يتناول هذا البحث دور المكان في توصيف حالة الرهاب التي تصيب المجتمع الذي
( تحكمه الماهية البيولوجية. يعزى هذا الرهاب، كما تقدمه مسرحية "دير المتعة" (1668)
للكاتبة مارغريت كافنديش، الى الخوف من إمكانية الوصول الى إنسجام بيولوجي داخلي.
بإشارتها الى مؤسسة دير الروم الكاثوليك، تنتقد مسرحية كافنديش مفهوم القطبية
البيولوجية كما و تقاوم إنشاء تسلسلات هرمية جديدة تعيد تكريس مفهومي التمكين و
الخضوع. و للوصول الى هذا الهدف، تشخص هذه المسرحية نوعا من الذهان الجماعي
الذي يتولد من تكريس وهمي للاختلافات البيولوجية العدائية و الذي يسبب إنكار كلا
الجنسين لوجود السايبورغ أو الثنائية الهجينة الدفينة في ماهيتيم. في هذا الشأن، يعالج
هذا البحث الثغرات الموجودة في الدراسات المتصلة بمسرحية "دير المتعة."
This article addresses the role of space in re-imagining a case of
essentialist society as collective gender paranoia of biological
reconciliation, as presented in Margaret Cavendish‟s The Convent of
Pleasure (1668). Using the institution of the Roman Catholic
convent, Cavendish‟s play interrogates biological polarity and
disavows establishing reversed gender hierarchies of empowerment
and subservience. To this effect, the play suggests a communal
psychosis, being delusively constructed by antagonistic biological
differences that generate both sexes‟ denial of cyborg or hybridized
dualism in their gender identification. In this regard, the presented
argument addresses several critical lacunae in the scholarship of The
Convent of Pleasure.
References used
Anderson, J.C., and Stephen D. Moore, eds. New Testament Masculinities. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2003. Print
Bernaerts, Lars, et al “Narratives Threads of Madness.” Style 43.3 (2009): 283-90. Print
Bon, Ottaviano. The Sultan’s Seraglio: An Intimate Portrait of Life at the Ottoman Court. Ed. Godfrey Goodwin. London: Saqi, 1996. Print
Nawal ElSaadawi’s writings invariably question the
emergent, social aspects of her time such as the three universal
taboos–sex,religion and politics.Zeina tackles such issues,and this
is something which gives the novel a universal essence.
This research is composed of two parts: The first is theoretical and separates the
saying from the subjectification idiom with its considerable presence in criticism
surrounding the immigration space. It also explains the marks and impressions whic
In this research two analytical methods were developed for the determination of Azelastin as raw material and in Nasal Spray formulation.
The first method was spectrophotometric while the other used the technic of HPLC The first method based on meas
The presence of place had a distinctive position in the stream of consciousness that
made it able to show and rise the humanbeing's problems precisely and frankly from many
different views. Probably. The most important problem is making the emotion
This research aims at handling the images of natural setting manifested in the Umayyad poetry , especially those reflected throughout the political and social changes of that era, leaving an obvious effect on the poet himself and subsequently on his