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Modern International Changes and Their Impact on Sovereignty of States

المتغيّرات الدّولية المعاصرة و انعكاساتها على سيادة الدول

2308   6   40   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The research focuses on clarifying the relationship between the biggest international contemporary changes، which comes at its first place how cold war changed “Bipolar System” to “Unipolar System” which makes the USA at its top، then comes the globalization and its various dimensions and effects on states’ sovereignty considering it as one of the results of the new international system which aims to give the USA a dominancy on the world especially the Arab World. So the political globalization aims to remove the concept of national sovereignty and also to an unlimited world، in addition to the protection of humanitarian intervention signs and minorities rights as a justification tool، authorizing the intervention in the internal affairs of states and enforcing regional projects.

References used
ROSENAU J-1992- The United Nations In A Turbulent World. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Colorado, P88
أمين، جلال، 1998 العولمة. ط 1، دار الشروق، القاهرة، ص237.
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This paper explores the legal issues surrounding the co-operation with international tribunals, taking into consideration the fact that successful implementation of the international tribunals and the tribunals of international character rely solely upon the full co-operation of third states with these same tribunals. It is precisely because the work of these tribunals relates to other states, that the co-operation of those states with these tribunals is essential both in investigative procedures and to secure successful prosecutions. Due to the fact that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) is the first tribunal of international character in the Middle East, this paper will concentrate on the co-operation of third States with the STL and its judicial governance concerning third states. It will take into consideration how the international legal obligations that have constructed the posture of the STL have impacted upon its judicial relationship as regards third states co-operation. While the Agreement between the United Nations (UN) and Lebanon provides a solid framework for co-operation between the STL and Lebanon, the Security Council Resolution 1757 (2007) is silent as regards the duty of third states to assist the Tribunal. As a result, the STL will be confronted with a variety of obstacles and problems in obtaining co-operation of third states-including Syria- which may seriously impede the functioning and effectiveness of the STL as a whole and undermine its legal capacity. The importance of Syrian co-operation with the STL does not just bear upon the functioning and effectiveness of the legal capacity of the STL; but rather any failure on the part Syrian co-operation could also have serious consequences for Syria itself. Conditional or limited co-operation would benefit Syria in several ways. It would protect Syria from being placed under any threats of the UN issuing resolutions under Chapter VII of the UN Charter to oblige all states to co-operate with the STL. Such resolutions could impact negatively upon Syria as a whole. Any negative impact upon Syria as a result of its failure to co-operate with the STL could include the possibility of the UN imposing economic sanctions or even the threat of interventional force, although the latter may be unlikely but nevertheless may still exist as a possible, albeit extreme, course of action to force Syria to co-operate. The importance of Lebanon to co-operate with the STL is also beneficial for Lebanon. Firstly, Lebanese co-operation will achieve the objective of the STL which is to enable and facilitate the full extent of justice to run its course. This is not just for the benefit of the victims and their families, but also to address and deter the political assassinations and trans-boundary terrorism which has affected Lebanon. Therefore, this article attempts to address the co-operation issues related to the tribunals. As the STL is the first tribunal in the Middle East, it will be this tribunal which will be the subject of detailed study in this paper. This paper will then conclude whether Syria is within its legal remit to choose whether to co-operate with the STL or not or whether it retains the right, as set out in its own Constitution, to try any potential suspects under Syrian law and within the Syrian judicial system.
This research aims to know about international coin systems and how it affects on undeveloped countries. It will study the gold system in the mercantile and the role in steal the developed. The research studies the system in the period between 191 4-1945 after distracted the global and Breton woods and how it affects on the undeveloped countries, discovered many result and some suggesting to save the undeveloped countries.
This research tries to examine the concept of self within the framework of modern philosophy and contemporary philosophy, in an attempt to highlight the role of this concept in the formation of most of the philosophical doctrines from the Greek era to the contemporary philosophy, through modern philosophy. In this research, we will attempt to study the formation of this concept in the framework of modern and contemporary philosophy, to show the philosophers' interest in this concept and the extent to which the concept is linked to the clarify their own philosophy. Therefore, the research attempts to provide a follow-up reading of the concept of self in a comparative historical context, in which we demonstrate that this concept is still alive in contemporary philosophy, albeit with different names, such as reason, mind or feeling. We will conclude from this the importance of the concept of self in the philosophical context, which still occupies an important space in the thinking of modern and contemporary philosophers. Here we will try to ask several questions, including what is the dualism of the soul and body. How can the soul be a logical synthesis, an emanated mind, or a subjective feeling? In this research, we will try to answer these questions and other questions that will appear in the context of the research.
The West has achieved its civilization project within the homework of a second relationship between thought and reality. It has achieved an epistemological process with theological and metaphysical thought replacing it with secular thought and a ment al empirical approach based on observation and experiment. It is from their point that the West started building its renaissance where influence targeted the external world after its experience was so successful at the local level. Our societies and social levels have been influenced by the European modernization process in various ways. The variety of influence varied in accordance with the contradictions there societies are experiencing. The economic level which is the most self-expressing and which outliner its relations with its environment and external environments as well as with levels of failure and success has been influenced by the Western modernization process. However, it has not gone beyond the point of influenced to the point of being influencing or to the point of action, efficiency and independence or even to the point of developing a social and economic system that could imitate the estrangement with everything that may obstruct the establishment of a new kind of social contract that would move their societies from a deteriorating situation to a situation of recovery and achieve a civilization project.
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