تستخدم أنظمة النقل بالتيار المستمر عالي التوتر لنقل القدرة الكهربائية لمسافات طويلة،
عند توترات نقل مرتفعة ( 100 - 1000 كيلو–فولت). تستخدم لهذه الغاية مبدلات
الاستطاعة الثيرستورية و الترانزستورية، يعمل أحد المبدلات عند طرف الإرسال كمقوم،
و يعمل الآخر عند طرف الاستقبال كعاكس. كما تستخدم المبدلات المضاعفة بحيث
يكون المقوم و العاكس في نفس المحطة، و خط النقل عندئذ لا يتجاوز مئات الأمتار.
استخدم النموذج المنفذ في هذا البحث جسر تقويم ثلاثي الطور غير مقاد في جهة
الإرسال، و جسر ثلاثي الطور مقاد من جهة الاستقبال (جسر كريتز).
High Voltage Direct Current systems have been used for
transporting electrical energy for very long distances, at high
voltages (100- 1000 kv). On utilize thyristorized or transistorized
power converters, one converter is working as rectifier at sending
side, and the other is working as inverter at receiving side. Back to
Back Converters are used also where the rectifier and inverter are at
the same station, transmission line has hundreds of meters as long.
In our model we used non controlled three phase rectifier as
sending station and controlled three phase bridge as receiving
station (Graitze).
References used
(Dr.ZanalSLAM, Power Electronics and Devices, (Version3
Muhammad H.Rashid, Power Electronics Hand BOOK, Academic Press
Abraham I. Pressman, Switching Power Supply Design , waban, Massachusetts
The paper begins with an introduction that describes the concept and
importance of power system security. The mathematical model is built
depending on both the linear load flow technique and the sensitivity
factors for line and generation outages.
This research is a study of a new control method of switching non-isolated
dc-dc boost converters used in Photovoltaic systems. This method is called
Sliding Mode Control (SMC), which is considered as an alternative to other
methods, to keep a sta
The Research Aims:
Syrian organizations keep large amounts of information and data about their
personnel in their IT systems. This information, however, is often left unutilized or
may be analyzed through statistical methods. In this study, DM is
This paper presents a three phase shunt Active Power Filter (APF) for power quality
improvements in terms of harmonics compensation. The compensation process is based on
measure non-liner load currents and Active Filter currents, and then extract t
The DC sources like fuel cells, solar cells, storage units need to
raise its output voltage in order to match load requirements. So often these systems are equipped with Power Electronics
techniques in general and DC-DC booster converters in partic