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Effect of γ Irradiation on the Odontogenesis of Mouse Embryos

تأثير التشعيع بأشعة غاما في تكوين الأسنان بجنين الفأر

1060   0   46   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2001
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Mice embryos were irradiated in utero by gamma rays (٠،٢،٤،٦ Gy) at ١٠،١٢،١٤،١٦،١٨ days of gestation. Histological study was carried out on the first premandibular molar after ٢،٤،٦،٨ days of irradiation, to investigate the effect of irradiation on different stages of molar development.

References used
Baba T., Terashima T., Oida S., Sasakis. (١٩٩٦)-Determination of enamel protein synthesized by recombined mouse molar tooth germs in organ cultlre. Arch. Oral Biol., ٤١(٢) ٢١٥-٢١٩
Baskar R. Uma Devi P. (١٩٩٣)-Effect of prenatal Gamma irradiation on the different gestation days on mouse. Bulliten Radiat. Protection. ١٦ (١ - ٢) ١٣٢-١٣٤
Bernhard E.J., Maity A., Muschel R.J. (١٩٩٥)-Effects of ionizing radiation on cell cycle progression . Radial Environ Biophys. ٣٤, ٧٩-٨٣
rate research

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This study involved the irradiation of mouse embryos at different stages of pregnancy, using dose of ٤ Gy γ-radiation, at ١٠, ١٢, ١٤ and ١٦ days of pregnancy. Pregnant mice were killed after ٢, ٤ and ٦ days post irradiation. Embryo’s heads were is olated and serial cross sections were made to investigate the effect of irradiation on the different components of the eye at different periods of eye organogenesis. It was proved from this study that irradiation causes microphtalmia and decrease in the growth of lens, retina and corneal stroma, as well severe disruption in its development and disfigurement in its hitogenesis. These defects have shown great differences in their severity according to the age of embryos at exposure and the number of days post irradiation.
Orange fruits are characterized at harvesting with physical and sensory properties determine consumer acceptance and in order to identify these characteristics and vulnerability storage and irradiation conditions, Valancia orange fruits were subje cted to gamma irradiation at doses of 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 kGy using gamma 60Co irradiator facility. Fruits were kept in a refrigerator for 18 weeks. Results indicated that physical and sensory properties of Valencia orange fruits were affected by storage time and irradiation. The overall color differences were increased and the firmness of fruits and skin were decreased. The used doses of gamma irradiation increased the overall color differences of fruit skin. Whereas the fruit firmness, and the sensory properties (aroma, color, test and firmness) of irradiated Valencia orange fruits were decreased.
Pregnant mothers were irradiated by a single dose of gamma rays (٠،٢،٤،٦ Gy, Cobalt ٦٠) in the days ١٠،١٢،١٤،١٦،١٨ of pregnancy. The heads of the embryos’, and those of the neonates were taken at consecutive intervals of irradiation, starting from ١٦ days of pregnancy till ٣rd day after delivery. The effect of irradiation was investigated in the development of the ٢nd and ٣rd lower molars on serial tissue sections, within consecutive periods of their organogenesis. Irradiation led to growth-deficiency in the ٢nd & ٣rd molars, and caused delay in their development. This was observed in various degrees depending on the dose, time of irradiation, and time after irradiation.
Increasing intramuscular doses of Methotrexate (25 mg / kg, 50 mg / kg, 100 mg / kg, 150 mg/ kg, 200 mg / kg, 250 mg / kg, 300 mg / kg) were tested on Swiss strain Mouse by intramuscular injection. The reproductive potency was evaluated by total s perm count and movement of the left testis and it's epididymis (15) days after injection. The weights of the latter of all tested animals were registered. The result indicate that Methotrexate, a Folate antagonist, is a negative factor for sperm production in a dose related manner. It was evident that the high doses (ex. Dose 200 mg / kg) lead to oligospermia. It was concluded that Methotrexate inhibits the reproductive potency during spermatogenesis and causes cytotoxicity in high doses. Further investigations are needed.
The aim of this research was to assess the physical, chemical، microbiological and sensory characteristics of new made Qamar Al– stored for six months and determine the effect of gamma rays on those characteristics. Samples of Qamar Al–Din were su bjected to sulfur fumigation and other samples were left without sulfur fumigation and all samples were exposed to four radiation doses (0, 1, 2 and 3 kilo Gray) and stored for 6 months at room temperature (20° C). Results showed significant differences between sulfated and non-sulfated samples in terms of pH, relative humidity, ash, total sugar، viscosity, potassium, sodium, sulfur vitamin C and it was observed lower microbial load. Results also showed that amount of vitamin C and viscosity was significantly the highest in sulfated samples irradiated with 2 and 3 kilo Gray and irradiation with a dose of 2 kilo Gray eliminated sufficiently the microbial load. It was concluded that running this study is helpful to shed the light on the importance of such these treatments especially that this traditional product concerns large number of consumers and is exported to different countries in the world.
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