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The Role of the Online Advertising in The Stage of Collecting Information for Consumers Mobile Phone in The Syrian Coast

دور الإعلان عبر الإنترنت في مرحلة جمع المعلومات لمستهلكي الهاتف النقّال في السّاحل السّوري

1511   1   41   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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With the large development of connection and information technology and spreading the internet in large way all over the world. Business organizations turned the using it in promotion for businesses and products. So the online advertising was one of the important factors for electronic promotion, which these organization used them for what it produced from characteristics and advantages and specially its ability for saving huge amount of information, which consumers need and search for. So the online advertising became and specially in Syrian important device. Which consumer use for getting on the information which he wishes. About the products that advertise about by these organizations. this research aims to knowing the role which the online advertising plays in the stage of collecting information that correlated in purchase process for consumers of mobile phone in the Syrian coast. through survey study group of consumers for the mobile phone in the Syrian cost in which 185 questioner where distributed. And from the results which the researcher came to that high fast is not available in the internet, which can help the consumer in watching the online advertising continuously. in addition to that online advertising enable the consumer from getting a lot of information about the product, which he search about as qualities of this product, its places and its prices. Also it enable consumer from comparing between different brands. The research advises by working on developing the internet and increasing its fast. So that the consumer can watch the internet and get the information in addition to working designing the online advertising in a way which a attracts the consumer and makes him watch this advertising.

References used
AWAIS, MUHHAMMAD; SAMIN, TANZILA; BILAL, MUMAMMAD. Valuable internet advertising and consumer satisfaction cycle, International journal of computer science issues, 2012,Vol.9. 375-380
DAS, NILIMA. A study on factors affecting consumer purchase decision of water purifier. International journal of management & business studies. 2013. Vol.3. 58-61
ERIKSEN, KIM; HEMMINGSEN, CLAUS. Online marketing new models of advertising. This paper serve master’s thesis on the cand. Merc. Ibe. Education Alborg university. 2007
rate research

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With the great development of communication and information technology, and the net spread extensively all over the world. Works’ organizations went towards electronic work environment, and we notice that Syria is trying to keep up with this developm ent and entering electronic work environment by using works’ organizations this environment in spreading their works and products, and of spreading elements which has been used by these organizations was the online advertising. But the effect of this advertising differs by differing of culture of each country and consumers who see this advertising, for what the cultural factors have of great effect on the consumer’s behaviour generally. So this research aims to study the effect of these cultural factors on the consumer’s behaviour towards online advertising and his acceptance the modern technology buy survey study to a group of consumers in the Syrian coast in which they distributed 209 questionnaires. One of the most important results which has been achieved is that the online advertising doesn't agree with value and habits which consumer have, also consumers prefer watching online advertising with the language which they speak with.
The study aimed to identify the relationship between the technical, human, and regulatory abilities, and the adoption of decision support system in the Syrian Coast Banks. The researcher used the comprehensive inventory of all the banks in the Syri an Coast style, and relied on a questionnaire for data collection, where she distributed (118) to identify a sample of workers in the studied banks. The study concluded that the technical, human and regulatory abilities, have a role on the adoption of decision support system in the Syrian Coast Banks, and the most important result was that the banks own human capital is able to adopt a decision support systems. Then some of the recommendations show up for successful adoption of decision support systems and most important are: increased interest in available regulatory abilities through the necessity of a separate unit for decision support systems directly linked to the senior management at the banks in the Syrian Coast, and let the organizational structure to flow the information easily between different departments, greater attention to human abilities available to use the decision support systems like: provision of specialized training programs for workers to use decision support system software.
This study aimed to analyze the role of a statement and marketing information systems in the production of efficient and effective marketing information necessary to meet the administrative needs of the rationalization of administrative decisions i n agricultural facilities in the Syrian coast. To achieve the objectives of the study and answer its questions, we relied on data relevant to the literature and previous relevant studies related to the collection, and the operational framework we have adopted in the preparation of a questionnaire designed for this purpose, and the researcher to conduct the necessary analysis and test hypotheses, and arrive at a set of findings and recommendations:  The existence of some aspects of the decline in the development of effective evidence to identify ways to prove and information processing, which requires management attention to providing the necessary ingredients for the operation of the marketing information system efficiently and effectively.  Low effective use of marketing information systems in the planning and translate the goals and policy-making facilities, which calls for the need for attention to providing the necessary planning and control of information and decision-making governance.  decline in conducting the necessary analysis of the components of the surrounding environment, which affects the quality of decisions taken, and it requires attention to factors surrounding the facility in the preparation and development of marketing information systems, so as to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of these systems.  The study showed that there is limited attention by agricultural enterprises for the construction of marketing information systems.
This study aims to identify the role of advertising in image building of insurance corporations, by studying the effect of advertised message and advertising medium on corporate image held in clients' mind. A questionnaire was administered on a rando m sample of clients of insurance companies 400 forms of the questionnaire were distributed but only 370 of them were valid. Results indicate that advertised message and advertising medium affect corporate image however, the effect is low, The corporate image formed by advertising was unclear due to lack of insurance companies' interest in advertising to form corporate image in clients' mind, this isin addition to factors represented in other elements of promotional mix which have more influence and contribute in building corporate image.
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