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Realization and Design of Laboratory prototype system for direct current power transmission

تصميم و تنفيذ نموذج مخبري لنقل الطاقة الكهربائية بالتيار المستمر

1110   0   119   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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High Voltage Direct Current systems have been used for transporting electrical energy for very long distances, at high voltages (100- 1000 kv). On utilize thyristorized or transistorized power converters, one converter is working as rectifier at sending side, and the other is working as inverter at receiving side. Back to Back Converters are used also where the rectifier and inverter are at the same station, transmission line has hundreds of meters as long. In our model we used non controlled three phase rectifier as sending station and controlled three phase bridge as receiving station (Graitze).

References used
(Dr.ZanalSLAM, Power Electronics and Devices, (Version3
Muhammad H.Rashid, Power Electronics Hand BOOK, Academic Press
Abraham I. Pressman, Switching Power Supply Design , waban, Massachusetts
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The paper begins with an introduction that describes the concept and importance of power system security. The mathematical model is built depending on both the linear load flow technique and the sensitivity factors for line and generation outages. The algorithm has been designed so that a power system of arbitrary bus number and voltage levels can be studied. This algorithm has been programmed in Borland Pascal in interactive mode, and the developed program has been tested on several test systems. The Program has been used for security assessment of a part of the Syrian 230 kV network. The obtained results have shown the validity and effectiveness of the program in spite of using linear models. It is worth saying that the developed program is the first one for security assessment in Syria so far.
This research is a study of a new control method of switching non-isolated dc-dc boost converters used in Photovoltaic systems. This method is called Sliding Mode Control (SMC), which is considered as an alternative to other methods, to keep a sta ble and constant output voltage by changing the input voltage and load current. The analyzing method of the switching nonisolated dc-dc boost converters using SMC shows the same complexity of Clasic circuits, but it gives an increasing potential and a high-dynamic response to ensure a constant output voltage reaches to 40volt by changing the input voltage in the range (16-21volt) and the load (8-13Ω). Methods to measure the accuracy, error, and efficiency of maximum power point trackers (MPPT) have been identified and presented in a schematic way, together with definitions of terms and calculations.
The Research Aims: Syrian organizations keep large amounts of information and data about their personnel in their IT systems. This information, however, is often left unutilized or may be analyzed through statistical methods. In this study, DM is considered a solution for analyzing HR data and explore knowledge from data stored in some Syrian organization through two major stages: Stage A: Using results of Semi-Annual performance evaluation process to build prototype showed in (Fig. 6) to accomplish two tasks: 1. Building a models to predict appropriate job function for an employee through majority principle and using high accuracy result to increase the number of training data and make it self-learning model. 2. Choose most important attributes that used in classify methods to use it in personnel selection and recruitment. Stage B: Using data of Time & Attendance to analysis personnel activity through clustering methods and building many meaningful groups.
This paper presents a three phase shunt Active Power Filter (APF) for power quality improvements in terms of harmonics compensation. The compensation process is based on measure non-liner load currents and Active Filter currents, and then extract t he references from measured currents. Measured currents are then transferred from abc frame to d-q reference frame. A Synchronous Proportional Integral controller (Synchronous PI controller) is used. The control signals then drive the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) routine, where its output controls the Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) switching devices. The performance of the Active Filter and the Synchronous PI controller is validated though the simulink results in MATLAB environment.
The DC sources like fuel cells, solar cells, storage units need to raise its output voltage in order to match load requirements. So often these systems are equipped with Power Electronics techniques in general and DC-DC booster converters in partic ular. The paper provides the mathematical model and algorithm for designing the booster converter with selected values in order to define the values of the most important parameters of its components including inductor parameters. Based on the developed algorithm, a simulation of the system is conducted in MATLAB / Simulink environment to analyze the impact of changing the inductor inductance on booster performance. Also the paper includes the mathematical model and algorithm for designing the booster inductor in terms of material, conductor type and shape of core and number of windings. Based on the design results, the inductor has been implemented completely in the laboratory. The inductance of the implemented inductor has been measured using a number of measuring methods to make sure of its value and match it with the theoretical values of design. Finally, the developed algorithm has been translated into a program in an environment Matlab / GUI , with which several computer tests have been performed.
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