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The Description Scene of Camels and Desert in Muslim bn Alwaleed’s Poetry (208H)

وصف مشهد النوق و الصحراء في شعر مسلم بن الوليد ( - 802 ه )

1209   0   65   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research is a study of the poetic texts which describe the camels and desert with all its items and environment (place and time). The purpose is asserting the combination of the poetic traditions and modernization of the poet’s culture and civilized age. So, I clarified the poet’s level of ornamentation according to ancient critics and a number of others contemporary.

References used
HADDARA. M, 1981-1401H- Arabic Poetry Diretions in the 2nd Hijra Century. Islamic Office, Damascus- Beirut
ALBAHBITI. N. M, History of Arabic Poetry until the end of 3rd Hijri Century, Dar Alfikr Publishing, Alkhanji Library, D.N, 4th ed
JOMA. H. 1980- Animal in the Jahili Age, Dar Dania Publishing, Damascus, Beirut, 1st ed
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This study aims at analyzing the poetic content of the poetry of an Omayyad poet who was born to a wealthy family which was so close to the Court. The objective of the study is to shed light on one of the most salient features of literary creativity and literary masterpieces-whether poetic or prose- which is the human essence that stimulates human creativity and the doublet of this essence, that is the Other. This study attempts to identify the most prominent subjective features in the poetry of Omar as a famous poet who became a phenomenon in the field of poetic and literary creativity through mastering flirtation poets and poetry in his era. It should be mentioned that the image of the Other in Omar’s poetry examined in this study is the image of woman which considerably resembles that image presented in the work of the majority of other poets. However, this same image varies in Omar’s poetry. Woman is represented as the chaste, beloved, and the rebellious.
Description is one of the most important elements of poems and poetry, because of its presence in all poetic purposes. It depicts the reality of Arab poetry and is not limited to drawing shapes, but it accounts for their existence. It is measured by the standards of beauty and precision, and the ability to suggest, depict and search in imagination. Poet kings and leaders are abundant in giving consecutive images of the description subjects. Those images, or depictions, are taken from the environment, so they described manifestations of nature and the universe around them. Therefore, the description came as a manifestation of their passion for the homeland, and pride in the beautiful nature. It also came as an embracing of the joys of life, and as a depiction of their feelings and the harsh experience they have suffered inside the prison, including the features, the feelings and attitudes worthy of attention. This study investigates the poems of kings and leaders which were descriptive. Some of them are elongated descriptions where they composed long descriptive poems, such as those on the manifestations of silent nature, a subject endearing to them. It was so because this subject motivated them to spontaneously and fluently compose poems on the bright nature of Andalusia, and the tender personality of the Andalusian which was eager to the manifestations of beauty. On the other hand, there was another kind of description, which was swift and suggestive. On a different scale, we will portray in detail their experience in the darkness of the prison. We will follow the features of the general image of the prison, through our treatment of partial images drawn by each individual poet in different positions.
This study has tackles the sixth and seventh century poetry describing baths which were widely spread in the Islamic world cities and attended by the lower and upper classes in societies. It also tackles the issue of whether attending these places is permissible or not from a religious point of view. The study is comprised of : an introduction, a preface, and six themes: the structure of baths, tools used in baths, bathing specialist, baths' visitors, praising and satiring the baths themselves. As far as I know, this is a pioneering study in this area as I did not find an independent study on this phenomenon in that particular period of time.
The thesis tends to study of (Blindness factor in the poetry of Bashar Bin Bord), in an effort to rehabilitation of the poetic phenomenon which was tarnished through much of the social and historical details, and this means that the thesis won't be seeking for collecting the information spread in the books and references about Bashar, unless that shed light on the information intended to be focused, which is the deformity factor (blindness) in the poetry of Bashar groping the diction methods that he followed to convey his are, and reveal the locution and artistic phenomena inn his poetry. Further, the thesis raises a bunch of questions, even though it won't be able to answer all of them, as this requires a bigger space not available in this small research, and needs a bigger devotion and effort. Out of these questions: what is the difference between the born blind, blind and night- blind? what is the proper wording to express the deformity of Bashar? And the more important question: how could the blind, Bashar, depict a world that he had never seen, whereas his eye, i.e., his photographing camera? Then, what are the other senses that he developed and depended on as alternatives to depict the outside world? What is the nature of the sensational depiction in his verse? Then, what is the scope of reflection and effect of blindness on his character, poetry and some of his subjects?
This study shows Lubaid s vision – as a poet – for time and place . It talks about Lubaid s point of view for these two words. Though , we all agree that time and place have an argumentative effect in the whole poetry in all ages . So , if we have an analytic view apart of the historical approach which contributes Lubaid just as a poet but not a genius .
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