إن استخدام أنظمة تحضير التربة الزراعية كالأسمدة العضوية تعد من أهم العمليات التي
تقوم بتحويل التربة و جعلها صالحة لاستقبال الوحدات التكاثرية للمحاصيل المراد زراعتها
و تأمين الظروف المناسبة لتغذية النبات فيما بعد , و زيادة إنتاجه كما و نوعا, مع
المحافظة على صفات و خصائص التربة الزراعية.
Methodsof soils cultivating and organic fertilizer are considered as
the most important operations that change the soil; and prepare it
to receive multiplications units of the crops that we want to plant
and to provide the suitable conditions for feeding the plant later,
and to increase the production and to improve the quality along
with keeping the various properties of the agriculture soil.
References used
ACSAD & GTZ,2009-A Pathway towards Sustainable Agriculture in Arab Countries, Conservation Agriculture Fact Sheet No.1. 260p
Alison F .E 1997-Soil Organic Matter and Its Role in Crop Produ. Elsevier, Newyork,227p
Brotse P.P.,2012- Kormofi bobi – Iviv :HBF , Ykraincki tekhnoloki . 144p
A research was conducted in the northern and western area of Homs province
using four methods of tillage namely; Surface Disk ploughing, Turning Ploughing,
Standard Disk Ploughing, and Chisel
Ploughing. The prepared soil resulted of this research was planted
with cumin) Cuminum cyminum L.).
A field experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of organic
fertilizers (mushroom substrate residues, poultry manure and city compost)
and mineral fertilizers (NPK) on some properties and productivity of a
calcareous soil using chard
Effect of organic and bio fertilizers (Azotobacter and phosphate solubilizing
bacteria) on production of potatoes and some soil properties was studied in
The experiment consisted of 4 treatments (control soil, soil+manure, soil+
The reasearch was carried out during 2009 – 2010 in Al – Hasaka – Amoda - to study
the effect of cattle manure at the rat of 30 ton / ha , and four organic green manure ( Lentil,
Vetch, Faba bean and Barely) on soil content of organic matter and so
This research was carried out through the 2012-2013 season on 10 years old, grafted on the rootstock B41,grapevines of Al-Hulwani cultivar. Three levels (10,20,40 t/ha) of organic fertilizers of cow, sheep plus and poultry were used, in addition to