم من حوله. يهدف البحث إلى تسليط الضوء على حضارة وادي الرافدين العريقة، وكيفية اعتمادها على مفهوم السببية، محاولاً تقديم رؤية جديدة بعيدًا عن النظرة الضيقة التي وسمت الفكر الشرقي القديم بالتخلف والسذاجة.
Critical review
تعتبر دراسة مفهوم السببية في الفكر الرافدي القديم خطوة مهمة لفهم تطور الفكر الإنساني. ومع ذلك، يمكن أن نلاحظ بعض النقاط التي قد تحتاج إلى مزيد من التوضيح. أولاً، يعتمد البحث بشكل كبير على الأساطير كمصدر رئيسي لفهم الفكر الرافدي، وقد يكون من المفيد تضمين مصادر أخرى مثل النصوص القانونية أو الأدبية لتقديم صورة أكثر شمولاً. ثانياً، قد يكون من المفيد توضيح الفروق بين السببية الأسطورية والسببية العلمية بشكل أكثر تفصيلاً، خاصة فيما يتعلق بكيفية تطبيقها في الحياة اليومية للرافديين. وأخيراً، يمكن أن يكون هناك مزيد من التركيز على كيفية تأثير هذه الأفكار على الحضارات اللاحقة، مما يعزز من أهمية البحث في السياق التاريخي الأوسع.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو السؤال الجوهري الذي يحاول البحث الإجابة عنه؟

    يحاول البحث الإجابة عن السؤال الجوهري: هل يؤمن الفكر الرافدي بمفهوم السببية ويقوم على أساسه؟

  2. ما هي المصادر التي يعتمد عليها البحث لفهم الفكر الرافدي؟

    يعتمد البحث بشكل رئيسي على الأساطير الرافدية لفهم الفكر الرافدي.

  3. كيف يختلف مفهوم السببية في الفكر الرافدي عن السببية العلمية الحديثة؟

    السببية في الفكر الرافدي تعتمد على الشخصيات والإرادات الكامنة وراء الظواهر، بينما السببية العلمية تعتمد على قوانين ثابتة يمكن تطبيقها في جميع الحالات.

  4. ما هي أهمية البحث في سياق الدراسات التاريخية والفلسفية؟

    يسلط البحث الضوء على حضارة وادي الرافدين العريقة وكيفية اعتمادها على مفهوم السببية، مما يساهم في فهم تطور الفكر الإنساني وتأثير الحضارات الشرقية القديمة على الحضارات اللاحقة.

References used
تيزيني، طيب، دراسات في الفكر الفلسفي في الشرق القديم، مطبعة الأتحاد، دمشق، 1987, ص31.
الزبيدي، تاج العروس، دار مكتبة الحياة، بيروت، المجلد الثالث، د.ت، ص 267.
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The principle of causality is considered one of the most important philosophical and scientific principles that played a seminal role in developing scientific and epistemic research. This started with the commencement of philosophical thought. Sinc e then the early philosophers attempted to look for the first causes that formed the universe and the real reasons that led to the phenomena and incidents happeningin it , Hence, the principle of causality helped to present a general comprehensive viewpoint about the universe. This viewpoint says that nature always undergoes fixed rules, phenomena becomes regular according to a certain system and that the hierarchy of these phenomena is linked with systems that have laws and certain causal liaisons . With the advancement of science and knowledge, it has become clear to scientists and thinkers that mind does not conclude laws save through a number of principles, one of which is the principle of causality. Thus, scientific experiment shows that phenomena are related to each other as the causesare related to the effects. This is explained through the principle of causality by which it is possible to derive conclusions of the general laws that rule the relationships between correlated phenomena , As a result of the causal theory, many philosophical and scientific concepts that are strongly related to the principle of causality emerged. Such concepts were that of necessity, inevitability and indeterminism which in its turn led to the emergence of many philosophical doctrines and scientific movements that contributed greatly to the scientific and epistemic sphere through the theories and problematic questions they posed and probed.
This approach discusses one of the most important ideas which has been brought to us from the ancientIraqian civilization which has been called the (special God). Who is the special God? How (special God) was born? What is his work? And can he c hange the destiny of people who belong to him? The thinking about being has been interested by man along ages, and that will stay as man stay and as his mind thinks about the existence. Man has tried along Ages to find rest and peace, but the ancient Iraqian civilization hascreated a(special God) who works to give the Iraqian people peace and rest by finding a kind of harmony between the human world and God world. And according to that, man must obey the (special God) and offer him sacrifices. This topic will form the main ideas which will be discussed to takea further step in knowing the ancient Iraqian civilization.
We study the problem of Event Causality Identification (ECI) to detect causal relation between event mention pairs in text. Although deep learning models have recently shown state-of-the-art performance for ECI, they are limited to the intra-sentence setting where event mention pairs are presented in the same sentences. This work addresses this issue by developing a novel deep learning model for document-level ECI (DECI) to accept inter-sentence event mention pairs. As such, we propose a graph-based model that constructs interaction graphs to capture relevant connections between important objects for DECI in input documents. Such interaction graphs are then consumed by graph convolutional networks to learn document context-augmented representations for causality prediction between events. Various information sources are introduced to enrich the interaction graphs for DECI, featuring discourse, syntax, and semantic information. Our extensive experiments show that the proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance on two benchmark datasets.
Several principles are taken into account in the preparation of the general budget, some of them is to respect the organization of the general budget so as to ensure the right of the people and their representatives to be aware of it and monitor it s implementation in an easy way, and also to respect the time duration, the general budget needs to be prepared. The respect for these principles allow giving the legislative authority a greater control of the executive authority activity in the finance field. It also reflects the desire to give the resolution and the clarity to the document of general budget in order to reflect clearly the financial situation of the state. With the development of the concept of the state, its role, and the general budget, many countries have begun to abandon the commitment to these principles. Actually, this was not to give up entirely but it was limited in most cases to adopt a more flexible application of the principles referred to. Thus, the implementation of these principles and the adherence to them has become the subject of a significant difference between the public finance scholars. Therefore , some bodies criticize it, and others defend it, and present their arguments. The most important principles are: the principle of inclusiveness and unity. The principle of unity aims at preparing one document for the state budget, and represent its external frame. The principle of inclusiveness aims at filling this frame through a detailed registry of each estimation of the expenses and revenues without the offset between them, and therefore, it represents the internal content of the principle of unity. We chose this topic because of the close link between them and the importance of observance, as well as most countries commit to them. The study aimed at defining these principles, their justifications, and discussing the link between them, criticism, the exceptions, as well as the fundamental differences between them, and the research results.
Development of automatic translation between signed and spoken languages has lagged behind the development of automatic translation between spoken languages, but it is a common misperception that extending machine translation techniques to include si gned languages should be a straightforward process. A contributing factor is the lack of an acceptable method for displaying sign language apart from interpreters on video. This position paper examines the challenges of displaying a signed language as a target in automatic translation, analyses the underlying causes and suggests strategies to develop display technologies that are acceptable to sign language communities.
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